
Grab result set and return value both from stored procedure in Linq to Sql

CREATE Procedure dbo.Ssample AS Select 1 as One , 2 as Two ,'3' as Three RETURN 2 --T-SQL way to execute declare @a int exec @a = dbo.Ssample select @a How can I retrieve the return value and the result set both in linq to sql. I would appreciate if anyone can give me the dbml markup as my designer file always get auto gener...

inserting blocks of text in haml

In my Jekyll blog I use the include tag to put the contents of a file into the document. However if I attempt to do this with a HAML based document the indentation of the included text is wrong. :preserve does not work because it requires indentation. Is there a way to specify a block of text without depending on indentation? %html %b...

Mark-up Button Event Not Firing in ASP.NET (Details inside)

There is nothing fancy with the mark-up: <hr /> Add... <asp:Button ID="buttonTextSegment" runat="server" Text="Text Segment" onclick="buttonTextSegment_Click" /> <hr /> Or the code: protected void buttonTextSegment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //never is triggered } My guess is that it is due to the hierarchy/load or...

Frame content not appearing in Firefox

This simple frameset is not working in Firefox (IE7, 8, Chrome is okay). main doesn't appear but footer does. There's a frame window divider flush to the top of the screen, but even after pulling that divider down, no main content is shown. It's validated under its DOCTYPE. Any ideas? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Fra...

A more consistent, easily readable markup language?

I've been experimenting with several lightweight markup languages, to be precise the ones from this list at Wikipedia: Comparison of lightweight markup language syntax. Honestly, apart from the rules for italic/bold/underline styling, their syntax is incredibly inconsistent and painful to remember. Look at the example for the well know...

How does one make a template system (like Tumblr's) in Rails?

I've looked at Liquid and the like, but I cannot find a way to make a "one file" template that can handle all situations. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, but I will if I cannot find an existing solution. The template system looks like this: {block:Text} <li class="post text"> {block:Title} <h3><a href="{Perm...

Caching / moving markup in the DOM for reuse

Bit of a weird one - bound to see some head scratching and wrinkled noses on here. Currently developing this scrollable timeline that has users incrementally loading new modules of HTML via AJAX as they pan / scroll, so before long they can end up with quite a bit of markup on the page. As they "zoom" though (i.e. shift the scale of the...

HTML email not displaying correctly

i have a strange problem with sending HTML mail in c#. Basically i am trying to email myself the weather every morning and I begin by downloading the weather in HTML markup from an ftp site. After obtaining the source file i then read it into a string and create a mailMessage using the following code. string body = File.ReadAllText(@"...

Where do I start when writing a new scripting "language"?

I have a need to write a basic scripting/templating engine that will run under PHP. Ideally, I would be able to mix my own markup language with an (X)HTML template and run the document through a server-side parser to dynamically replace my own markup with (X)HTML served out of a database. Unfortunately, for all my knowledge of PHP and ...

accordion faq in wordpress

Hello! I would like to make a simple collapsible faq in wordpress. There are accordion menu plugins out there that offer way more features than I need. But I'm having trouble getting things to look right with the Simple Content Reveal plugin. I'm ready to try writing my own jquery code for the first time. I will need step by step in...

Why would a site ever use </img> in HTML markup

I encountered this page, a Google service login page that (beyond just omitting a doctype), contains 6 instances of </img> For example, <img src="" alt="Google"> </img> Why would they ever do that? What benefit/functional...

Using HTML markup instead of classes in a JavaScript drop-down menu

Hello, I got a piece of JavaScript from a training video, but I do not like how the HTML that associated with it is built. It's an accordion-style drop down menu, and it uses classes on each of the menu items that initiate the drop-down effect. I'll post my code and explain after... <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = initA...

Web page generator like LaTeX

Hi, forgive if this is dumb. I was wondering if there was any such thing like LaTeX, by which you could write in a markup and compile it to a whole web page (of course with CSS and other styling). I've heard of lightweight markup languages like Textile. But I don't think they serve my purpose. ...

Change a value of a hidden field in the markup?

Is there a way to change a value of a hidden field in the markup (with jquery or js) so I could use that new value once I'm out of the script (i.e. in a different script that would be triggered later)? Lets say : <form> ... <input type="hidden" name="prev_address" id="prev_address" value="no"> <input type="hidden" name="prev_job" ...

Conversion between docx / doc / rtf and lightweight markup

I am looking for a tool or set of tools to convert between file formats D and M where D is a format handled by MSWord, in order of preference, docx, doc, rtf M is a lightweight markup, such as markdown, textile, txt2tags, it can be an esoteric one there is a way to generate html from M conversion is two-way, it's done both from D to M,...

Documentation for vim help file markup

Is there a complete source of documentation on the markup format used in vim help files? :help write-local-help provides some info but does not, for example, document the markup used to indicate quoted sections. update: I've also discovered this post on the vim-use mailing list which provides slightly more info than the afore-mentioned...

What HTML5 markup do you recommend for a multipage book?

Hello, I'm writing a small book in HTML5 which is divided into chapters and sections like this: chapter1.html - intro to chapter 1 chapter1section1.html - section 1.1 chapter1section2.html - section 1.2 chapter2.html - intro to chapter 2 chapter2section1.html - section 2.1 chapter2section2.html - section 2.2 As soon as...

How to use markup extensions from C# code?

Assume I have SomeExtension markup extension. Does anyone know how to assign it to a property from C# code? That is for example in xaml I have <TextBlock Text="{l:Translate LocalizedByMarkupExtension}" /> I want to do the same using C# code. ...

How can I convert an Excel table into Trac Wiki Table format?

I've seen copy & paste converters to MediaWiki or HTML format. But I could not find one that converts to the Trac Wiki format (WikiFormattting) which uses pipes to separate cells, such as: ||Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3|| ||Cell 4||Cell 5||Cell 6|| ...

Hakyll generates weird HTML - can anybody explain reason?

Hello, I use Hakyll to generate some documentation and I noticed that it has a weird way of closing the HTML tags in the code it generates. There was a page where they said that you must generate the markup as they do, or the layout of your page will be broken under some conditions, but I can't find it now. I created a small test page ...