
Log4net rolling daily filename with date in the file name

I would like to have files named for example: dd.mm.yyyy.log How is this possible with log4net? Thanks ...

Log4Net - Different appenders per namespace

I'm trying to set up a common logging library which determines the ILog instance based on the current stack and what is the best instance of ILog to use. I've got my config set up like this: <log4net> <!-- appenders ommited --> <root></root> <logger name="MyAssembly.MyNamespace"> <level value="WARN" /> <!-- appender list...

Log4net appender threshold not working

Ive set up a logfileAppender and a consoleAppender in my log4net config for my application. I would like the logfile appender to only write ERROR messages and above and the console appender to write DEBUG and above. my config is <log4net debug="false"> <appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender,log4net" > ...

log4net file extension

I am working on an application which uses log3net extensivly. I have noticed that once the log file gets to big it starts out with .log, .log.1 , .log.2 , .log.3 , and so on. How do i get it to just say .log and not .log.X . ...

How do I enable logging in RhinoETL process?

I have nearly completed my first ETL process that uses Rhino ETL, and I've been able to figure out the way to use the API by referring to the tests. Great. I have data moving through the pipeline and being written to the db. However I can't seem to figure out how to enable logging. the log4net assemblies are there, the log4net object...

Where is the Assembly.cs file in a VS2005 Website project?

I am trying to add some assembly info for log4net so that it can have a file watcher. It appears that the website project does not have this file. Does this mean that I am doomed to use the web.config file and that I cannot split out log4net's config and use a file wathcer? ...

log4net - any filter for logging only the Nth message?

I have a component that is constantly reading a values from a device. Currently it updates every {n} seconds and logs a debug message with the value to an instance of ILog. Every second is too frequent for me, I just don't care and it eats up too much log space. However, I would certainly be interested in capturing every 10th or 30th ...

does log4net AdoNetAppender support sql server 2008???

Hi, my config file below: very strange, i have spent a day to find out where i am wrong, but still not working, it still not log anything in the database,but i can output them using RollingFileAppender. Also, the store procedure WriteLog is working well.(I have tested it using sql server studio). I have tried to change the connectionTyp...

XDocument or XElement parsing of XML element containing namespaces

I am try to read the following string, captured from a log4net UdpAppender. <log4net:event logger="TestingTransmitter.Program" timestamp="2009-08-02T17:50:18.928+01:00" level="ERROR" thread="9" domain="TestingTransmitter.vshost.exe" username="domain\user"> <log4net:message>Log entry ...

How to receive events if log4net stops logging

Log4net is a little too good at not throwing errors. I am trying to create some kind of handler that fires if log4net can not start or dies and can no longer log. I am aware of the app settings key to turn on log4net's internal debugging (log4net.Internal.Debug). I don't need all the debugging information all the time though, just if t...

How do I Log the Class file without the path in log4net

I want to be able to log the class file and line number in my log file so I am using the following config... <appender name="RollingLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <!--etc--> <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout"> <conversionPattern value="%date [%thread] %-5level (%file:%line) %logger => ...

c# log4net store entries in memory and Email under certain conditions

I currently use log4net with a RollingFileAppender. As each Log call is made I'd like to store this in memory. At the end of my console application run I'd like to (if an app.config setting is true) take only the Warns and Fatals and send all these messages in an Email. I notice MemoryAppender but not quite sure how to use it. Also see ...

Log4Net filters "OR"

Is it possible to make a filter, for example a PropertyFilter that is neutral (and passed to next filter in the chain) if either one or another value matches? Something like: <filter type="log4net.Filter.PropertyFilter"> <Key value="myProperty" /> <StringsToMatch Operator="OR"> <Match>value1</Match> <Match>value2</Ma...

Can't get Log4Net to work in my ASP.NET website :(

Hi folks, really simple question -> i can't seem to get any data from Log4Net in my ASP.NET application. I've got a simple ASP.NET website, which references a class library. In this class library, I have some lines that call the logger. I'm trying to read the log4net output data in my Visual Studio 2008 debugging Output window. Here's...

How to have a secure log4net?

I was just wondering if there is any way to encrypt or secure the log4net? ...

log4net initialisation

I've looked hard for duplicates but have to ask the following, no matter how basic it may seem, to get it clear once and for all! In a fresh Console app using log4net version on VS28KSP1 on 64 bit W7, I have the following code:- using log4net; using log4net.Config; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { ...

Where should I put log4net config - App.config or AppName.dll.log4net?

I'm using log4net logging in my DLL class library - I'm wondering where people would recommend I put the log4net configuration - in the App.config or in a separate .log4net config file? ...

log4net: using more than one log level with the same appender configuration

Hello everyone! A couple of weeks ago I've discovered log4net and I couldn't be happier with my initial results. So far I've been using the factory settings (BasicConfigurator.Configure()), but now I feel like going a step further and trying some customized configurations. I've wrestled my way to make the application read the configura...

Abstracting .NET logging with Common Infrastructure Libraries:

Hi, I've recently been considering abstracting my logging across the application. A more specific post on another resource led to the recommendation of the "Common Infrastructure Libraries": http://netcommon.sourceforge.net/ Specifically, the Common.Logging class, which provides a common interface which can sit in front of a number o...

Log4Net FileAppender not thread safe?

I need to log to a file because the customer doesn't have a console of something where I can log to with log4net. Now I read that the FileAppender is not thread safe. Is there anyhow a way to log to file within an app that logs out of different threads or what would be a common alternative? ...