
userspace to kernel space and sysfs and how to use sysfs to change one reservered value in igmpv3 pkt.

I have posted query previously and i am repeating same I want to modify igmpv3 (Linux) which is inbuilt in kernel2.6.-- such that it reads a value from a file and appropriately decides reserved(res 1) value inside the igmpv3 paket which is sent by a host. I want to add more to above question by saying that this is more a generic questio...

Setting exit status when creating core dump

For example calling exit(100) would exit the application with status 100, and calling raise(SIGABRT) aborts the application with status 134 while creating a core dump. But what if I want the core dump with status 100 or any other arbitrary value. How can I do that ? I know there are several signals that triggers a core dump, but they see...

Listing directories in Linux from C

I am trying to simulate linux command ls using linux api from c. Looking at the code it does make sense, but when I run it I get "stat error: No such file or directory". I have checked that opendir is working ok. I think the problem is in stat, which is returning -1 even though I think it should return 0. What am I missing? Thanks for...

Check which nodes of Beowulf HPC cluster system are free from PHP app?

I am working on my diploma thesis project. I have access to 32Node Dell poweredge HPC cluster system with Linux(Debian i think) installed on it. My first goal is to create web (PHP) app where logged users could see free and busy nodes, turn them on and off. I am planning to do something like this - write some cron daemon that would run e...

substitution of on local desktop computer

Here is VDS server with ip(for example with working apache service. And there is a desktop computer with linux on board(but really I presume there is no difference). I need to type on web browser address like and to see website situated at my server. My /etc/hosts: localhost 105.123.123....

Running a file as nonroot from a root bash script

Okay, I currently use an eggdrop IRC bot on my server. I want to make a bash script to start it up as well as a few other scripts at the same time. All that's left is to make it start, but it won't run as root. However, I also need to be in the current directory of the file to run it, or it displays an error. For example: /home/eggdrop...

Python Script to check website for a tag

Hello all. I'm trying to figure out how to go about writing a website monitoring script (cron job in the end) to open up a given URL, check to see if a tag exists, and if the tag does not exist, or doesn't contain the expected data, then to write some to a log file, or to send an e-mail. The tag would be something like or something re...

Method of programmatically getting CPU time for thread, in C, that works on both OpenSolaris and Linux

I have a small daemon that I'm writing in C and I need a way to get the current CPU time on a thread. Linux apparently supplies a number of ways to go about doing this, clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, ...), pthread_getcpuclockid(), getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, ...) but none of these seem to be supported under OpenSolaris 2009.06. Is ...

Problem Making C++ script

Hello all, I am not sure if I can post this sort of question (apologies in advance) but I am trying to build something from this blog post. # mkdir wkthumb # cat > wkthumb.cpp # qmake -project # qmake && make # ./wkthumb I have no experience with this, but I download all the files needed in the directory wkthumb using git. I have go...

Make Errors: Missing Includes in C++ Script?

Hello all, I just got help in how to compile this script a few mintues ago on SO but I have managed to get errors. I am only a beginner in C++ and have no idea what the below erros means or how to fix it. This is the script in question. I have read the comments from some users suggesting they changed the #include parts but it seems to ...

What is the problem with this code? How to solve it? (fork)

What is the problem with this code? How to solve it? Parent processes goto in if or child process? first code produce zombie process or second code or both or non ? #include <signal.h> #include <sys/wait.h> main() { for (;;) { if (!fork()) { exit(0); } sleep(1); } } what about this code : #include <signal.h> #...

determine if chipset is capable off packet injection and monitor mode

Hi, I am new to linux and I want to know if my chipset is capable off doing those things My chipset is a intel centrino advanced 6200-n on a sony vayo laptop running on windows 7. Now, I know that windows is only capable off listening, so I boot backtrack 4 from a usb stick. I also want to know if a live distribution can work flawle...

Installing sSMTP from SSH

I'm on a Web Hosting Buzz reseller account. They have some very stringent mail sending rules, including blocking of authenticated SMTP socket mail sending using PEAR. It was suggested in WHB forum that this was possible with sSMTP. I've since gotten SSH access and googled how to install sSMTP from SSH: rpm -Uvh

Why fork() before setsid()

Why fork() before setsid() to daemonize a process ? Basically, if I want to detach a process from its controlling terminal and make it a process group leader : I use setsid(). Doing this without forking before doesn't work. Why ? Thanks :) ...

Monitoring an audio line.

I need to monitor my audio line-in in linux, and in the event that audio is played, the sound must be recorded and saved to a file. Similiar to how motion monitors the video feed. Is it possible to do this with bash? something along the lines of: #!/bin/bash # audio device device=/dev/audio-line-in # below this threshold audio will n...

Display Directories with a Bold Font – How to enable? with .bash_profile?

Hello, I'm using a linux server that display directories in a bold font, and files in a normal font. e.g. $ ls produces afile.txt afolder anotherfile.txt anotherfolder I'd like to use this feature on some other servers. How can it be done? with the .bash_profile? If anyone has other ideas on how to differentiate folders f...

JBoss deployment throws ' error in opening zip file' on Linux?

I deployed a large EAR (contained more than ~1024 jars/wars) on JBoss running with Java 6 on Linux, and the deployment process cried throwing the following exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: error in opening zip file) at org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException.rethrowAsDeploymentException(DeploymentE...

How to convert dos/windows newline to unix newline in bash script?

I bash, how do I convert dos/windows newlines to unix? It must be non-interactive, not like starting vi and typing something in, but a command on the command line that can be put in a script file. The dos2unix and unix2dos commands are not available on the system. How do I do this with commands like sed/awk/tr? ...

Perl IO modules possibly causing issues in Net::DNS module

Hi! I’m porting some software that I wrote for a White Russian OpenWRT system to a new Kamikaze 8.09.1 OpenWRT system but I am having some serious issues that I’m hoping you can help me with. Old system Linux kernel 2.4.34 MIPSEL arch Perl 5.8.7 Net::DNS 0.48 IO 1.21 IO::Socket 1.28 IO::Socket::INET 1.28 New system Linux kernel 2.6.26...

Pushing mail from postfix to iPhone

Hi, Is there anything out there (pref. open source) to push email to the iPhone like Exchange does? Thanks, Jason ...