
Can I use manifests to consume a COM server without specifying its version?

Two of our programs use the same COM server (also made by us) with the same class ids. Each program when installing copies the COM server files into its folder and regsvr32s the COM server. The problem is how to install the COM server so that the user can install either one or both of our programs into different folders in any order and...

Can I use manifests to specify an optional dependency on a COM server?

I'd like to use manifests to specify a dependency on a COM server (reg-free COM). The consumer application will mostly work fine without the COM server - only something like 1,7% of its functionality uses the COM server. So with plain old regsvr32 it would start and work fine until the user would do something that would trigger CoCreate...

Why does /MANIFESTUAC:NO work?

Windows 7, C++, VS2008 I have a COM DLL that needs to be registered using "runas administrator" (it is a legacy app that writes to the registry) The DLL is used by a reports app which instantiates it using CoCreateInstance. This failed unless I also ran the reports app as administrator; until I changed the linker setting from /MANIFESTUA...

Can I clear a webapp in Chrome?

I've written a webapp that has a manifest that includes all the javascript and images that it requires. Unfortunately, even when I change the manifest file, it doesn't seem to reload the javascript. Is there a way to delete the webapp completely from Chrome? Clearing the browser cache doesn't seem to work. I'm running Chrome 5.0.375.5...

Android Market Publishing Issues

I have an app which I have just updated to froyo to take advantage of the move to SD card feature. I am now trying to upload the update to the market but I keep getting the following error: "The file is invalid: W/ResourceType( 7193): Bad string block: last string is not 0- terminated ERROR getting 'android:label' attribute: attribut...

Can one edit an InstallShield setup.exe's manifest file?

I'm running into the Windows Vista/7 Program Compatibility Assistant problem described here: The solution (backed-up by similar questions elsewhere, and MSDN), is apparently to add a 'compatibility' section to setup.exe's ...

how to have QA and Production installed via ClickOnce without override each other?

i am having a problem attempting to have two environments published through clickonce i have two urls one with the QA version and one with the PROD version the issue is that i can only have one at the time, if i install one it overrides the other instance. i already attempted to change publisher name and also add a Suite name to creat...

How do I create a Map type that allows multiple types for both keys and values?

I would like to create a Map type so something like the below is possible: VariantMap(1) = "Test" VariantMap("a") = 42 and VariantMap("a") would have a type of Option[Int]. Here is the code I have so far which results in Option[Nothing]: object VariantMap { import scala.reflect.Manifest private var _map= Map.empty[Any,(Manifest...

How to set name of author in a maven project?

packaged maven project contains META-INF/ file and in field "Built-by" is login name of current user. Where or what to set name of author, so maven will use this instead of login name? ...

Updating a Safari Extension?

Hi there, I'm writing a simple Safari Extension, and I'm trying to figure out how to get the update mechanism working. Apple's documentation here is delightfully vague: And here's my manifest, based...

How to include different resolution icons with Android App?

The Android docs indicate that I should ship with different icons for different resolution phone screens. res/drawable-ldpi/my_icon.png // icon image for low density res/drawable-mdpi/dpi/my_icon.png // icon for medium density res/drawable-hdpi/my_ico...

Listing an application's activity and intent-filters?

I am interested in activating another application's activity. I know from reading the Android SDK that it's probably better to do this with an implicit intent. However, this activity doesn't reside in an application I own, so I don't know the action and category and data flags on the intent-filter. How can I examine an Android applicati...

How to tell cell phone to install midlet in applications folder?

I'd like to suggest where the phone should install the j2me app. For instance, on Nokia phones, it always install them in games folder. Is there a way to suggest a destination folder? Either in .jad file or in MANIFEST file? ...

Mobile Safari application cache bugs?

I'm using Mobile Safari's cache manifest file to store a multi-page data entry application that is run on an iPod Touch (version 3.1.3) in offline mode. The application writes to the client-side database by way of the persistence.js ORM. This all works fine. However, I run into the occasional, extremely hard to reproduce problem whereby...

too long line in manifest file while trying to create jar

I am getting a too long line error while trying to build a jar. the long line in the manifest file is the Class-Path line as the application uses a lot of third-party libraries. needless to say, I am using Windows :-( and Eclipse Java 1.6 I tried Class-Path: lib or Class-Path: lib/ but they did not work. ...

How to automatically update android:versionName?

For an improved bugreporting I'd like if the tag android:versionName automatically contains the number of the revision on the svn server. Anyone knows how to do that? Thanks ` ...

Android Eliminate Complete Action Using dialog

I have 2 apps and both integrate a package containing an activity. My problem is that when I launch any one app, and when it calls the activity inside the package, it shows me a dialog: Complete action using: App1 App2 I want to eliminate this dialog, so it just launches the activity from its own integrated package. Currently, my A...

How do I configure java.util.logging within an Eclipse plug-in?

I am new to creating plug-ins, and there's much that I don't understand. One of these mysteries is logging. I have legacy code that I want to be able to use both within the plug-in and in the old standalone code. This code uses java.util.logging. I debug my plug-in by starting up a new workbench using a JVM option -Djava.util.loggi...

How do I force a native application to use an older C runtime

Visual Studio 2010 installs version ...4974 of the VC9 runtime whose .pdbs are unavailable. How can I force my GME.exe to use an older VC9 runtime? I've tried putting this into GME.exe.config: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <windows> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <assemblyIdentity type="w...

click once Error: The deployment identity does not match the subscription

Hi all, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 sp1. I have an application WinForms deployed internally using ClickONce in shared folder in local network. The Test Certificate pfx expired in 2035. I h ave published the update to the internal shared folder severals times. Note that the project is only set to 'Sign the ClickOnce manifests' an...