
Setting a log file name to include current date in Log4j

I would like to set the log file name for a log4j and log4net appender to have the current date. We are doing Daily rollovers but the current log file does not have a date. The log file name format would be logname.2008-10-10.log Anyone know the best way for me to do this? edit: I forgot to mention that we would want to do this i...

Getting a useful report from SVN - non-code files messing the stats up

I have a SVN repository for my project; it keeps code, docs, graphs, etc. Everything related to the project is there and versioned. However, I am trying to get some kind of intelligent stats for my code. The stat program I am using is StatSVN - they seem to be best of breed as far as I can tell. However, I am getting results for old fil...

How do I change java logging console output from std err to std out

I'm using the standard logger from java.util.logging and by default the console output is directed to the error stream (i.e. same as System.err.println). How do I change the console output to the output stream (i.e. same as System.out.println) ...

Logging, when and what?

I am currently working on a rather large multi tiered app that will be deployed overseas. Although I hope it won't fall over or blow up once depolyed I can't be 100% sure of this. Therefore it would be nice to know that I could request the log file, to work out exactly what went wrong and why. So basically as the title suggests I woul...

How do I get java logging output to appear on a single line?

At the moment a default entry looks something like this: Oct 12, 2008 9:45:18 AM myClassInfoHere INFO: MyLogMessageHere How do I get it to do this? Oct 12, 2008 9:45:18 AM myClassInfoHere - INFO: MyLogMessageHere Clarification I'm using java.util.logging ...

How to log in an Oracle database?

I am interested in what methods of logging is frequent in an Oracle database. Our method is the following: We create a log table for the table to be logged. The log table contains all the columns of the original table plus some special fields including timestamp, modification type (insert, update, delete), modifier's id. A trigger on th...

How to send email in HTML format with Microsoft Enterprise Library?

I know how to send mails using the Microsoft Enterprise Library 2.0 using a text formatter. But these emails are always in plain text. Is there any way with entlib 2.0 to send these mails in HTML format? ...

I need a tool to log Linux network traffic by IP address

I know that there are tools for this, but I cannot seem to find what I am looking for. It should capture the number of bytes of network traffic transferred between the host machine and other machines. I am not looking for a packet capture tool like wireshark but an auditing tool that will log the number of bytes periodically (every min...

Apache commons httpclient - disable debugging / lower debuglevel

Hi, i am using the apache commons httpclient in a lotus notes java agent and it works fine. BUT when establishing a proxy connection the log will be spamed with the following line : [INFO] AuthChallengeProcessor - basic authentication scheme selected Do you know how to disable the integrated loging or how to set a lower debug level ? ...

Is log4net much slower than System.Diagnostics.Trace?

I'm investigating the differences between using log4net and System.Diagnostics.Trace for logging, and I'm curious about the performance differences I've observed. I created a test application to compare the performance of both logging methods in several scenarios, and I'm finding that log4net is significantly slower than the Trace class...

How do I create a named log in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs for my servlet?

I'm currently logging via the simplest of methods within my servlet using Tomcat. I use the ServletConfig.getServletContext().log to record activity. This writes to the localhost.YYYY-MM-DD.log in $TOMCAT_HOME/logs. I don't want to get away from the simplicity of this logging mechanism unless absolutely necessary. But I would like to...

Logging to a file on the iPhone

What would be the best way to write log statements to a file or database in an iPhone application? Ideally, NSLog() output could be redirected to a file using freopen(), but I've seen several reports that it doesn't work. Does anyone have this going already or have any ideas how this might best be done? Thanks! ...

How to best capture and log scp output?

I am trying to capture output from an install script (that uses scp) and log it. However, I am not getting everything that scp is printing out, namely, the progress bar. screen output: Copying /user2/cdb/builds/tmp/uat/myfiles/* to server /users/myfiles as cdb cdb@server's password: myfile 100% |******************...

Log4j usage - how to customize the event ID when logging to Windows Event Log?

I'm adding windows event logging functionality to an existing Java application and I'd like to utilize event ids(our admin is using them already). Is there a way to specify the event ID when logging with NTEventLogAppender? ...

Tool for parsing smtp logs that finds bounces

Our web application sends e-mails. We have lots of users, and we get lots of bounces. For example, user changes company and his company e-mail is no longer valid. To find bounces, I parse smtp log file with log parser. Some bounces are great, like 550+#[email protected]. There is [email protected] in bounce. But som...

You Log to Your DB, Where Do You Log When Your DB is Down?

I'm working with logging in PHP with Pear, and I get into a standard problem: can I use file-based logging when the DB is not available? I don't mind if it's slow due to concurrency issues, but it cannot fail to work due to multiple, simultaneous hits. I'm asking this question in general (for other web technologies) and specifically fo...

Logging Library for .NET Compact Framework?

Any good logging libraries that support .NET compact framework? ...

Can syslog Performance Be Improved?

We have an application on Linux that used the syslog mechanism. After a week spent trying to figure out why this application was running slower than expected, we discovered that if we eliminated syslog, and just wrote directly to a log file, performance improved dramatically. I understand why syslog is slower than direct file writes. ...

How to keep your own debug lines without checking them in?

When working on some code, I add extra debug logging of some kind to make it easier for me to trace the state and values that I care about for this particular fix. But if I would check this in into the source code repository, my colleagues would get angry on me for polluting the Log output and polluting the code. So how do I locally ke...

Using a SQL Server for application logging. Pros/Cons?

I have a multi-user application that keeps a centralized logfile for activity. Right now, that logging is going into text files to the tune of about 10MB-50MB / day. The text files are rotated daily by the logger, and we keep the past 4 or 5 days worth. Older than that is of no interest to us. They're read rarely: either when develop...