
Problem extending jog4j RollingFileAppender rollOver() access Level

Hello All I am trying to extend RollingFileAppender so that it will rotate even when no messages are coming into the logging system. Normally the rollOver method is called when a message arrives and a time check is done to trigger the rotate. My Version of RollingFileAppender will call rollOver every x seconds so that I am guaranteed a...

Does changing Log4j's log.properties require a restart?

Does changing Log4j's log.properties require a restart for the changes to take effect? I'm trying to work out an issue in one of our systems and don't have the ability to restart the server process (OC4J in this case). ...

How to configure log4j to dump debug info when an error occurs?

I have a web application that dumps logging information in a file using log4j RollingFileAppender. The application is currently configured to dump only WARN and higher logging information so that the disk I/O do not impact performance on the server. However, I would like to know the last X debug information when an error occurs. Is ther...

How to configure Log4J when deploying an OSGi app with the Equinox Servle Bridge to Tomcat?

When deploying my OSGi web application using the equinox servlet bridge i get the following: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.osgi.extender.internal.activator.ContextLoaderListener). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. I tried several ways of supplying the necessary "log4j.prop...

Quartz scheduler not displaying Log4j messages.

Hi All, I am trying to configure my Quartz scheduler to support logging. I had tried doing following: Added log4j.xml in classes folder of my app. The code for the same is: log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.Target=System.out log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.ap...

Log4J - Speed of resolving class/method/line references

Does log4J still gather the class, method and line numbers by generating exceptions and inspecting the stack trace? Or has Java been optimized since Sun included their own logging framework. If not, why has there not been any optimizations made since. What is the main challenges in obtaining class, method and line numbers quickly and ...

Creating multiple log files of different content with log4j

Is there a way to configure log4j so that it outputs different levels of logging to different appenders? I'm trying to set up multiple log files. The main log file would catch all INFO and above messages for all classes. (In development, it would catch all DEBUG and above messages, and TRACE for specific classes.) Then, I would l...

What is the point of remote events for chainsaw log4j viewer?

http://logging.apache.org/chainsaw/quicktour.html First feature. I completed the tutorial, it simply showed how to visually use the GUI, it didn't go into much detail at all regarding this new feature. The best documentation I have found is this: Just as Appenders send logging events outside of the log4j environment (to files, to s...

selecting a log file

We have multiple log files like database log, weblog, quartzlog in our application. Any log from files under package /app/database will go to database log. Any log from files under package /app/offline will go to quartzlog log. What we need now is - want to direct the log staments from one of the java file under /app/database to be out...

How can I direct log4j output so that different log levels go to different appenders?

Is it possible to have "debug" and "info" output written to the console while the "info" output is only written to some log file? For example, given this logging: LOG.debug(fileContent); LOG.info(fileLength); What does a corresponding log4j.xml look like? ...

How to configure multiple log4j for different wars in a single EAR?

I have a EAR with structures like: APP.ear - APP1.war - WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties - APP2.war - WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties - app1-ejb.jar - app2-ejb.jar - log4j.jar - spring.jar - commons-lang.jar (...and other jar) I want each WAR to have their own application log. But it seems the above configuration does not wo...

Whats the overhead of creating a Log4j Logger

I have some webservices in my application and i want to log them to diferent files, based on the webservice name. For that i am creating loggers with myLogger = Logger.getLogger(logKey); I am wondering if i should cache these loggers to avoid creating them for every call, or can i ignore the overhead. ...

Logging the log messages from different packages into different files

Suppose I have these packages in my application - foo.bar and foo.foobar, And I want to send all log4j log messages that are coming from foo.bar package to foobar.log file and the log messages coming from foo.foobar to foofoobar.log file, how should I configure the log4j.xml file? ...

What is the proper way to configure SMTPAppender in log4j?

I'm trying to configure log4j to use the SMTPAppender but I keep getting relay access denied errors. I get this error when executing my code on my laptop AND straight from my shared hosting environment. Here's the relevant config: #CONFIGURE SMTP log4j.appender.email=org.apache.log4j.net.SMTPAppender log4j.appender.email.SMTPHost=mydo...

log4j configuration via JVM argument(s)?

What variables to I have to set/pass as arguments to the JVM to get log4j to run properly? And by properly I mean as in just not complain and print to the console. Can I see a typical example? Note: I need to avoid creating a lo4j.properties file in the application. ...

log4j - trigger log rolling when application starts

With log4j, I want the behaviour of the DailyRollingFileAppender so that date-pattern based log rolling can occur when an application starts up. BUT once the application has started, I don't want it to do any automatic log rotation until the next time the application restarts. How can I configure log4j to do this? ...

How to collect logs in jboss related to a single request?

Hi! I am developing a Java EE web application that is run under JBoss. I want to do the following: When a user sends an http request (by opening a page or through AJAX) all the logs that are related to this request are collected and then saved into the database. By related I mean that they are being logged during the process of handlin...

log4j prints all levels

Hello, I've got log4j configured on my Java project with the following log4j.properties: log4j.rootLogger=WARNING, X log4j.appender.X=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.X.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.X.layout.ConversionPattern=%p %m %n log4j.logger.org.hibernate.SQL=WARNING log4j.logger.com.****.s...

log4j with Tomcat6

I have a peculiar problem with Log4j. We are deploying on Weblogic 10 using log4j.xml. That works fine. We figured a way to run Tomcat 6 in such a way that we can develop on this platform and deploy on Weblogic 10. I have figured out how to make log4j.properies work with Tomcat 6 with additional JArs that use the JULI logging mechanism ...

How to setup a central logging server and divide logging events from test and production?

How best should I setup a central logging (or perhaps 2, each one exclusive to either test or prod) server such that: I do not have to worry about the code referencing any conditionals that might accidentally log non-prod errors into the production error log4j bus. In other words, I do not wants to have code such as: if (!production) ...