
XNA Framework: ContentManager.Content.Load<Texture2d>("10by10tile") is a 'method' but is used as a 'type'

I'm sorry if this is insanely stupid, but I'm a total newbie when it comes to C# and especially the XNA Framework. I got the error message from above; why in the heck does it work for Platformer1's Player code but not for me?! using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Microsoft.Xna.Frame...

Circular Dependency Grammar

I am using treetop to construct a grammar but am having problems with what seems to be a circular dependency. Note: this is not really a treetop question, but more of a question with loading files. Consider the following structure: test.rb lib/A.treetop lib/B.treetop lib/AB.treetop lib/all.rb And the sources for the files # test.rb ...

show loading icon in div with jquery

I have a div tag like so <div id="mainHolder"> <span>asjlkdasjdka</span> <img src='image.jpg' /> <input type="button" id="myButton" value="Click me" onclick="callWcf();" /> </div> I am using jquery for my client side development and clicking the button in the div will do some server side processing. I have callWcf function makes th...

Javascript to detect when a page has loaded in another window in Firefox

Hi, I was wondering what is the best way to detect when a page has finished loading where the page in question is in a different tab or window. And where page to be loaded could be any page on the web and is not under my control. I am using Firefox only and I dont mind if the solution requires a firefox extension or greasemonkey script...

php HttpRequests until the response is available with loading bar

Hello there! try { $r->send (); echo $r->getResponseBody(); } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo 'Message: ' .$ex->getMessage(); echo "<h5>No Resutls provided from blah blah for this domain name</h5> </div>"; } I use the HTTPRequest method to do requests to a server that I have im...

loading images incrementally in objective-c

I've got a ControllerView which will initialize a set of Images-Classes. Here the basic-initialization in the Image-Class: - (id)initWithImage: (UIImage *) anImage { if ((self = [super initWithImage:anImage])) { } return self; } How can I inform the ControllerView, when an image has been loaded ? How could the ControllerView l...

conditionally load javascript (external and internal) and keep execution order

I'm looking for a way to conditionally load and keep the execution order of some javascript files (external and internal) without any library dependency. Basically, what I want to do is load them up only if the browser supports localStorage. Here's basically my shell: if (window.localStorage) { //load up JS only if it's needed var...

Accessing a swf from another domain

When trying to load a swf from a domain different from my swf's domain, I get this error: * Security Sandbox Violation * SecurityDomain 'file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Welcome/My Documents/Flex Builder 3/SwfLoad/bin-debug/SwfLoad.swf' tried to access incompatible context 'http://mydomain.com/crossdomain.xml' loading of class ...

When does (mobile) Safari/Chrome consider a page loaded using Comet?

I have a website that uses a long-polling comet connection. The connection needs to be setup on/after page load. Despite my efforts to prevent it, many browsers consider the long-poll request to be part of the page loading mechanism, thus keeping the page in a 'loading' phase. In Safari this results in the progress bar (behind the url f...

setDeliveryMode in Flex 3 for lazy loading

rs.result.setDeliveryMode(mode String, pagesize Number, prefetchPage Number) setDeliveryMode is a very very simple method to do client data paging (lazy loading) in Flex 2. I don’t know why it is no longer supported in Flex 3 and don't find any substitution. Does anyone know about this? ...