
Log4Net, ThreadContext, and Global.asax

I am working on a Log4Net configuration that will log all unhandled exceptions. I need certain properties, based on user, to be added to each log entry. I have set this up successfully in the following manner in my Application_Error event. Here is my complete global.asax Imports log4net Imports log4net.Config Public Class Global...

How to use Castle Windsor 2.0 and Log4Net together?

I would like to use Castle Windsor 2.0 as the inversion of control container for my application and log4net 1.2.10 to provide logging services. Some Google searches suggest that Windsor provides some logging facilities and that I am supposed to create a public ILogger property on the classes that Windsor is instantiating. That sounds e...

Version independent reference dependencies in managed class libraries

I'm working on an appender for log4net and I'm faced with the problem of how to manage dependencies on the log4net version my class library is built against vs. the actual version deployed on the site. My class library has to reference log4net dlls and as such it becomes tied to the version I'm referencing at built time. However, the sit...

Editing log4net file value on custom action installer method

Hi there, I have my log4net configuration in app.config, and I'm trying to change the file key value. I'm trying to use this method: static bool ChangeLogFileName(string AppenderName, string NewFilename) { log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository RootRep; RootRep = log4net.LogManager.GetRepository(); foreach ...

log4net across appdomains

I have an application which initializes log4net from one appdomain and needs to use it in another appdomain. Is it supported? If not, should I initialize log4net from each appdomain? Is there a risk in multiple initializations in the same application? Should I use the same log4net.config? ...

appdomains in COM interop

I have a .Net class that calls a c++ COM object which in turn calls another .Net class in COM. I've found that the two .Net classes are in seperate appdomains (which makes some trouble with log4net). Note they are in the same thread though. Why is this? Is there a way to ensure they will be in the same appdomain? ...

to write log files in two different files

my application run on customized client framework,the client framework used log4net to log their own log files. we are(our application) has to use the same log4net to log our log files in our own path(say our customized path). currently the our log files are created but log are not writing in that file.it is writting in the client framew...

Log4Net Not Rolling

Hi Everyone, I have a problem with Log4Net. Running C# .Net 2.0 Log4Net Ver. Not Sure. How do I check it? Think it's 1.2 It seems to only spawn a new file everytime I restart the web config. Any ideas why my log file isn't rolling over? <appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <max...

List of Log4net Conversion Patterns

is there any comprehensive list of all the conversion patters available for log4net, I can't even find them in the source code. all i have found is this, shouldn't there be more patterns. for example how would i get the name of the hosting application? another question is how can i add my own patters? just as an example here is the co...

Log4Net ADO.net Info Buffer

Is there a way I can configure the AdoNetAppender to log every time a value of type 'Error' is reached, and log only the last 10 statements of lower threshold (i.e. info) prior to that statement. Is that possible? I'm running up hundreds of .Info statements for each individual error and I don't need that many... just enough to see what...

to log line number in my app programatically

hi, i want log linenumber to my log file, using log4net.the config details of log4net is written programmatically.i tried hell out thing to get line number to be logged but help less,here is my code private IAppender CreateFileAppender(string name, string fileName) { PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(); ...

How to get log4net to keep only the last X days of logs?

I only want log4net to keep let's say 10 days-worth of log files as keeping them growing indefinitely will eventually eat up my disk space. I had thought that I could do this by setting <maxSizeRollBackups value="10" /> on my RollingFileAppender but no dice. How do I do this? ...

Distinguishing source context in log4net output

I'm fairly new to log4net, and I can't seem to find any clear examples of how to handle this situation. I have a communication stack that consists of three layers: hardware, transport, and protocol. The three layers are contained inside of a manager class. As far as the user of the code is concerned they create the manager with a hard...

Configuration files with COM

I have an old PowerBuilder application that we are slowly phasing out. We are also moving to a more service orientated. So in order to facilitate this we are using C# COM wrappers to call WCF methods so old direct SQL calls can be slowly removed. We also use the C# COM wrappers when need functionality is needed in the power builder appli...

Log4net xml output

I want full control over log4net xml output. How is it possible to customize the output template? ...

In log4net, should be output for a named logger also go to the default appender?

If I have log4net configured as below <root> <level value="INFO" /> <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" /> </root> <logger name="MyNamespace.MyClass"> <level value="INFO" /> <appender-ref ref="AdoNetAppender" /> </logger> I would like the output from the named class to end up only in the sql database (via the adoNetA...

Log4net method name problem

I am implementing a custom XML formatter for log4.net public class ISDSApplicationEventsLayout : XmlLayoutBase<br> {<br> protected override void FormatXml(...)<br> {<br> //Location Info <br> writer.WriteStartElement("Method");<br> writer.WriteString(**loggingEvent...

Log4net creating custom levels

Hi I know its possible to use the built in levels with log4net INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages Is it possible to create new ones? ...

A method for high-load web site logging to file?

I need to build in click and conversion tracking (more specific and focused than IIS log files) to an existing web site. I am expecting pretty high load. I have investigated using log4net, specifically the FileAppender Class, but the docs explicitly state: "This type is not safe for multithreaded operations." Can someone suggest a robus...

log4 net Dynamic file name assigning

I want to know how to dynamically assign file name using Log4net .My application is such that 10 different files should be dynamically created based on user input ,and later based on the name the corresponding file name needs to be picked up and information written to it For example in my application based on my buisness requirement fo...