
Vb.net Visual Studio 2008 log4net multiple modules, same app.config different loggers, dont work

I have 2 console apps projects in the same directory but different projects. There is some common code in the App_Code directory and a common app.config which gets build into seperate .exe.config files. One module (VScanDemonStarter) starts up and writes to one logger with its own appender going to a seperate file. It uses an process.s...

log4net....separate log files

I am going to write out a separate log for each time I do a certain process in my WCF service. I have a standard log for the entire application already using log4net. Should I just add an appender and filter for the particular process, then remove it? This process deals with processing a file that was uploaded. Any other ideas??? ...

Why is Log4Net not creating log file in production?

I am using VS2005, a website project, a web deployment project and Log4Net. I can use logging when I am developing locally. I can see the log files and everything is fine. When I build my website, (using the web deployment project), I use the deploy as a single DLL option. When I then check the locations of where my log files should be I...

again about log4net and Unity IOC config

Hello, I've bumped through a few of these questions laying around various sites and the answers seem to be spun by l4n officianados toward the value of the lightweight wrapper that log4net 'is' (don't you get it?) and similar points of mind-boggling fact. However it seems that what users are asking for (and this is my question) is how ...

configuring log4net with xml file

Hi I tried to configure log4net for logging everything to the console output. I have a config file nameed Log4Net.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" /> </configSections> <log4net> <appender...

Log4Net available database fields for adoappender - seems there are a few more i.e. method_name?

Hi there, I recently created my simple log4net database table for logging via the adonet appender.. and it works ! But then i notice another website using additional fields! Look! Wow! i would love to know where i can get a list of available field names, for example Method_name really gets me thinking!!! But logging normally sup...

String.Format and log.DebugFormat Currency

I'm using log4net to output a formatted message. The following code log.DebugFormat("Balance: {0:c} ", balance); results in "Balance: ¤1,000.00" Why is the odd character appearing and not a $ ...

Log4net - show time (not date) in console

I am using log4net to log to the console, and the %date conversionPattern value is too verbose. I would like to see just hh:mm:ss - the date is not required cos I know what the date is today. Current config: [conversionPattern value="%date %-5level - %message%newline" /] ...

How to enable IP address logging with Log4Net

I'm looking a way to enable IP logging with log4net in ASP.NET. I found one solution but it works at Application level. Any suggestions/practices how to log IP at session level? Thanks ...

Aop, Unity, Interceptors and ASP.NET MVC Controller Action Methods

Using log4net we would like to log all calls to our ASP.NET MVC controller action methods. The logs should include information about any parameters that were passed to the controller. Rather than hand-coding this in each action method we hope to use an AoP approach with Interceptors via Unity. We already have this working with some ot...

Using log4net with Unity IoC

I'm trying to configure log4net with Unity, but I don't think I fullu understand what needs to be done. In particular I can't figure how to log the %thread such that it logs the name of the class. I created a MyLog4Net : ILogger class, but I don't get how I pass this class the calling class and how this relates to the logger name in th...

Shared Interface and ReaderWriterLockSlim

I am using log4net in a class with multiple threads and I had a simple question. Do I need to enter readlock/writelock when checking properties and calling methods on the log4net.ILog interface? I am using the suggested method from the log4net examples so at the top of said class I have: Private Shared ReadOnly log As log4net.ILog = ...

Get log4net log file in C#

Hi, this is my configuration for log4net: <log4net> <appender name="MyLogger" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="MyLog.log" /> <appendToFile value="true" /> <rollingStyle value="Size"/> <maxSizeRollBackups value="20"/> <maximumFileSize value="1000KB"/> <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout"> ...

Now Log4Net.config isn't being loaded as I moved my wrapper class to its own class project

Hi there, Can anyone help, i have been using log4net with success i basically had a static class (wrapper) in my webproject and i load my config from external file called log4net.config by adding this in assemblyinfo.cs // log4net config file [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "Log4Net.config", Watch = true)...

Class project is not loading log4net.config from Main project

I have my log4net Wrapper and log4net dll in its own class project and i have added the following to assemblyinfo.cs of the class project // log4net config file [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(ConfigFile = "Log4Net.config", Watch = true)] So my main project has the log4net.config file and logging is working in my main projec...

log4net log all unhandled application errors

Can you point me to some tutorial or samples on how I can log all un-handled exceptions that are occurring on my mvc web app using log4net. Thank you ...

Configure Log4net to write to multiple files

Hi, I'd like to write log to 2 different log files from the same process. is that possible thing to do using log4net? I'll need to write separate messages to each log file. how can I write a message to a specific appender? many thanks, ofer ...

Configure log4net to send errors to different appenders based on level

I want to send Info Level & above to the XML appender and Error/Fatal Level to the EventLog appender. I gather that I need to modify the root element of the config but I'm struggling with the syntax. What is the configuration syntax to direct logs to the correct appender for a given level or range of levels? This is the configuration s...

Why isn't there a trace level in log4Net ?

Hi I was just wondering why there isn't a trace level in log4Net. This level seems to be missing and I sometimes feel the need to use it, for example to output what events are being executed in an application. This feature is a part of log4J. I know I can create a custom level like is talked about here but I don't want to put time and...

log4net - logging for a dll called via COM interop

I've written a .NET DLL which is called from another application using COM interop. I'd like to use log4net, but I need to specify the location of the log file at runtime from the other application. I've always used log4net in the simplest possible way for WinForms project, but since a DLL project doesn't have an app.config, and my cal...