
Applications manifest file causing problems on Win 7 environment

My app has been upgraded along the way from .net 1.1 to 3.5. On win 7 64 bit environment I have o manually remove the app.exe.manifest file as otherwise it crashes when it launches. I use a visual studio deploy & setup project to install. In the exe's application settings itself i've tried all the options in the dropdown relating to wha...

Not Connecting To Web Page On Android

Hi, I got a code for connecting the web page but it shows always "Connection failed; Host is unresolved:" The code is as follows. package myapp.httpdwnd; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextV...

Need to have the manifest generated data moved deeper inside of the jar

Due to a design issue outside of my control, the MANIFEST.MF file populated by the Maven Archiver plugin (inside of Maven jar plugin) is overwritten. Can I: move the file further down into the jar (i.e. from /META-INF to /src/home or something) Populate a different file with the contents that would normally go into (i.e. ...

How would I inform an isolated application of the location of dependent DLLs?

I have a couple of isolated applications that I am writing that all rely on dlls that are also written by myself and team. Things were fine when we only had a few dlls but not the build output directory is getting rather cluttered and hard to navigate. I would ultimately like to have the output build directory contain the following str...

Is it necessary to change the assemblyIdentity's version attribute in a manifest file?

In the following manifest, is it necessary to change the version attribute of the assemblyIdentity element if the assembly version is specified in the project (or, in my case, set as part of a MSBuild task)? According to this Microsoft Connect page, it looks like the project's version number overrides the manifest's version number. Ple...

How can I specify the mainClass in the manifest with minijar-maven-plugin?

I'm using the minijar-maven-plugin to reduce the size of my jar-with-dependencies jar but I need to specify a mainClass like I can do easily with the maven assembly plugin. How can i specify the mainClass in the manifest while still using the minijar plugin? My minijar configuration is the default: <plugin> <artifactId>mini...

Reading android MANIFEST.MF file

Is there a way to read META-INF\MANIFEST.MF file of the currently running application using Android API? I want to read SHA1 for classes.dex file and use it as an encrpytion key to one of my assets. I cannot use the signature for .apk file because everytime I create a new apk I need to re-encrpyte my asset and put in to apk file which...

Need an example of how to use class -> SingleLaunchActivityTestCase<T extends Activity>

Hi All I ask again this question and add more info, I simply couldn't find a way to add comment to the guy that answered me (iandisme) I am quite new to Android and Java I am looking for example of how to use class: SingleLaunchActivityTestCase Till now I am using class InstrumentationTestCase but the problem is that for each launche...

How to set permissions for Android Bluetooth

I'm new to Android development. I'm trying to get a simple HelloWorld app going on my (rooted) phone - and the app is trying to enable Bluetooth. I've set the Bluetooth permissions in my manifest is as follows, but I'm getting a Permission Denial exception when I try to run the application on my phone via Eclipse: <?xml version="1....

are delphi 2010 programs capable of tackling vista/win7 UAC by default

if you compile a program in D2010 a manifest .res file is automatically generated. is it included in your program by default? or you have to include it yourself?if yes what level of privilage is given to you? my program modifies a registery key would it be able to do so with out any modifications to .res file?if no what modifications i n...

Android: How to reference library drawable in app manifest

I have a free android app that I want to now distribute as free (with ads) and paid (without ads), so the only difference would be in a few of the layout files, where I just remove the ads in the paid version. I tried moving all of my code from my existing free app to a new project which I set up as a library project, and I'm referencin...

C++\Win32 API - Difference between WC_BUTTON and "BUTTON" window classes

Is there a difference or is it as simple as #define WC_BUTTON "BUTTON"? Also, if I use InitCommonControlsEx in place of InitCommonControls, do I still need to include a manifest? ...

Windows portable executable resources - looking for embedded manifests structure description

Hello all, i'm looking for a description of the manifest embedded in PE files. I know it's an XML file, what i'm looking for is a description of its structure and/or fields. ...

Can an Android Service have multiple Permissions?

I have a service which both downloads a file and saves it, and it seems I can only specify one permission. <service android:enabled="true" android:name=".DownloadService" android:permission="android.permission.INTERNET"> </service> or <service android:enabled="true" android:name=".DownloadService" ...

Difference between application manifest and assembly manifest

What is the difference between application manifest and assembly manifest? Where is each one used? Which one of the two is found in .dll or .exe resources? (or both can be there? ). Sorry if its too many questions at once, but if anyone can explain this to me it would be really helpful. The reason i'm asking this is that i want to be ab...

How to: Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following as a child of the <application> element?

how can I do the step above? I'm trying to the the tutorial "HelloMapView" and they reccomend to Open the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following as a child of the <application> element: <uses-library android:name="" />. how does th...

Trying to UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT but shortcut won't go away

I created a test Activity that installs a shortcut of itself on the Android Home screen. When you click a button, the Activity is supposed to remove the same shortcut it just created. However, nothing I do seems to delete the shortcut. Here is the Java code ( import; import

iPhone WebApp - Running completely offline

I have my iPhone WebApp actually running offline and caching all assets. When I save it to the desktop and run the app, the webapp will continue to call main.manifest (this was specified in my HTML tag as per the documentation). Also I have setup my .htaccess file as below, and restarted apache AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest ...

HTML5 iphone offline webapp

So i know that "offine mode" is supposed to work when you have no internet connection. But suppose I build a local network webapp, let's say at, then I leave my house, and i'm off the network, then I try to hit that address. Will the webapp pull from the cache, or will it say, "you have internet, but the host is unreachable...

SideBySide problem with debug build on a VM.

I have a .NET application that is developed with Visual Studio 2008 which uses a C++/CLI DLL named xVJob.dll. I am getting SideBySide errors when I try to run it on a test VM. The VM is running Windows Server 2003 SP2. I can run and debug everything fine on my development machine, but when I try to run it on the test VM, it throws an ...