
javascript location.hash refreshing in IE

I need to modify the hash, remove it after certain processing takes place so that if the user refreshes they do not cause the process to run again. This works fine in FF, but it seems that IE is reloading every time I try to change the hash. I think it is related to other things that are loading on the page, though I am not certain. I ...

Core Location pop up default text

Hi guys, there is a way to change the pop up message default text of "core location" "Would Like To Use Your Current Location" with another one ? ...

Problems with ASP.NET, machine-level web.config, and the location element

I've got a server running Windows Web Server 2008 R2. The machine-level web.config has the following entries: <location path="Preview"> <appSettings> <add key="Environment" value="Preview" /> </appSettings> </location> <location path="Staging"> <appSettings> <add key="Environment" value="Staging" /> </ap...

How to get mouseposition when context menu appears?

Hi. I have a panel which holds many pictureboxes. Each picturebox has registered "contextRightMenu" as their context menu. What i want when the context menu pops up is to get the current mouseposition. I have tried getting the mouseposition by using mouseDown and click, but these events happens after one of the items of the context me...

javascript function document.location working incorrectly

When I change on proxy-server page from cnn.com (I add javascript, that call document.location), result of the document.location is some url of advertisement: http://ads.cnn.com/html.ng/site=cnn_international&amp;cnn_intl_pagetype=mmst&amp;cnn_intl_position=336x850_rgt&amp;cnn_intl_rollup=asia&amp;page.allowcompete=yes&amp;params.styles=...

Is it possible to anonymously track someone's location via mobile app?

Is it possible to anonymously track someone's location via mobile app? Assuming, of course, that the user consents and downloads an app that can in the background? ...

where is the actual data in a mysql db stored on a linux machine?

Which files are the actual files holding the data in the tables in a mysql db? I went to /var/lib/mysql/ and I can see there a bunch of relatively small directories corresponding to my tables, and a lot of files named servername-bin.0000001 etc. Is the data stored in those files? ...

How to change an NSBox location (or position?) programmatically in objective c

I am learning objective c and am making some small programs. for my current project i am taking a NSBox and changing it's location based on a random number. How do I change the box's location? With C# it was a simple "box.location = anotherLocation" but I can't figure out how to do this in objective c. Any help would be greatly appreciat...

Javascript to Get Address Bar Value

Hi everyone, Does anyone know how to (or if it is possible) to get the address bar value after a user tries to navigate to another page from my site? To be clear, I'm not looking for the value stored in window.location (since this is the page that the user will currently be on), but rather the site that the user is trying to navigate...

get the current location (gps/wifi)

I'm trying to get my location using it like this: LocationManager myLocationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.setAccuracy(Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE); criteria.setAltitudeRequired(false); criteria.setBearingRequired(false); criteria.setCostAllowed(true);...

PHP header location-redirect doesn't work - why?

Hi guys, Here's my file. I want to make it redirect, but nothing happens. To check out what is going on, I added an echo before the header part. It neither throws an error or redirect to index.php. What is wrong? I have turned output buffering on/off, but nothing makes it redirect. What can I do? <? error_reporting(E_ALL); echo 'Thi...

Android Location Error

I've singled out my problem to a few lines of code lm = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Location location = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 1000L, 5.0f, this); lat = location.getLatitude(); lng = location.getLongitude(); //lat = n...

No GPS Update retrieved? Problem in Code?

Hello mates, I've got a serious problem with my GPS on my Nexus One: I wrote a kind of hello world with GPS, but the Toast that should be displayed isn't :( I don't know what I'm doing wrong...maybe you could help me getting this work. Here's my code: package gps.test; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; impor...

Why I have to call 'exit' after redirection through header('Location..') in PHP?

You know that if you want to redirect an user in PHP you can use the header function: header('Location: http://smowhere.com'); It is also well known that it is a good practice to put also an exit; after the header call, to prevent execution of other php code. So my question is: could the code after the header-location call be effectiv...

Get remote file path location

Hi all, I am working with PHP and would like to get a remote file path location so that I can read file contents. I would like the user to direct to a particular file, which can be located anywhere in the computer, so that it can be processed by the script. Thanks ...

Android Position reset after Restart? -> Serious Problem

Hey mates, is it possible, that android cleares the last known location after a restart? Yesterday my code worked very fine, but today after rebooting my phone (AND emulator) it seems that the .getLastKnownLocation (see below) returns null, which leads to a nullPointerException... Can you confirm that? How can I avoid this problem? I'm d...

iPhone 4 background location service question

I'm looking into the new background location service options in the iPhone 4 SDK. It allows an app to run in the background and receive location updates from the device. There are two methods offered. One is a battery intensive mode that continuously gets location updates. The second recommended method sends the app location updates whe...

linux script, standard directory locations.

I am trying to write a bash script to do a task, I have done pretty well so far, and have it working to an extent, but I want to set it up so it's distributable to other people, and will be opening it up as open source, so I want to start doing things the "conventional" way. Unfortunately I'm not all that sure what the conventional way i...

How to get user's country information.

Basically I need to identify the user's country at application startup and enable or disable a location based feature in my app based on his/her country. I need to do this as quickly as possible in the application delegate prior to the RootViewController's loading. Is there anyway of doing this in the iPhone SDK?? ...

Placing blue dot in mapKit with a desired location

For demonstration purpose, i need to simulate the user location in a Mapkit view. It seems that it is possible with an undocumented API to place the blue dot anywhere on the map view. Unfortunately, i don't know witch undocumented API to use ? Any help ? ...