
Nest lists in paragraphs in html

It seems that (strict) html doesn't allow nesting any non-inline elements inside a <p>, but then how am I supposed to render a paragraph that contains a list (something that occurs often in natural texts). I've seen three answers that all seem unsatisfying: Lists should not happen inside paragraphs. (I'm not going to go into a cultur...

Is it possible to set Hibernate's "default" variable name mapping?

I'm looking for a way to set the "default" mapping that Hibernate applies to a variable name in a Java object to query it against the database. At the moment we are using the inline javax.persistence markup to manually set column names, but since we have a rigid naming policy for our database it would be nice to be able to just skip on t...

Is it a good idea to create new XHTML markup for speed and readability reasons?

Hi folks, I develop for a web app startup and I come across the following code quite often. <div class="items container"> <div class="item"> <div class="property propertyA">Some stuff</div> </div> </div> Our typical jQuery selector looks pretty much similar to: $("div.items.container > div.item >

Problem with regex for text parsing (similar to textile)

I'm banging my head against the wall trying to figure out a (regexp?) based parser rule for the following problem. I'm developing a text markup parser similar to textile (using PHP), but i don't know how to get the inline formatting rules correct -- and i noticed, that the textile parsers i found are not able to format the following text...

Suggestions for an offline CMS?

I am looking for a way to create a blog (with some other informative pages) using offline CMS. What I mean by "offline CMS" is: I should be able to write using a markup which is abstract (not HTML, or XML). Something like the MarkDown or Textile systems. The entries will be edited offline on my PC When I am done, I will need to (re)ge...

Rounded corners for <input type='text' /> using for IE

I want to create an input fields with rounded corners. HTML: <div id="RightColumn"> <input type="text" class="inputForm" /> </div> CSS: .inputForm { -moz-border-radius:10px; /* Firefox */ -webkit-border-radius: 10px; /* Safari, Chrome */ -khtml-border-radius: 10px; /* KHTML */ border-radius: 10px; /* CSS3 */ behavior:url("borde...

ASP.NET Markup Intellisense not working in Visual Studio 2010

When I type < in the Markup Mode of Visual Studio 2010, I don't get any server-side controls (ie. ), I just get a list of standard HTML controls. This used to work, but one day just stopped. Why could this be? P.S: I'm a VB.NET Programmer, and the .vb files intellisense is working fine. ...

ASP.NET Designer - How Do I generate this Design-Time Markup?

Hello, I want to generate this: <x:MyControl id="a" runat="server"> <Scripts> <x:MyScript .. /> </Scripts> </x:MyControl> I setup a control like: [ ParseChildren(true, "Scripts"), DefaultProperty("Scripts") ] public class MyControl: Control { [ PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerDefaultProperty), Mergabl...

Cleaning 'messy' markup rendered by ASP.NET

Ive noticed when looking at the source of a page generated in ASP.NET, the actual markup is very messy - sort of a half-assed tabbed affair with bundles of whitespace thrown in (see pic). Can anyone suggest a technique to remove/strip this whitespace? ...

Ruby markup parser for custom markup language

I am looking for a Ruby markup parser (or helper) to convert a custom markup language to HTML. Something like Decoda does in the PHP world (see $code->addMarkup() function). Is there a good tool in the Ruby world? ...

convert excel into wiki markup

Hi, Is it possible to convert EXCEL spreadsheets into MEDIAWIKI markup? Stumpled upon strange recommendations exporting to HTML and convert it into markup? Is there a solution maybe exporting to XML first or directly converting it? regards, UP ...

Common Markup Language for Address/Location

I'm looking for a standard markup language to transmit addresses (locations). I really need nothing more complicated than a list of addresses with some metadata, each requiring a name, address, state, phone, email, geocoordinates, and some other metadata. I don't want to have to parse these addresses into their constituent parts; I nee...

debug markup

Hello, Is it possible to debug markup in ASP.Net projects ? According to answers I would like to provide You an example: <DataItemTemplate> <a href="RangeDetails.aspx?ObjectId=<%# Eval("Object1Id") %>&Type=<%# Eval("Type1") %>"> <%# Eval("Object1")%> </a> </DataItemTempla...

Textile question: redcloth anchor links

How do I write this in textile (i'm using the redcloth gem) <a href="#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a> <a name="tips">Useful Tips Section</a> I know the first part, "Visit the Useful Tips Section":#tips but how do I make the named anchor? Thanks! Deb ...

epydoc: Blocks of fixed-width text

Hi, I have written a software component that relies on a configuration file. For clarity, I want to document the structure of the configuration file by adding an example file in the docstring of the relevant class. For obvious reasons, it should appear in fixed-width font. The only way I know is adding >>> before each line, which is ba...

Implementing parser for markdown-like language

I have markup language which is similar to markdown and the one used by SO. Legacy parser was based on regexes and was complete nightmare to maintain, so I've come up with my own solution based on EBNF grammar and implemented via mxTextTools/SimpleParse. However, there are issues with some tokens which may include each other, and I don...

markup text parser like stackoverflow's formatter in Objective-C

Hi, I'm in the process of creating a markup editor in Objective C. I require the following functionality: Recognise the demarcation of a block eg **block** Delete the start and end "tags" eg "The next text is **bold**" becomes "The next text is bold" Determine the start and end positions of the marked-up text in the new context: "The ...

How get to pretty HTML source code from PHP generated output?

When you look at the source code of PHP generated output usually everything is on one line, it makes it very hard for front end developers to read the code and trouble shoot. So is there a way to get PHP generated output to go from this: <ul><li>Hello</li><li>Hola</li><li>Bonjour</li></ul> to <ul> <li>Hello</li> <li>Hola</li...

Build errors in VS2010 when a markup file is open

Our solution has several projects(like over 100), most of which work fine. However anytime a markup file from the "main" project(which the rest of them build into) is open and we attempt to build or debug we get the following: Error 18 Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of IInterface)' cannot be converted to 'Syste...

[Javascript] Append an Array to an Unordered List

What I'm trying to accomplish with this code is to output the array alphabet as a series of list items into an existing unordered list in the actual markup. I've got the array into list items, but I can't figure out how to tell it to append itself to an existing unordered list <ul id="itemList"></ul>. var itemsExist = true; var indexNu...