
Error in AndroidManifest.xml

I have a problem in the manifest when i try to use this library ( <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.hellogooglemaps" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name...

Android supports-screen is it resizeable or any density?

I have taken note of some recent (and not so recent) blog posts on and have been adding in things like uses-feature and supports-screen elements to my manifest. The problem is I don't really under stand the resizeable and any density tags in supports-screen. I am supplying HDPI (drawable-hdpi) images for a few ite...

Perl: Read MANIFEST.MF file from Java .jar file

I'm trying to figure out how to read the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file form a java jar file in perl. I'm attempting to use Mail::Header in order to separate the properties in the manifest. This works fine if the manifest file is already extracted from the jar, but I'm trying to figure out how to extract the manifest into memory and then imme...

Can a manifest resource be added to a VB6 project using the Resource Editor?

We have a VB6 project that compiles to an ActiveX EXE that happens to have the word "patch" in the filename (it is part of a police dispatch system), which is causing Installer Detection on Windows 7 to think that it requires elevation. Rather than renaming the EXE, I want to embed a manifest resource into the compiled EXE that will req...

How to hide application icon from the Android Desktop?

I defined an application which is only used from my other application. So I would like to hide the icon of this application, so that the user can't see it on the desktop of his phone (or how do you call the thing where all apps are listed?). My manifest file looks the following way: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns...

Use Manifest Tool (mt.exe) to Change "Version" of "Unmanaged Assembly"

Now that native code can have assemblies (e.g. "unmanaged assembly") for side-by-side cache usage, I'm interested in changing the version of a DLL after it is built (as part of an incremental build auto-versioning scheme). I think I'm close using this commmand: mt -updateresource:MyNewlyBuiltThing.dll;#2 -identity:"MyNewlyBuiltThing, v...

Cache-manifest a login-protected page

How can I have a user authenticate and then download an offline application created specifically for them? I'm creating a public/private key encryption system for offline use and each user needs to be able to login and "download" their encryption/decryption page (app.php) using a form. This form dumps them on their app.php page, served ...

What is a Manifest in Scala and when do you need it?

Since Scala 2.7.2 there is something called Manifest which is a workaround for Java's type erasure. But how does Manifest work exactly and why / when do you need to use it? This blog post by Jorge Ortiz explains some of it, but it doesn't explain how to use it together with context bounds. Also, what is ClassManifest, what's the diffe...

What are the differences between "Run as administrator" and a manifest with requireAdministrator?

I've written a program with a manifest that includes requireAdministrator. On Windows 7 systems with UAC enabled, Windows pops up a dialog asking for permissions, as it should. Works great. If a user starts my program by right-clicking it and choosing "Run as administrator", then Windows 7 also pops up a dialog asking for permissions....

Mobile Safari, Web Apps, Site.Manifest and no internet connection

Using HTML5 and the Site.Manifest file, is it at all possible to create a web app that can be added to the iPhone/iPad home screen but have no requirement for an internet connection afterward? ...

weird html5 manifest reloading

I'm having a strange problem with the HTML5 manifest file under Chrome 5.0.375.99 but everything seems to be working fine under Safari. When loading a page for the first time with the manifest file specified for the first time, I can observe using Fiddler that all the files in the manifest being loaded and then halfway through it seems...

Eclipse: specifying classpath in Manifest when creating a runnable jar

Hi All, I am using eclipse to create a runnable jar. During runtime my code looks through the classpath for a config file, which it reads in. However, as a runnable jar it is not finding this config file. I guess the config file will need to exist as a seperate entity on the filesystem somewhere. How do I specify the classpath in the ...

How can I play video offline on iPad, using an HTML 5 web app (using Sencha touch or otherwise)

I've created a web app (using Sencha Touch, but that's not important) which I'm trying to get offline. It's a slideshow with images and a video. When online, it plays an mp4 video using the tag in HTML . I can take it offline using a cache manifest file, which works fine for all other content, but my video won't play when offline. I've...

Why can't I load an image resource from my resx file?

I have a controls library which I've added a .resx file to (ImageResources.resx). It contains two .png images which I subsequently added. In that same library I have a control which loads a couple of images to do some custom drawing, but I don't seem to be able to load the resources: void GTableLayoutPanel::SetBorderImagesFromManifest(...

Adding his application to the "add to Home screen"/"Shortcut" section

Hello all, In my android application, I create shortcuts by code to some activities within my application. I do this feature by using the broadcast: intent.setAction(""); sendBroadcast(intent); and that's cool, that really work! Now I would like to do something different: I have se...

Loading a 32-bit or 64-bit side-by-side COM DLL depending on the bitness with which the application runs

Hi, I have a .NET application that uses a COM DLL, of which there is both a 32bit and a 64bit version. I have written two application manifests that make side-by-side COM interop work on either 32 Bit or 64 Bit. Here the 32-bit version: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-c...

HTML5 cache manifest: what exactly does it do? the documentation is unclear

It's not clear to me from the descriptions of the cache manifest that I've read (e.g. and elsewhere) what this file does. I'll explain what I find to be unclear. The heading name ("Offline Web Applications") suggests that the cache manifest is relevant only for offline scenarios; the cache ...

How to read manifest file from dependent JAR in Android ?

Hi all! Does anyone know how to read values from MANIFEST.MF from my custom dependent JAR in Android ? I`ve tried many ways but it seems that they do not work for Android environment. ...

Offline web application + ipad bug

I am trying to get a simple (all front-end) application working offline on ipad, but safari keep telling my that I am not connected to the internet. I uploaded my cache manifest, added AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest in my .htaccess I use 1 ajax request, BUT, I store it in localstorage and I check navigator.onLine, should it be ...

Create jar file that can be executed on any machine

I have simple java app that prints `hello world!' on console. It is packed in app.jar. Jar structure: main/Hello.class - my main class with singe println method META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest file contains following: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: main.Hello Everything goes fine. But when you have a dependency than trou...