
how to show an ajax loading image next to a button after clicked using jquery

i have a button that runs an ajax get which takes a long time. what is the easiest way of showing an ajax loading image RIGHT BESIDE to the right of the button. i may move the button later in the layout so i wanted this to be dynamic (compared to a hard coded div in the layout) after the click event (before the ajax was called), i tri...

How to unset an ajax loading.

Hi, I have this script which loads external content: <script type="text/javascript"> var http_request = false; function makePOSTRequest(url, parameters) { http_request = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http_request.overrideMimeType) { http_request.overrideM...

Iphone Ref Movie loading time

Hi all We deliver videos to iphones using a Ref Movie but with a dynamic content reference so the same Ref Mov template can be used for serving all our different videos by dynamically writing a video path. Now when we serve a regular Ref Mov created in QT the Ref Mov becomes active/clickable within a split second but when we use the d...

Optimize loading an XAP file with an asp.net website

I've been developing a game using Silverlight 4 and silversprite (http://silversprite.codeplex.com/) This game is HEAVILY content dependent, using a lot of audio and images. My content folder is around 90 mbs worth of stuff. And because of that, my XAP file is around 60 MB, and takes 5 minutes to download from the website before any us...

.NET 2.0 vs .NET 4.0 loading error

My class library is compiled against .NET 2.0 and works just fine whenever I try to load it as a plugin under the 2.0 runtime. If however the master application is running the .NET 4.0 runtime, I get an exception as soon as the resources need to be accessed: Exception occurred during processing of command: Grasshopper Plug-in = Grasshop...

What is a good approach to preloading data?

Are there best practices out there for loading data into a database, to be used with a new installation of an application? For example, for application foo to run, it needs some basic data before it can even be started. I've used a couple options in the past: TSQL for every row that needs to be preloaded: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M...

Flex RTE handling image IOError

You know you can edit basic html with RTE (Rich Text Editor) Flex Control. If your html code contains <img src="" /> tag, it will try to load that image from src. But how to handling IOError? or is it possible to disable the automatic image loading feature? Thanks ...

How do I create a preloading cache page?

What I'm after is creating a page that has a preloading bar (similar to a flash one) that loads the cache of the website before redirecting to them to the home page with the entire website loaded, so it runs smoothly! ...

How to display progress loading image on file upload in PHP?

How to display simple progress loading image on file upload in PHP? without the use of APC ...

why can I not get access to my DLL function

I'm trying to load a DLL dynamically using LoadLibrary(), which works, however I cannot then get the address of the function in the DLL that I'm trying to call. DLL function: (in CPP file) _declspec(dllexport) void MyDllFunc() { printf("Hello from DLL"); } Calling code: typedef void (*MyDllFuncPtr)(); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHA...

Data Loading Software

We deal with scientific research data and we have volumes and volumes of data put together in different template file formats (excel, csv, txt, xml etc). We were using old legacy C programs (developed inhouse) to load these data into our databases. (We use ingres as our DBMS). Are there any opensource software that is available for ETL (...

Ruby on Rails request to not returning & no info in log

When you execute an action on my application (only one action) the browser will just sit there not doing anything, when i check my production.log i see the request (about 2 minutes after i go to the address) but i see no errors or problems, while the browser never stops "Loading". I checked my NGINX server logs, and didn't find anything,...

How do I show a loading bezel on the iPhone?

Hi Guys. I'm building an application where it loads contents off of the web to populate a TableView. I would like to add some sort of loading indicator so that the screen won't just contain the blank table. I was thinking about something like this: I've been trying to look it up on documentation and Google, but to be honest don't k...

load remote images via Javascript, then selectively add to array

Using javascript I'm trying to load images not on the current page (from an array of image links) and if they are large enough, add them to an array. I'm executing this after the current page has loaded, though a bookmarklet, or firebug console. Using FF. The closest I've come is the below, but this does not seem to work, and I'm guessi...

Logging successful / unsuccessful Spring context initialization

Hi there, I need to log whether the Spring context was initialized correctly in a log file. If all the beans were wired and loaded correctly, I need to log that, as well as an incorrect initialization... I have created the appender and the log file, but the problem is that I don't know if there is something in Spring to log those two ...

How can I improve the loading speed of this web portfolio?

I've been playin with Google's Page Speed, and it gave me some tips to improve the loading speed of my site: http://alexchen.zxq.net/ (original hosting) http://alexchen.co.nr (URL redirection) I minified some Javascript files (I didn't compress them), and optimized some images, but it still kind of slow. I'm not very sure if I'm over...

Help making my JQuery Fading Gallery more efficient.

On the homepage of this site - http://bit.ly/a3IoV5 - I have a large image fading JQuery gallery. Here's the JQuery: $('.fadein img').addClass('js'); $(function() { $('.fadein').children().eq(0).appendTo('.fadein').show(); setInterval(function() { $('.fadein :first-child').hide().appendTo('.fadein').fadeIn(2000); }...

Loading saved objects from disk is slow in Matlab

I have created a monster, or at least a lot of MATLAB handle classes that point to each other. For instance, an experiment (handle) is a set of tracks (handles) which contain runs (handle) and reorientations (handle). Then the tracks point pack to the experiment that contains them, the runs and reorientations point back to the track th...

loading javascript, EnhanceJS

Hi. Is it possible to load js scripts like this with commas separating the scripts: <script src="/js/enhance.js,enhance.config.js" type="text/javascript"></script> I am using the Filament Groups progressive enhancement javascript library 'EnhanceJS' and I am trying learn from their website www.filamentgroup.com where this technique is...

loading xml file in java web app

Hi, I need to load log4j.xml config file in my web to initialize logging. log4j.xml is in package com.test.config. when in j2se java app code InputStream input = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("com/test/config/log4j.xml"); resturns input stream but when I execute this in servlet it returns null. servlet is ja...