
Animating a sprite across a MKMapView

Without getting into OpenGL (Quartz 2D is OK): Let's say I have an image which I want to move across a map in some fluid way. For instance, an image of a plane "flying" across the map. I've been able to do this using an MKAnnotation, an NSTimer and fiddling with the rate of lat/lon change and timer rate. However, I assume this isn't id...

iPhone 3.0 MapKit - Multiple Annotations in the Same Location

Background: I have created an application that allows users to submit an entry to an online database, and view other entries from that database. These entries contain geocodes for latitude and longitude which are used for positioning the annotations on the MapKit. Users can submit the location using either their current location or an ad...

GPS or triangulation when setting user position on map????

Hello everybody, I have been programming an app using the mapkit and the SDK 3.0. Everything works allright except for one detail. I have noticed that when displaying the userlocation I get different user positions on the map dependent of the current network. I have read about this problem and understand that it is common? In my WLAN is ...

iPhone - can I use MapKit without displaying a Map?

I am writing an app that will use Reverse Geocoding to translate the user's current location into something like a Street Address or City. It seems the only way to get this kind of information is via MapKit (specifically the Placemark class). Can I use this without having to display a map to the user? The reason I am asking this is bec...

Obtain updated annotation coordinate (lat/lng) from callout after drag event objective-c

Does anyone know how I can get the latest coordinated of my annotation after I've dragged a map annotation from a callout of the annotation? How can I access that info? Any code samples would be appreciated. Thanks, Zap ...

How do I update a MapView with an address?

I want to update a MapView in an iPhone app. Using a geocordinate, this is trivial. But what if I don't know the coordinate? I want to update it using an address string, like you would enter in the text box of google maps. To give a little more background, in my app a MapView is displayed with the user's current location. After the loc...

Positioning MKMapView to show multiple annotations at once

I've got several annotations I want to add to my MKMapView (it could 0-n items, where n is generally around 5). I can add the annotations fine, but I want to resize the map to fit all annotations onscreen at once, and I'm not sure how to do this. I've been looking at -regionThatFits: but I'm not quite sure what to do with it. I'll post ...

MKMapView reload issue

I have a controller containing a MKMapView. I retain it when the user pops back to the previous controller and then push it back when the user want to return to the map. The problem occurs when an amination is in progress when the user leaves the controller. When I re push the controller the animation is on the screen frozen in the state...

Clearing Mapkit Data

I'm running the Mapkit with GPS. The google maps pictures begin to load up. I leave to another part of the program. When I come back to the GPS, it no longer loads the pictures from google maps. For memory saving reasons, I'd like to clear that data so when I come back to the gps, it loads the pictures again. Is there a way to do that? ...

Observing CLLocationCoordinate2D in iphone SDK

Hi Team, In iPhone SDK, can we only observe Objects, and not struts like CLLocationCoordinate2D? Example: I've got some very simple code where I'd like to observe a property of type CLLocationCoordinate2D, I've made sure to synthesize it in ABC.m. @interface ABC { CLLocationCoordinate2D currentLocation; } @property (nonatomic, readwr...

strange behavior of iphone MKMapKit

Whenever I set the region property of the MKMapKit it doubles the span. For example: MKCoordinateRegion currentRegion = map.region; // assume the current center of region is around New-York and the span is 2 by 2 map.region = map.region; // assign the region to itself MKCoordinateRegion newRegion = map.region; // the span of newRegion...

Loading Accessory callout view for mkannotationview

I have a map annotation view that contains a rightcallout button which loads an accessory view which is a UIViewController class. I am using resuable annotations, but am wondering how I can pass updated information to my UIViewController class. Let's say I have 2 string values which map to 2 UILabels on my view. How can I update those va...

Application crashes when asking if user wants to use Location Services

I have an iPhone app that is using CoreLocation. Upon first installing the app, the iPhone system message is displayed asking whether or not the user wants to allow location services, if they click yes, my app suddenly displays the first screen of my app (I'm using a navigation controller), and crashes. This is what I see in the log - ...

Removing MKMapView Annotations causes leaks.

I've boiled a very complex set of web services and searches down to the simple following code. I need to be able to add annotations to a map in response to a search (or in the sample below to the click of a button), then allow the user to click the button again and get a new set of results. In reality there will be a different number, ...

Is MKMapView leaky

As well as my question "Removing MKMapView Annotations causes leaks." I have discovered that if you create a view based project, add a UISearchBar and MKMapView into the view's NIB, wire up the delegates (I'm not creating any methods as we don't actually need to do anything to trigger the leaks), link in the MapKit and fire up the proje...

MKMapView not calling delegate methods

In a UIViewController I add a MKMapView to the view controlled by the controller. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 460, 320); map = [[MKMapView alloc] initWithFrame:rect]; map.delegate = self; [self.view addSubview:map]; } Later in the controller I have - (void)mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap:(MKM...

addAnnotations issue (memory management maybe?)

Hi guys! I'm having some problem with MKMapView / annotations / UINavigationController. Basically, i manage my views using a UINavigationController; one of my view contains an MKMapView and i add annotations on it (10 to 200) using the addAnnotations method. Everything is working fine except for one thing : if i navigate "too fast" on m...

how to show two location on map kit

hii i want to indicate two location on map kit . i have co ordinate of two location on which i want to show pin.for this i m using addAnnotations, method and passing an array of annotation. But it not working ... need urgent help.. ...

How to add an UIButton to a MKAnnotation (MKView)?

Hey, I want to add a click able button to a MKAnnotation as seen in this screenshot of the Maps application: ...

MKmapView Delegate: regionDidChangeAnimated and mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap

Hello! I`m trying to add an annotation when the map is loaded and the region did change: How Can I do a mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap and when is done a regionDidChangeAnimated?? Thanks Tony ...