
Notepad++ Delete Lines with Find & Replace

Does anyone know how to delete a line using Find & Replace in Notepad++ ? In my Find query it finds the proper lines okay: ^.pPrev.$ In the Replace field, I leave it blank thinking the line should deleted (i.e. replaced with nothing), but the newline and endline characters remain. ...

How to draw a gradient line (fading in/out) with Core Graphics/iPhone ?

I know how to draw a simple line: CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); CGContextMoveToPoint(context, x, y); CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, x2, y2); CGContextStrokePath(context); And I know how to do a gradient rectangle, i.g.: CGColorSpaceRef myColorspace=CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); size_t num_locations = 2; ...

Find a tangent point on circle?

Given a line with first end point P(x1,y1) another end point is unknown, intersect with a circle that located at origin with radius R at only one point(tangent) T(x2,y2). Anyone know how to get the point T? Thanks in advance! ...

How can I tell what line a file resource is currently "on" in PHP?

Using PHP, it's possible to read off the contents of a file using fopen and fgets. Each time fgets is called, it returns the next line in the file. How does fgets know what line to read? In other words, how does it know that it last read line 5, so it should return the contents of line 6 this time? Is there a way for me to access tha...

Detect if line segment intersects square

Anyone have a simple algorithm for this? No need for rotation or anything. Just finding if a line segment made from two points intersects a square ...

Remove line from big txtfile in Java

Hello, Does anybody know how to remove a line from a textfile. I'm looking for something else than u read and write line by line and skip the line you want te remove. For exemple: My File count 1346 lines and I want to remove line 520. Thanks, Martijn ...

Bresenham line algorithm (thickness).

Hello. I was wondering if anyone knew of any algorithm to draw a line with specific thickness, based on Bresenham's line algorithm or any similar. On a second thought, I've been wondering about for each setPixel(x,y) I'd just draw a circle, e.g.: filledCircle(x,y,thickness); for every x,y but that would of course be very slow. I also ...

Snap point to a line - Java

Hi, I have two gps coordinates which link together to make a line. I also have a gps point which is near to, but never exactly on, the line. My question is how do I find the nearest point along the line to the given point? Many thanks ...

Reading line by line

I have a program that generates a plain text file. The structure (layout) is always the same. Example: Text File: LinkLabel "Hello, this text will appear in a LinkLabel once it has been added to the form. This text may not always cover more than one line. But will always be surrounded by quotation marks." 240, 780 So, to explain wha...

cProfile and Python: Finding the specific line number that code spends most time on

Hi, I'm using cProfile, pstats and Gprof2dot to profile a rather long python script. The results tell me that the most time is spent calling a method in an object I've defined. However, what I would really like is to know exactly what line number within that function is eating up the time. Any idea's how to get this additional inform...

I want a html link and <form> element appearing in the same Line...

This is my html code: <img src=""&gt;&lt;a&gt; <br> <FONT SIZE=3 FACE="Arial"><br>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp <a href = "" <b>Home<a> | <a href = "" <b>Login</a> | <form method="get" action=

How do I fix line ending issues after migrating from SVN to git?

I just finished converting a Subversion repository to git using git svn clone--stdlayout --authors-file=ourcommitters.txt svn:// While doing so, I had the git flag 'core.autocrlf' set to 'true' - just in case that matters. After a long time, the command finished. I cleaned the resulting git repository a bit (del...

How to find the intersection point between a line and a rectangle?

I have a line that goes from points A to B; I have (x,y) of both points. I also have a rectangle that's centered at B and the width and height of the rectangle. I need to find the point in the line that intersects the rectangle. Is there a formula that gives me the (x,y) of that point? PS: I'm working with C# but a solution in a simila...

Clipping WPF elements in a canvas

I am working on an interactive WPF graph/tree tool and have nodes and links between them placed in a canvas. The nodes are usercontrols and the links are simply Line shapes, and currently the links go from the centre of a node to another node's centre. The problem arise when I want the nodes to be slightly transparent and one sees the l...

Connecting two WPF canvas elements by a line, without using anchors?

I have a canvas for diagramming, and want to join nodes in the diagram by directed lines (arrow ends). I tried the anchor approach, where lines only attach at specific points on the nodes but that did not work for me, it looked like crap. I simply want a line from the centre of each object to the other, and stop the line at the nodes' e...

AS3 - Tile image/movieclip along a line

If possible I would like to tile an image or MovieClip along a line using the standard moveTo() and lineTo() methods, The lines are directional so need to show something similar to >>>>>>>>>>>>>. The lines can be at any angle, so using drawRect() with beginBitmapFill() isn't an option. Also if possible I would like to have the lines anim...

Findbugs does not display source code line number

I am using Findbugs 1.3.9 and it displays the source file of the errors but does not identify the source line number. It just says something like "may fail to clean up java.sql.Statement in ", and of course clicking on the bug does not take me to the statement in the source file displayed in the right pane. I have made sure I am compil...

Line Segments from a point

I have a point p, and 2 line segments in a 2D plane. Point p is a location of view from where camera is looking towards the line segments. I want to check if line segment 1 is partially or fully hidden behind the line 2, when looking from the point P. ...

How to tell SQLexec not to wrap characters?

I'm using Oracle 11g. Also using the spool command to get the output of a query to a file. The problem is that sqlexec is wrapping the characters and making my life miserable. Now under normal circumstances this might be fine however the spool file is on average a 100,000 lines and more so because sqlexec keeps giving me line breaks .......

Editing legend name on an excel chart using C#

I want to edit the name of the legends given on my excel chart. Right now I have 5 Series on a chart and the legend displays the names "Series 1", "Series 2", "Series 3", "Series 4", "Series 5". I need to change them to "DS1", "DS2" etc. I am using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel for my program. Can someone please help me out? thanks in ...