
How does CoreLocation locate the device?

More specifically, does CL require the user to have a data connection? Or is it possible to just use the phones service connection? Thanks! ...

How to email CLLocationCoordinate2D as a link

I am trying to emulate the Maps 'Share Location' via email functionality. I have the latitude and longitude of my location and am currently using it to display the location on a map via MKMapView. I also have functionality that composes an email from the app and I would like to include the location in it but can not figure out how to c...

PHP "header (location)" isnide IFRAME, to load in _top location?

Hi Webmasters. I have a simple form which is inside IFRAME. When user click on SUBMIT, it redirects to a specific page on my server. The function I use for the redirect is header ('Location: mypage2.html'); exit (); But I want the new page to open in _top location, not inside the same IFRAME that I use. How can I tell the browser t...

How to mock location during a presentation on a real device?

I've read this post about mocking location with custom provider, but I am looking for a way to mock the location during a presentation, is that possible? ...

How to get current location with an accept accuracy in Android

I am trying to locate user's device to get its current location with coarse method. The problem is that I can only accept a location with accuracy of 1000m, my code like this: public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { currentLocation = location; if(location.hasAccuracy()) { if(location.getAccuracy() < 1000) { ...

iphone/ipad dev - how to launch the system settings app programmatically

In the settings -> general, there is a switch to turn on/off the location services. In the Maps app, when location services is off, if the user click on the find me button, it pops up an alert and asks the user to turn on location services in the settings. It then exits the app and launch the settings app. How can I do that programmatica...

PHP header Location works in the middle of HTML

Hello. I'm having problems understanding how a header("Location: http://www.google.com/"); can work in the middle of a HTML page's <body>. Shouldn't there be an error since the header has already been sent due to the HTML output, way before the <?php ... ?> part started. I'm referring to the warning Cannot modify header information - h...

javascript location

This checks "if we are on movies.php page": if (location.href.match(/movies.php/)) { // something happens } how to add for this (like or) "if we are on music.php page"? ...

iphone friends location app

What kind of api does SDK provide if we are to develop an app which keeps tracks of friends location? Update: CoreLocation gets the device location with the app running. But how to get the friends location data if you have their phone number. Does anyone have idea to get the location data of friends using iphone sdk ...

How is location accuracy measured in Android?

Does anyone know the proper interpretation of the accuracy measurements returned by getAccuracy()? For instance, are they calculated as: Circular Error Probability (meaning, if i understand correctly, radius of a 50% confidence circle)? Radius of 95% confidence circle? something else? In addition, what are the actual calculations tha...

Getting an updated location in Android

Hi, I'm using the code shown below to get an updated value for location every time a button is clicked. When my activity is resumed I get an update every second, so that when I call getLastKnownLocation I expect to have a location that have been updated in the last second. Is that the correct way to do that? I would expect the onLocat...

Is there a technology that can pinpoint an iPhone's *exact* location (to the feet/couple feet, indoors)?

Is there is a way to determine an iPhone's exact location (indoors, and to a distance of just a couple of feet) via use of radio/antenna's or some other infrastructure located around premises (i.e a hospital, shopping mall, school). Will appreciate any ideas/direction (technologies, research) as for how to overcome this limitation. ...

Installing a new Location Provider

There is an entry in 1.5 of the SDK for installLocationProvider. That entry is marked: @hide. I would like to provide an alternate location provider, the why is not important, just the how. Does anyone know the "trick" for using the "installLocationProvider" entry point or where to find details of building a complete or partial solution?...

How do I orderly generate controls underneath eachother?

Dear reader, I have a class which generates a form and controls. The controls vary between buttons, radio controls, check boxes and labels. The idea is to neatly create the form with a label above each control. The problem is that I cannot seem to find the formula or way to neatly organise/space them. It works fine when I have just text...

get location on iphone ONLY from the GPS - not the wifi network

hey guys i am creating an app that uses location- everything works swimmingly except one thing- when i come home my iphone connects to my local wifi network and instead of getting my location using the gps in the phone it tries to get it by figuring out where my wifi network is connected to- if i turn my wifi off it keeps an accurate ...

JFrame not appearing on mouse click Location (SSCCE included)

Hello everyone, I am trying to make a JFrame appear on mousePressed Location but I keep failing and it get's annoying :( Any ideas what isn't working? import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event...

Location.distanceTo uses the error parameter in approximate distance calculation?

I am wondering if the Location.distanceTo method will use the accuracy field of the Location object when approximates the location, or do I have to add by my own the errors to these fields. The usage is to compare the distance against a proximity value. Float dist=currentLocation.distanceTo(loc2); Would this be if (dist<100meters) ...

Why can't some users see my location limited Android app in Market?

I have published an app on Android Market which is limited to Norway. I'm able to find and install it myself from Market, as can several other Norwegian users. A colleague (Android 2.1) and a friend (Android 1.6), on the other hand, cannot find it. They both have phones bought in Norway, with SIM cards from Norwegian providers. Why ...

Strange ~~~ setting the "location.hash" cannot work with the partial page postback in IE. It works in FireFox.

Hello everyone, I got a strange problem, which I could not find a solution. In order to clarify my problem, I did a simply test page that has the same problem. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="test1.aspx.cs" Inherits="RadicaLogic.SilverSpine.Web.Surveillance.Reports.test1" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C/...

iframe location in javascript

In this example, alert is blank; I want to read the location of iFrame, I am using object.src for this but it work only if I set its src attribute. But I set iFrame's location using window.open method and in this case it is not working. What I do ? <body> <iframe id="location" name="address" style="width:700px; height:700px;"> </i...