
Manipulating elements after ajax load()

I am trying to manipulate some elements after I load them using .load(). I have everything loading correctly, but I can't seem to target any elements within any of the loaded elements. This seems like something that would be easy, but I just can put my finger on it. I am using a callback after the elements load, but the DOM seems to no...

What's the difference of VS2008 and VS2010 when I do a Load Testing?

Hello, Everyone :) I have a project and I want to do some load testing to it. I have a VS2008 test Edition now, but there is another choice: VS2010 Ultimate. Should I do my load testing on VS2010 Ultimate? Is it a better choice? Why ? What's the difference of VS2008 and VS2010? Thanks for your attention :) ...

jQuery .dialog on load()

I want do wrap error messages that appears (in #error div) and disappears from page to page in a jQuery UI dialog. Some of error messages are added dynamically by jQuery $('body').append('blablabla') or another insertion method. So this construction: $('#error').load(function() { $('#error').dialog({ draggable: false, ...

Jquery load html only work with a timedelay set.

I am trying to load HTML via JQuery, using the .load function. This is working as expected, but I want to process the loaded HTML afterwards. This only works when I either a) set a breakpoint BEFORE said manipulation is done. b) set an alert BEFORE said manipulation is done. Of course I'd like this to work without having to set breakp...

Loading flash in server code

Hi! I've just recently added a rather large flash header to a customer's website. It works ok, but the flash takes a really long time to load. I was thinking that I might be able to make it load faster by loading it on the server side rather than the client in visual basic. Will this help? If so, how do I do it? If not, how can I impr...

WPF 4.0 Application load error in some environments

I have 4 environments: Win 7 64 bit Win 2003 32 bit Win XP SP3 32 bit Win 2003 64 bit In the first 2, my app loads and runs successfully. In the latter 2, I get the following error (shortened): System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: The method or operation is not implemented. ---> System.NotImplementedException: The me...

ExtJS combo load and disable

Hi everybody, I summarize the issue like this. I use a form to edit user information which is loaded from the DB (I get these values through a JSONStore) I want to enable/disable a combo depending on the loaded value of another combo. Example: disable combo2 if the loaded value into combo1 = 0 if I load combo1 = 1, combo2 = 12 : Ev...

Can I get on Javascript resource to load another one?

I have a scenario where I want a web page to contain a <link> to one Javascript resource, and have that resource load two other Javascript resources from the same webserver. Is this possible? Can it be done in a browser-independent fashion? This may sound a bit unusual, but there are complicated reasons why I'd like to be able to do t...

jquery .load() page then parse html

Hi, I have used the line below in my app. But now I need to parse the html loaded before I show it. Whats the best way to get certain html elements. $("#div").load("page.html"); Thanks UPDATED Now I am using this but having trouble geting the title attribute of a div with the id "div". function get_title() { $.get("test.html",...

How to setup WCF with wsHttpBinding, Transport Security with x509 certificate behind a load balancer (F5)

I'm having a difficult time setting up this WCF Service with wsHttpBinding, Transport Security, x509 and, the key part, the Load Balancer (F5). This all works without a problem in our Dev environment but as soon as I put it behind the F5 it fails giving me this message: System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException: Could n...

Dynamic SWF loading with out running the main class

I've been using SWFLoader and ModuleLoader to dynamically load SWFs. The problem I'm having before I instantiate any class it runs the creationcomplete event of the main class when I do the moduleInfo.load(). Is there a way to load the SWF without creating an instance of the main class? ...

ExtJS method load() just doesn't work

I'm going through some beginners tutorials on ExtJS and when I try to load a .html file with some HTML code it doesn't work here's the test.html with the ExtJS code <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title id='title'>HTML Page setup Tutorial</title> <!-- ** CSS ** --> <...

Plist file exists in docs dir, but cannot be loaded into an array

The plist has the file suffix .xml and is a normal array of dictionaries. In the app delegate: #define docDir [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0] -(NSString *)cacheFile:(NSString *)filename sitepath:(NSString *)url { NSMutableString *retfn=[NSMutableString string]; ...

jQuery callback on image load (even when the image is cached)

I want to do: $("img").bind('load', function() { // do stuff }); But the load event doesn't fire when the image is loaded from cache. The jQuery docs suggest a plugin to fix this, but it doesn't work ...

Writing a weighted load balancing algorithm

I've to write a weighted load balancing algorithm and I'm looking for some references. Is there any book ? that you can suggest to understand such algorithms. Thanks! ...

Does this top look healthy to you?

I run a server with the following specs: Intel i7 920 8 GB RAM Linux 2.6.32-25-server #44-Ubuntu 10.04 SMP Fri Sep 17 21:13:39 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux 75 Apache processes Low-end hardware RAID-1 with 2 disks Historically all our problems with scaling the service have been disk bound but currently we see higher load numbers than bef...

Load jquery Ui Scripts in asp.net applications

is there any component or control exist for asp.net application that load jquery ui scripts and themes? thanks. Depend on this sample Can Any body help me and introducing component or control ? :) ...

How do I ensure that Google Analytics is loaded before calling it's functions?

After reading a blog post, I got the idea to add safety code to ensure that the Google Analytics objects are fully loaded before calling it's functions. Typicle Google Analytics code goes something like: var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("X-UAXXXXX"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); and pageTracker._addItem( bla bla ); pageTracker._t...

load jquery dynamicly in a widget and enable noConflict mode

Hi. I am building a javascript widget and i plan to use JQuery so i need to load it dynamicly and set it to no conflict mode. I am using a Object Oriented approach in my js following the example of GetSatatisfaction.com widget (http://s3.amazonaws.com/getsatisfaction.com/javascripts/feedback-v2.js) I have also found this tutorial about ...

jQuery .load() problem in all IE versions

Hello, I'm trying to do a dynamic template. I have links in sidebar and I want to load the content dynamically with .load() in jQuery. I have the following jQuery code for that: // Services AJAX page loader jQuery('.sidenav a').click(function(){ $page_url = jQuery(this).attr('href'); // load page jQuery('#content').fadeOut(200...