
Apache log analyzer which outputs user flows

Hi Folks I'm looking for a peice of software which can help me debug issues on a website by using apache logs. Here's the scenario. I have a client on a website who has just performed something which is unexpected, I have his IP address because it got logged with a purchased transaction. Is there a program out there that'll let me vie...

In PowerShell how to capture error, warning, write-host output into a single file?

In PowerShell how to capture error, warning, write-host output into a single file? When I execute the external command/ write-warning/ write-error/ write-host I need all the information to be captured in a file. when I redirect the write-error to a log file it will not show the same content as it's been displayed on the console. It wil...

rails test.log is always empty

All the log entries generated when running tests with 'rake' are written to my development.log instead of test.log file Do I have to explicitly enable logging for test in enviornments/test.config?? (I'm using 'turn' gem to format test output, Can that cause an issue?) I'm running rails 2.3.5, ruby 1.8.7 I've all these gems installed f...

Generating a Change Log from Subversion Logs and integrating with Jira

We use Subversion for version control and Jira for tickets. All our commit messages have a Jira ticket id in it. The repository has a traditional organization with a main trunk and a version branch. I'd like to answer this question: Which closed ticket items entered in this release? See that there are some caveats, like when an i...

How to find multiple words on the same line in Notepad++

I have a 4MB log file from the Windows XP firewall which I'm trying to find lines that have both DROP and an IP and a port number. My regex-fu is weak and I'm assuming this is the reason I'm struggling. The words "DROP", "" (for example) and "8801" need to be found on the same line and may be spread across the line and separated...

Logs overwritten in CruiseCControl.NET when there is multiple MSBuild Tasks.

I have two MSBuild tasks in my CC.NET config. In the end of the execution, i can see two blocks of warnings/errors in the log and published email. But the problem is that the contents of both the blocks are the same and that is from the second MSBuild task!! In another way, the second MSBuild task overwrites the first log, and then creat...

Rapports in a log file with a script shell (linux batch) and redirection

Hi All, Please help!!! ;) I have a problem with this code in a batch file (Linux): Mil=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"` batch=`echo "${DatMusic}"` TabimportEnteteMusic="importentetemusic.dat" { grep '^ENTETE' ${IMPORT}/${DatMusic} > ${IMPORT}/$TabimportEnteteMusic mysql -u basemine --password="basemine" -D basemine -e "delete ...

How to log user actions with php and mysql?

I'm working on my CMS and I want it to log activities by users and other admins. For example: when new user registers or admin makes a new news post -> update last activity. I want to know what is the best and easiest way. ...

How to show Git commits that were posted in less than 60 seconds between each other?

I want to show a filtered history of commits. I need only those commits that have less than 60 seconds between each other, in order to see who did a bad job committing so fast. How to do this? ...

C# Sharp Windows Application prevents Windows from shutting down / logging off

I have written a C# Windows Forms application, not a service (it is only used when the user is logged in and has a graphical user interface) that has a background thread running in an infinite loop. When I try shutting down Windows (7) however, it tells me the program is preventing it from shutting down or logging off and asks me whethe...

Setting git default flags on commands

I want to know if there is a way to set a flag by default for git command. Specifically, I want to set the --abbrev-commit flag so that when executing git log, I want to execute git log --abbrev-commit. Unlike the question "is there any way to set a flag by default for a git command?", there is apparently not a configuration flag for ad...

How can I programmatically determine (in Python) when someone connects into my windows 7 machine via RDP?

This doesn't need to be a real time solution, but are there some log files or system messages that could be read to identify periods of time where someone was connected via RDP to a Windows 7 machine? I'm building a watchdog script for a computer which will be deployed in a remote place and would like to add this metric to a daily statu...

MySql Not write CREATE TABLE to Bin Log, others do get written

Hello, We set up replication on a virtual box, imported a mysql dump and for UPDATEs, INSERTs and DELETEs is working fine. Tested today to drop a table and it didnt go through, checked the binary log in the Master and cant find any record for the DROP. It is taking the replication out of sync since the DROPs need to happen for reinstal...

How can I "git log" only code published to trunk?

At my workplace we have a "master" trunk branch that represents published code. To make a change, I check out a working copy, create a topic branch, commit to the topic branch, merge the topic branch into master, and push. For small changes, I might commit directly to master, then push. My problem is that when I use "git log", I don't...

How to avoid nginx+passenger logging each request two times

I have nginx(0.7.64) with passenger(2.2.9) over ruby(1.8.7) Enterprise Edition. When I operate from script/console, log behaves normal, but whenever nginx receives a request, it is logged twice. I have two different rails apps in separate vhosts (like the one bellow) and it happens in both (one is in development and one in production)....

SH/BASH - Scan a log file until some text occurs, then exit. How??

Edit - Reworded the question a bit on April 7th to make it clearer. Current working environment is OSX 10.4.11. I want to scan a log file for a certain phrase. The log file can NOT be emptied at the start of the script. Thus, the script must scan only changes to the log. My current script: #!/bin/sh tail -f log.txt | while read lin...

Seeing release markers in svn log

Whenever we make a release of a project we'll create a tag to capture the snapshot. It will be very helpful to be able to see which revisions in the trunk history were used in certain releases. I know the TortoiseSVN revision graph shows this information, but I'm wondering if there's a way to see it in the command-line svn log? I'm com...

Get phone number of current call on iphone

Is it possible to get phone number of a call during that call? Or, at least, get the phone number of the last received call? ...

Powershell to analyse logs

I have loads of logs on a network drive X: I have a list of names in a text file say with this syntax DOE, John Daniels, Mary etc.... I want to script something that will read each line and scan my X: drive to find occurences of for example DOE, John and either write to a log or print to screen, sorted by date/time etc. Any ideas? Che...

Calculating Growth-Rates by applying log-differences

I am trying to transform my data.frame by calculating the log-differences of each column and controlling for the rows id. So basically I like to calculate the growth rates for each id's variable. So here is a random df with an id column, a time period colum p and three variable columns: df <- data.frame (id = c("a","a","a","c","c","d","...