
Creating same method in more than one aspx files.

I have a method which I have to use in two aspx pages. This method calls method in Data Access Layer. This method is 35 lines long. This method is not using any UI element. Structure of my project is like this. Solution MyProject - BaseWeb - CommonLib - DataAccessLayer My Data Access Layer is generated from LLBLGen Pro (an O/R map...

llblgen - Adding subtype record to existing hierarchical record

In llblgen's documentation the example used to describe a hierarchy is Employee - Manager - BoardMember. Assuming you had an existing Manager entity and you wanted to "promote" them to a BoardMember. How would you suggest adding the new BoardMember entity such that it extends an existing hierarchy of database records. The basic goal is...

How do predicate parameters work syntactically in C# ?

Some Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks (such as LLBLGen) allow you to specify "predicate" parameters to the query methods, such as (simplified a bit): var entities = adapter.FetchEntities(EntityType.Employee, EmployeeFields.Salary > 50000); How does that 2nd parameter work syntactically in C#? It kind of looks like a lam...

What's the best ORM for DDD?

I'd prefer a commercial solution. So not NHibernate. Now i'm playing with LLBLGen pro and i like it but it doesn't seem be DDD friendly. ...

LLBLGen Pro: How to evaluate an EntityField for a given String

I have an LLBLGen Pro project which has generated VB.Net 2.0 Self Servicing code. I have a function to return a list of custom structures based on a search using the generated code. I would like to supply a Dictionary of FieldNames and Values to this function and for each one add a new Predicate Expression to the search. How can I che...

LLBLGen "Flattening" Table Relations

I currently have two entities in LLBLGen and would like to merge them together to output to a table to be used in a DevExpress GridControl in the same way that 2 tables joined together with an inner join. Does anyone know how to do this with LLBLGen? ...

can't pass default comparer as IComparer<object>

I'm trying to call a "Sort" method that expects a parameter of type IComparer<object>, using the code: collection.Sort((IComparer<object>)Comparer<DateTime>.Default) It builds but at run time I get an InvalidCastException with the message: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer`1[System.DateTime]' t...

What is the proper way to check errors from a cascading save?

On creation of a user, a row must be inserted into both the User and Email table. It can fail in either of them(unique constraints). How can I find out which is the reason for failure? My thoughts have been using a lock and querying the database prior to the inserts or parsing the SqlException that comes back(which I'd prefer not to do)....

SQL query slow from .NET code, but not interactively

We are using an ORM that is executing a call from .NET to SQL Server's sp_executesql stored procedure. When the stored proc is called from .NET, we receive a timeout exception. Looking at Profiler, I can see that the query is indeed taking a long time to execute. The query is essentially: exec sp_executesql N'SELECT DISTINCT FROM [Ou...

Using LLBL as Model in MVC

I have settled on trying to use ASP.NET MVC but the first part I want to replace is the Model. I am using LLBL Pro for the model. I have a table called "Groups" that is a simple look up table. I want to take thhe results of the table and populate a list in MVC. Something that should be very simple... or so I thought.... I've tried...

llblgen: How do i filter?

Hello, Im having some problems with filtering data with LLBLGen. I have an EmployeeEntity where i want to fetch the data filtering by string CustomerNumber. CustomerNumber is not Primary Key. I guess i have to use the IPredicateExpression, but how? EDIT: Im using the Adapter Model. ...

How does LLBLGen Pro Stack up Against Nhibernate Performance Wise

I have search the internet high and low looking for any performance information for LLBLGen Pro. None found. Just wanted to know how does LLBLGen Pro perform compared the Nhibernate. Thanks ...

Linq to LLBLGen query problem

Hello, I've got a Stored Procedure and i'm trying to convert it to a Linq to LLBLGen query. The query in Linq to LLBGen works, but when I trace the query which is send to sql server it is far from perfect. This is the Stored Procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spDIGI_GetAllUmbracoProducts] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure...

row-level security in LLBLGenPro

Has anyone ever done row-level security in LLBLGenPro? If so, how? ...

Nested Select in LLBLGen

So, I have the following tables: Using LLBLGen 2.6 (Adapter Version - No Linq), SQL Server, and .NET 3.5, how would I write the following query? SELECT o.ObjectID FROM Object o INNER JOIN ObjectDetail d ON i.ObjectID = d.ObjectID WHERE d.CreatedDate = ( SELECT MAX(CreatedDate) FROM ObjectDetail ...

linq to sql or LLBL

Hi, I am starting big asp.net project but I could not decided LLbl or linq to sql. Can you help me? What is advantage or disadvantage of linq to sql and LLBL? Which one should I use? ...

ASP.NET ORM for High Scalable Websites

Which is the best option for High Scalable Websites or Enterprise Applications: LBLGen .NetTiers LinqToSQL NHybernate Repository Pattern (CodePlex) If any other available let me know. ...

How to use a resolver for collections in AutoMapper?

I want to map some of my domain objects back to ORM (LLBLGen) entities, for this I'm using AutoMapper. The domain objects contain collections, and the AutoMapper documentation states that we don't have to worry about them, just about the types they contain. This isn't always the case... When trying to map to the collections I'm getting ...

LLBLGenProDataSource : cannot see updates values of newly inserted item from a FormView

After performing a FormView.InsertItem, I am unable to read the new values from the bound object within the LLBLGenProDataSource that the FormView is bound to. I have tracing turned on, I can see the insert happen, and the data does make it into the database, yet when I examine the contents of LLBLGenProDataSource.EntityCollection(0)...

LLBL Gen Predicate Filter

I am new to LLBLGen Pro and am checking for duplicate, I have the following SQL: SQL: select a.TopicId,atc.TopicCategoryId,a.Headline from article a inner join ArticleTopicCategory atc on atc.ArticleId = a.Id where a.TopicId = 'C0064FAE-093B-466E-8745-230534867D2F' and a.Headline = 'Test' and atc.TopicCategoryId in ('004D64F7-474C-48F9...