
Facebook like not working for Unauthorized Users.

I ma implementing a facebook like function for my site using FBML.If click like as facebook authorized its working fine .But Whenever i click as unauthorized it pops up for the login and successfully logs in.But it doesnt perform the like operation. I have to click it again to like it.I would appreciate any help. ...

How to list facebook users who like a page or interest

I wanna get a list of facebook users who like a page or interest. FQL like 'SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id=113970468613229' does not work. Is there a way to do this? ...

How to use like operator in SQL?

I want to select from C_Table where Name='John' and use like operator for example select Name from C_Table where Name='John' AND where Details like %Boy% How to do this? Please help me... (Table name is C_Table) ----------------------------------------------- Name | P_No | C_No | Details | ---------------------------...

How can I make a Facebook 'like' button for an iframe Appication?

I'm trying to make a like button for my iframe facebook app. With an FBML application, clicking the like button would put "Pete likes AppName (Application)." on your wall. For my iframe app I'm using the following FBML: <fb:like href=""&gt;&lt;/fb:like&gt; However Facebook changes the hyperlink to t...

What is an efficient way to do pattern match in MySQL?

We have a huge pattern match in a query (about 12 strings to check). Now I have to do this query in MySQL, but it seems that the query from PostgreSQL has not the same syntax. From PostgreSQL: SELECT value FROM ... WHERE ... AND `value` !~* '.*(text|text2|text3|text4|text5).*'; How do I do this in MySQL in a efficient way? ...

How to do a SELECT LIKE with PDO Prepare Statement - are value objects of any use here ?

The point is to make a query that will grab values introduced by the user on a input box, and retrieve the database records found trough that keyword comparison. On a innodb engine, so no MATCH AGAINST available correct ? I will use LIKE on a indexed column table, hope it's ok. traditionally we will do: SELECT our_column FROM our_db_t...

MySQL LIKE wildcard for table

Hi, I have a PHP document which will execute some MySQL and echo it back. Code: $query1 = "SELECT * FROM feed, recipients WHERE feed.title LIKE \"%recipients.suburb%"\ ORDER BY pubDate DESC"; recipients.suburb (table.column) is in my MySQL DB. How can I perform wildcards on this? This works, but I cant do it to tables? $query1 = "SE...

Facebook 'Like' button breaks https/SSL

On an e-commerce website I maintain, I added a Facebook 'Like' button per the instructions here: I am using the iframe method: <iframe src=";amp;layout=standard&amp;amp;show_faces=true...

Mysql: Order by like?

assume that we are performing search using keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 there are records in database with column "name": 1: John Doe 2: Samuel Doe 3: John Smith 4: Anna Smith now Query: SELECT * FROM users WHERE (name LIKE "%John%" OR name LIKE "%Doe%") it will select records: 1,2,3 (in this order) but i want to order ...

MYSQL - Multiple Select and LIKE Method

What i want is: Get posts with date greater then 2010-03-02 and with the meta_value 'something' + like '2010-' because there are other values like 239048192304 or 293811743 $query = "SELECT DISTINCT wp_postmeta.meta_key, wp_postmeta.meta_value, wp_posts.ID, wp_posts.guid, wp_postmeta.post_id, wp_posts.post_title FROM wp_postmeta INNER ...

How to execute an ObjectQuery<T>

Linq to Entities uses the ObjectQuery which implements IQueryable. I normally use the IQueryable methods to filter through my data but today I needed to create a special LIKE statement. The framework keeps thinking its smart and "escaping" my wildcard "%" with the tilde which rendered my special LIKE statement null and void. So after dig...

SQL server 2008 - storing and searching URL (web address)

I'm facing a decision on how to store URL (bookmark) in a table. I have following requirements: Customer must be able to search the title of a bookmark. I decided to use a FTS with ranking option for this requirement Customer must be able to search an address Here is where I have doubts on how to store URL. First of all, UR...

SQL Statement using LIKE

I want to know in a column named NUMTSO if there exists data with this format "WO#############", so what I'm doing is this: select * from fx1rah00 where numtso like 'WO[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' but I get nothing. What am I doing wrong? ...

Find where and which word matched sql LIKE statement

I am using a very long like query to detect offensive words within my users usernames. I have made a moderator page where the moderator can click a button next to the detected username and it will replace the offending word with *'s. The problem is how can I easily detect which offensive word and where to replace? I guess I would need...

Case and accent insensitive 'like' comparison oracle without altering session on oracle

Hi all I need to be able to do 'like' queries across several languages, so that a umlaut, a and A are treated the same and so on. I'm on 10gr2 of oracle and I can't alter the session. I've been trying things like nls_upper(col_name,'NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI') like nls_upper('%fur%','NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI') but I'm not having any joy. Whatever...

Buliding up a coldfusion query problem with like

I am trying to build a dynamic sql statement with this line <cfset SQL = "SELECT url, MONTH(event_date) AS months, YEAR(event_date) AS year, event_date, title from events where title LIKE '%#form.event_name#%' "> <cfquery name="results" > #SQL# </cfquery> Seems there is a problem with the like clause. Any ideas? Do I need to escape t...

How to use a LIKE query with CodeIgniter?

I want to run a query like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE field LIKE '%search_term%' In CI you can bind parameters to queries, if you used field=? but this does not work for field LIKE "%?%". From debugging output it seems the query used is field LIKE "%'search'%". Is there an alternative way to do searching in CodeIgniter? ...

doctrine2 dql, use setParameter with % wildcard when doing a like comparison

I want to use the parameter place holder - e.g. ?1 - with the % wild cards. that is, something like: " LIKE %?1%" (though this throws an error). The docs have the following two examples: 1. // Example - $qb->expr()->like('u.firstname', $qb->expr()->literal('Gui%')) public function like($x, $y); // Returns Expr\Comparison instance ...

Facebook Logout from app without session (user app authorization)

Hi, I've been banging my head against a wall with this one for way too long now. I have a page outside facebook, with a like-button. Because it should be on a public computer, we also need a visible logout-button. When "like" is clicked, the user is prompted for login credentials. If those are ok, the like-event goes through ok. The us...

How to like two columns in one SQL statement

Table A Column aa ----- jack jim alan Table B Column bb ----- jacky jimmy william output is: ----- jack jacky jim jimmy because aa's value is bb's substring. How to write this SQL? ...