
Facebook login problem in iphone?

In app I used fbconnect library in case of my app the fb browser shows lot of thing but i actually want the browser which shows only two textfield & one button for submit what i do for that still i'm using only fbconnect not fbconnect with json. ...

Social/Open Log-In: Magento?

Its easy enough to install/configure something like ShareThis but what about the social "log-in" plug-ins that are increasingly popular? e.g. "sign in with"... Facebook Twitter OpenID My questions are this: Does the development of each of these three have to be done separately or can it essentially be replicated for each. If a us...

asp.net webforms: using pagemethod in combination with jquery for login form

Hi all, I want to change my login page from using an updatepanel to a pagemethod which will be called using jquery. Now I'm wondering if this is a safe approach? The username and password will be send to the pagemethod and from there it will be validated, hashed and checked against the database. Client side validation will be done using...

ASP.net MVC Membership Redirect Depending on Role

I have two types of roles [Admin, HelpDeskAdmin]. I have a single logon view(both users go to same link to login) and I want to check their role once logged in and redirect to their respective admin pages once authenticated. The code below doesn't identify the logged in user as being in the role the first time and reloads the logon pa...

Problem to catch REQUIRES_AUTH and xhr.status from HttpContext.Response

Trying to find solution for redirection to the login page after Ajax-call if a user is not authenticated longer. I used a method described here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/199099/how-to-manage-a-redirect-request-after-a-jquery-ajax-call private static void RedirectionToLogin(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { string red...

Append login and note/comment in one page, single click action?

Hi,I have saved two pages evernote.com/mobile/Login.action and http://www.evernote.com/mobile/CreateNote.action?paginatedQuery.page=0&amp;paginatedQuery.queryDefinition=RECENT%3A locally and want to create a single page for logging-in and creating note. Login page has this code- <div id="pageContent"> <div id="login_box"> <div id="l...

Asp.net, where to store the username of logged in user?

When a user log into my asp.net site I use the following code: FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userid, false); As I often need to use the userid I can then later get the userid by: string userid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; Now I also want to show the logged in username on each page and my question...

Ruby Telnet Login Problem

Hello, I am having problems with Ruby Telnet API. More specifically, the login command. My code is as follows: options["Name"] ||= 'anonymous' options["Password"] ||= '******' @connection.login( options, &block ) And the output... Trying Connected to login: a ...and then I get a T...

Testing for correct email addy/password TSql

Hello, I am making a login form on my site, and need a little bit of help. I keep receiving an error when I use this script: <?php $em = $_REQUEST["email"]; $pa = md5($_REQUEST["password"]); //connectioninfo hidden $connectionInfo = array( "UID"=>$uid, "PWD"=>$pwd, ...

Forms authentication not forgetting me

I am using an ASP Login control to authenticate users, however even if the user doesn't check the 'Remember Me' check box the user will not be forgotten, even if they close their browser, shutdown their PC and open it up again. Authentication is: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" loginUrl="~/Default.aspx" tim...

how to login in a ldap auth based network with fedora 13?

how to login in a ldap auth based network domain using the fedora 13? i want also to access the drivers, printers, etc. ...

Conditional login redirect in Django

I know about LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL and I know about <form action="?next={{ next|default:"/foo" }}" method="post"> in django-registration's login.html template. Here's what I want to happen: If a user logs in from the homepage, redirect them to a URL that contains their username (/lists/[username]). If a user logs in from any other pag...

My login will not work and i do not see why? [PLEASE-HELP]

For come reason my login does not work I am using PHP and JavaScript to do so. PHP: $users = sql("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE SITE_ID='${CONFIG["ID"]}'"); if($_REQUEST["logindata"]){ $logindata = $_REQUEST["logindata"]; $now = array_shift(explode(" ",microtime())); if($_REQUEST["time"] < strtotime("+10 sec",$now) && $_REQUEST...

login session problem

hello.... i was completed login form. but client said some times user account over riding. showing another user login information. so how it solve. i was checked all of my code but there is no chance to show another user information. is there any chance to over come this problem may be automatically it happends in server? ...

Django 1.2: login issue (GET parameter: next)

Hello, I have a new question about django (I post a lost of them these days^^). Here is my situation : I have a custom login view (registered as login url in the settings) where I authenticate the users. I chose to do a custom view to be able to add messages and logging. The authentication works well, but I have a problem with the GET ...

login system with sessions

hello, i have created a login system with sessions in php,when used header to redirect to a particular page after checking username and password, it shows the following in firebug response "Failed to load source for: http://localhost/emp_tracker/main/edit_new.php" ,but it redirects in local system instead in server when i host it does n...

Obtain phpBB remote session

I want to crawl some data out of a phpBB forum i'm a member of. But for that, login is required. I can login using cURL, but if I try to crawl the data after logging in using cURL, it still shows that I need to login before viewing that page. Is it possible to login using cURL AND retain that session to do some farther job? Another thin...

grails Acegi: How to check for expired password

Hi everyone. This is a branch from this question. Branched out because the original purpose of that question was something else. I'm looking for the easiest way to check if a password is expired. A password will expire if its older than N days, where N is a value stored in another table. My User class looks like this: Security config...

Cannot connect to SQL Server Management Studio

Hi guys, tearing my hair out to be honest at this stage. I have an installation of SQL Server 2008 express on my laptop. I've been trying to login to SQL Server Management Studio without success. I even did a fresh install yesterday and still no joy. On installation I selected to install the default instance with windows authenticatio...

How can I store a UserID and Name with the LoginControl?

I have a LoginControl that works great, however, I want it to store more information than just being authenticated or not. I would like to store the UserID of the user so when they make changes I can call that UserID and record that they made the changes. Here is my code. Dim db As New DataClassesDataContext Dim User = (From ...