
m2eclipse .classpath generation with AJDT

Hi, I am using m2eclipse 0.10.2 and eclipse helios/ajdt. I remember that m2eclipse is managing the inpath for eclipse configuration (at least in eclipse galileo) right now, it doesn't manage it for me any more and I don't know why. This is my plugin configuration: <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> ...

How to deny maven to use open projects in Eclipse instead of jar from repository

Currently if i have dependency project opened, then maven use it instead of specified jar from repo. Is there Eclipse setting (or conf for pom), so maven will always use specified dependencies non-regarding if corresponding project opened or not in eclipse? ...

How well does m2eclipse deal with maven plugins?

In general, how well does m2eclipse deal with Maven plugins that modify or amend lifecycle phases? In particular, I have a project that has a maven-clean-plugin extension to remove an extra generated directory (not in target/) using the configuration filesets tag. This works when running mvn at the command line but not when doing a cle...

multi-modules project with maven is not working as expected?

Hi I am trying to create a multi-modules project in eclipse with m2eclipse. I followed some tutorials but the way it work is not what i expect: Here is the structure of my project -Root - webapps - module1 - module2 I have pom.xml for Root and modules. (module 1 and 2 are independent to each other) In t...

How does one automate configuration of Eclipse?

A team working on a project will tend to need a common configuration of Eclipse. This includes general configuration and project specific configuration. For example, generally, everyone might wish to share indentation, installation of certain plugins (say m2eclipse, testng, egit, Spring support). Further, for a project, you might want ...

Files in src/main/resources not copied when using maven and eclipse

I use maven and eclipse (with m2eclipse) for Java projects. I usually start with $ mvn archetype:create \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes \ -DgroupId=com.whatever.app \ -DartifactId=wonderapp $ mvn eclipse:eclipse and then import the project into eclipse. The build path in eclipse now contains an "Excluded: **" pa...

Maven continuously building EAR module for JEE project

I have a maven JEE project built using javaee5-maven-archetype and imported into Eclipse(Helios). The EAR module of the project is continuolsy build every second, even when there are no changes. Sometime Eclipse freezes and i have to kill the process. Nothing is listed in the Problems view but the below is displayed continuosly on the Ma...

M2Eclipse & Helios - errors

Hello! I downloaded the latest Eclipse Helios Java EE package and installed it with success. Now I want to install m2eclipse and I used the update site http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e (see here: http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/installing-m2eclipse.html) An error occurs: An error occurred while collecting items to be installed se...

Changes in dependent modules cannot be seen in other module in Maven Eclipse

I am working on a multi module project with m2eclipse. I set the maven to take care of resolving workspace dependencies. But when I make change on, say, service module, change is not visible on other modules immediately. If I make new method in Service layer, it is not visible in WebApp layer. Sometimes even Run/maven install and refresh...

How can I configure additional eclipse settings with m2eclipse?

With the maven eclipse plugin, I can configure checkstyle or sonar configurations by adding the necessary invocations to the pom.xml and calling "mvn eclipse:eclipse" to create the project configuration. Some members of my team want to just use "Import Maven project" and therefore don't get the benefits of the project preconfigurations....

Getting m2eclipse to match maven's classpath

I've got project with a few sub modules. mvn clean install works absolutely fine. But in Eclipse with the parent project open none of the maven dependencies are available and so all my Java source files are full of indicated compilation errors (they're not listed in the build path for the project). If I open one of the sub modules as ...

Maven beginner question, get m2eclipse to download jar and add to build path?

From what I have read, after adding the relevant maven repositories, maven should automatically download the necessary jars to satisfy dependencies in the pom.xml file. However, no jars ever get downloaded for me after I add dependencies in eclipse. Am I missing some glaringly obvious step? ...

m2eclipse wont download maven artifacts

I recently installed eclipse 3.6.1, and the m2eclipse plugin to use with my existing maven build, but im running into a lot of problems trying to get it working. My existing maven project builds fine from the commandline. After importing my project tree into eclipse, I ran a build on one of the projects. It eventually died with this e...

m2eclipse buildpath mess up

Hi, Being a newbie with maven, I've set up a new project with the archetype "webapp" and try to build from that. My project structure is as follow : src/main/resources for production classes, and src/main/test for unit tests. Everything is working fine but when i use the m2eclipse menu "update project configuration", the build-path mes...

Is there a way to force maven to copy resource folder changes incrementally?

I'm using Maven 2.2.1 and m2eclipse. I have two resource folders. When I save a change to any file in any of the resource folders, the Maven incremental build kicks off and re-copies ALL files in both resource folders to the target folders. This behavior would be fine if there were a relatively small number of files in the resource fo...

maven, eclispse and wtp broke for no reason: it stopped putting the mvn depentent jars in the WEB-INF/lib

Ive been running eclipse (Helios Build id: 20100617-1415), sonotype maven for eclipse version 2 ( for many months without issue. I can do "mvn install" on the command line, and get a perfect war, and I could run the webapp in eclipse local tomcat no problem. Then this morning, I started tomcat in eclipse, hit the serlvet...

m2eclipse multiple dependencies on classpath

Hi folks, it might be a duplication, but in eclipse, how can I deal with various dependency versions of the same library in my local maven repository ? The problem is that dependency versions specified in pom definition are the libraries I need to use (they have sources/javadoc available etc.), but maven puts all the available library...

maven 1 source artifact in maven 2/3 ?

I have a large base of maven 1 artifacts with their source jars named as app-0.0.1-src.jar. This repository is converted with nexus to a maven 2 view. Unfortunately the m2 convention on source jars is "...-sources.jar", so none of our m1 artifacts has sources. Is there any way in nexus or otherwise to make maven 2 (esp. m2eclipse) down...

How to set "build" dependencies between Maven projects in Eclipse?

Hello, I'm rather new to Maven and I couldn't find a solution to this little (IMHO) problem. In my Eclipse workspace I have a Maven project for an OSGi bundle (a regular one, not an Eclipse plugin). It depends upon several artifacts (JAR libraries); I need one of them to be built from another Maven project in the workspace. When I rebui...

How to create new Eclipse RCP project using maven2?

How to create new Eclipse RCP project using maven2 (preferably m2eclipse)? I read that there's plug-in for Maven that have idea about Eclipse. (Maven Eclipse Plugin) And then it looks like I need to find some Maven Archetype to create Eclipse RCP project, but I could not. At this point I am in doubt if I go right way. I just want to u...