
WPF Binding a ListBox to an enum, displaying the Description Attribute.

Is it possible to use the ObjectDataProvider method to bind a ListBox to an enum, and style it somehow to display the Description attriibute? If so how would one go about doing this...? ...

How to remove html listbox border?

I am having a listbox and I want to remove its border. Can any one help? I thought of using clip in jquery? Anyone knows that?please help ...

Button inside a listboxitem ignoring clicks when its parent listboxitem is selected

I have a listbox whose listboxitem contains, among other things, a button, as follows: <DataTemplate x:Key="cDataTemplate" DataType="x:Type utils:cd"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Background="Transparent"> <Button Style="{StaticResource LIButton}" x:Name="CButton" Command="{x:Static this:EditorComman...

How to change datatemplate through code

I have ListBox and DataTemplate I need Set GroupBox Heigth = 300 How to do it? <DataTemplate x:Key="data_template"> <GroupBox Header="Категория" Width="300" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" x:Name="GroupBox"> <DockPanel Tag="{Binding id}"> <Button Click="Button_Click" DockPanel.Dock="Top" > <Button.Content> ...

How to move the scroll of a div on keydown of listbox contents

I am having a listbox with large contents. I have used a div outside the listbox (no fixed height and width set)with a fixed width and height sothat the div is having both horizontal and vertical scroll. The list box within the div does not have any scroll. The div will not scroll down when i use key down for the listbox inside it. I wan...

mulit select listbox in wpf

how i can select five items in the single click on the list box?? if i click any item, i just want to +2 and -2 from the selected index. so my single click need to select five items in the listview. Am using C#(WPF). ...

WPF Listbox with usercontrol as ItemTemplate DataTemplate Binding Issue

I have created a simple MVVM wpf project. The basic Idea is to display data about the annual Income of a customer and the loans he has with various Banks. The Model consists of 2 Classes , Financial and FinancialLoans. The ViewModel consists of 2 Classes FinancialVM and FinancialLoanVM Below are the VM Classes: namespace WpfTester.Vie...

two itemtemplates for one listbox

Hello everyone, I've got the problem with displaying wpf listbox items. I give abstract example. I hope it's going to be ok. I've got a class FruitViewModel - it describes viewmodels for listboxitems. And I've got class BananaViewModel : FruitViewModel and class AppleViewModel : FruitViewModel So, collection Fruits contains Bana...

Moving ListBoxItem Up/Down in WPF

I've created a listbox which contain filenames. I want to give user a option to move up and down file name using up/down button and using drag and drop. Anyone has an idea how to achieve this functionality. XAML Code: <ListBox Grid.Column="0" Name="listBox1" AllowDrop="True" Drop="listBox1_Drop" /> <StackPanel Grid...

Setup listbox selectedItem event in Expression Blend

I am trying to learn to use Expression Blend to build SilverLight UI. I am currently working with the ListBox and have managed to add it to my page. In addition, the list box is data-bound to a sample data source defined in Blend. But I am unable to figure out how to wire up the selectedItem event in Blend. Is this not possible in Blend...

c# listBox DisplayMember

c# WinForms.Listbox. listBox1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; listBox1.DisplayMember = "Question"; listBox1.ValueMember = "idQuestion"; //for ValueMember showing... textBox2.Text = listBox1.SelectedValue.ToString(); //What I must use for DisplayMember showing? textbox3.Text = ?????????? ...

How to get OnSelectionChanged ListBoxItem background change when modifying the data at the same time using a ListBox control ?

Hi, I have a ListBox control with an ObservableCollection instance as the control's ItemsSource property. Everything works fine, but when I handle the control's OnSelectionChanged, my business logic modifies the collection's data and I no longer get the ListBoxItem background change you usually get when your ListBox selection changes....

web listbox problems when viewed on an ipad

Ipad converts listboxes to dropdowns. The problem is that when the list pops up, items longer than about 25 characters are truncated at 25. Is there anyway to force the popup to display the complete text? ...

How to add scrolling buttons to a data bound, horiztonal list

So I have a List, which contains items. Right now they are thumbnails of pictures. I wanted this list to be bound to a changing list in code behind, so I used a Listbox. However, I needed this box to flow horizontally. So it is styled as a StackPanel. Lastly, I want buttons to control the scrolling, not scrollbars. That's the part that d...

Wp7 Listbox Scrolling issue in PivotItem - Can't stay on very last item, fixed height does not help

I have a simple listbox with more items than fit on the screen. If you scroll to the last item it is shown but then drops back off the screen - I can't leave it in view. After an hour of Googling it seems to be a known issue in early versions of the Listbox but it still seems to be the case in the latest tools. There also seems to be a p...

WPF ListBox with ItemTemplate problem

I have a listbox and I am trying to Bind DataTable with it. I debug the Code and there is data in the DataTable but it does not show the data inside the DataList. <Window.Resources> <local:myCurrencyColor x:Key="CurrColor"></local:myCurrencyColor> </Window.Resources> <Grid Name="grid1"> <ListBox Margin="28,111,130,24" N...

Filter ListBox items based upon textbox from OnKeyUp?

I have a ListBox containing a large number of items, which are all account numbers and so hard to search through. Is it possible to have the items "filtered" as the user types into a textbox, so that only items that match what has been entered so far are displayed? e.g. List Box 2342 3434 2332 3224 User then enters 3 in t...

silverlight: Help with IEnumerable

Please i need help: i have a listbox binded to IEnumerable source Person is a class that contains the following properties: Name (string), isChecked(bool) i need to change the property "isChecked" for a specific person with the name "Bob" i'm not able to change the value of the property! please help ...

Update WPF ListBoxItem without ListBox.Items.Refresh()?

I have a DataTemplate that I use to display details from a class in a ListBox. The DataTemplate has an EventTrigger attached to the (item) Loaded event that uses a DoubleAnimation to fade each item into view as they are added to the ObservableCollection that is bound to the ListBox. It also has a DataTrigger that uses a DoubleAnimation ...

How to get Selected items in WPF CheckBox ListBox

Am Using the checkbox in listbox items, how to get the selected checkboxes from the list <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding NameList}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="16,68,0,12" Name="listBox1" Width="156" IsEnabled="True" SelectionMode="Multiple" Focusable="True" IsHitTestVisible="True" IsTextSearchEnabled="False" FontSize="12" Paddin...