
how can i load other js file not use to Adding variables one by one

this is my demo code : <body onload="initialize()"> <script> function initialize(){ var d='adddd' $.getScript('other.js', function() { a() }); } </script> </body> and this is the demo other.js : function a(){ alert(d) } then , you will be find a error : d is not defined so you have to do this : funct...

Sedna: Add XML file to document

I am running a simple Sedna database but have a small issue. I have multiple XML files that I want to add all to the same document. The files all follow the same schema. LOAD "1.xml" "mydoc"& LOAD "2.xml" "mydoc"& LOAD "3.xml" "mydoc" But I get the following error SEDNA Message: ERROR SE2001 Document with the same name already exists...

Jquery .load issue when dealing with Iframes?

I use successfully the following code to load asynchronously some content into a web page: jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery("#boxasync").load("box.php", "", function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { if(textStatus == 'error') { jQuery('#boxasync').html('There was an error mak...

Load balancing a website using different domains

We have a simple PHP site. It is getting hit quite a bit. We have 2 main parts. One is a drop down menu that is updated using AJAX when the user changes the text in the search box. Next, we have a set of results. We are trying to make it an "instant" search, so it updates as the user changes what is in the box. We are worried about load...

How long does a 500k line .net app take to load?

Suppose I have an application written in native C++ (over 500k lines of code) and I want to port it to .NET (C#). One thing I'm worried about is the JIT compiler. It takes my native code compiler over 30 seconds to compile. Does that mean that each time the user starts my C# app, it's going to take that long just to load it (since the JI...

Detect when an Applet is loaded

How can I detect whether a java-applet has been loaded successfully without polling the browser /using setTimout ? Is there any event that I can bind to? The problem is: there is a pop up asking the user whether he trusts the applet or not, and that takes a few seconds until the user clicks "Yes" ,meanwhile my code fails to execute be...

Delay page change on Submit - jQuery

Header $(document).ready(function() { $('#user_box').animate({width: "263px"}, "slow"); $('#submit').click(function(){ $('#user_box').animate({width: "0px"}, "slow"); }); }); Content <div id="user_box"> <form name="login_form" id="login_form" method="post" actio...

jquery "load" for path contain spaces - Need help !

I'm working now in a file manager to be used in my simple cms and I have a problem in jquery load function when it takes a path contain spaces . is there any way to overcome this problem ? <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> function get_content(){ $("#content").load("uploads/flashes/New folder/target...

Load remote JavaScript files via the address bar

Is it possible to load remote JavaScript files from the address bar? I have been trying to put this into the address bar: javascript:src='http://depot.com/file.js';funcname(); I'm not using this for bad things. I'm just testing my site, that's all. If you wanted to protect your site you must learn to attack it first, right? ...

After .load, div won't change height, but after second it will

Hi everyone! Let's get straight to the code: $(".btn-slide").live("click", function(e){ if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } else { e.returnValue = false; } //deo za dobavljanje odgovarajuce stranice link = $(this).attr("href"); if($('#post-content').hasClass("active")){ $("#post-content").slideT...

JQuery: Using the load() command

The website to see the error (click the home, models, etc links) : http://bit.ly/9AE2RI I am trying to get the #content-container of other pages to load into the current pages #content-container. I can do this but what the .load in JQuery seems to do is make it like so: <div id=content-container style="display:block"> <div id=con...

C++: Read from files?

Possible Duplicate: Reading through file using ifstream Hello. I'm a bit of a newbie to C++ so please be specific. I'm trying to find a way to read something from a file, put it into a string and then output it onto the screen. If you know how to do this can you give an example? Thanks. ...

JBoss and Apache Load Balancing

Hi there, I am trying to set up a JBoss Cluster with Apache Load Balancing. Basically I have followed the guide from here. No problem faced. The only issue I have would be, how do I access my own application? From the guide, it didnt mention how do I mount my own application. Here's my environment setup: Windows XP JBoss AS 5.0 Apac...

Jquery ajax load problem

Why doesnt this work? $('#websitedesign').load('test.html', function() { alert('Load was performed.'); }); Jquery version using: 1.3.1 min html code: <body> <div id="top"> <div class="wrapper"> <a href="http://www.bmvisuals.nl/" id="logoh1">BMvisuals</h1></a> <div id="menu"> <a href="index.html"> <span id="mhome">Home<...

Implement Fail Whale Page IIS7

We are about to launch a website that might end up getting a lot of traction (or none). I wanted to get some feedback on the best approach to implement a Fail Whale type page should we get nuked and I need to bring up more servers etc. I was going to do a fail-over load balance to a static page that would show up in the case the main s...

XMLHttpRequest JS Image loading

Hi, I want to create a website which loads a image via XMLHttpRequest(). (XMLHttpRequest because I want to represent the user a % progressbar) My Code: var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.addEventListener("progress", onUpdateProgress, false); req.addEventListener("load", onTransferComplete, false); req.addEventListener("error"...

Is there a way to bind to the load() event of an image after changing it's src?

Hi all, I have an image <img id='my_img' src='img1.png'> and a button. Clicking the button does the following: $('#my_img').attr('src','img2.png') This second image (img2.png) is fairly large, and I want to know when it is fully loaded (i.e. .load() event). I tried to use .live, .bind, and .complete but none seem to fire. Any ideas? ...

Reading VertexDuplicationIndices template from D3DX mesh .x file

I need to read the duplicates chunk from an .x file. .x file can be saved in text format, I wrote a tool that generates meshes and saves them in x files, I found that if I'm generating the x file with duplicates, and calculate the adjacency info, and passing it to the save function, it will save a chunk with the duplicates. pMesh->Gene...

JQuery: .getScript() is not working when loaded from a .load()

You can see the way its suppose to work by visiting: link text That is loading everything using standard loading. You can attempt to get it to load dynamically here: link text and then simple just click the "Parts" link... As you can see no alert every comes to me. I have a feeling it has to do with the ability of detecting when to fi...

load balancer question c# asp.net

The place where I work has 2 servers and a load balancer. The setup is horrible since I have to manually make sure both servers have the same files. I know there are ways to automate this but it has not been implemented, hopefully soon (I have no control over this). I wrote an application that collects a bunch of information from a u...