
How to override embedded style in chrome?

Chrome appends an stylesheet and it make a lot of problems for me. for example this selector html>body, html>body * {background-color:#ffffff !important} is one oe the things I can't override in my own styles. Anyone has a solution for that? ...

Quote marks in controls' property in ASP.NET markup

Sounds dummy but I can't set to a server-side control's property a value contains quote marks ": <asp:CompareValidator ErrorMessage="Currency-from can't be equal to currency-to" runat="server" /> I need to quote "from" and "to". I tried escaping \"from\" and double quote marks ""from"" - both doesn't work. How to do that? ...

How to make columns as wide as the widest entry?

For a gcc cheatsheet I'm writing, I want to create a table which should describe how gcc interprets different file endings. The table I created so far is defined as follows: |====================================================================== |.c |C source code which must be preprocessed. |.i |C source code which should not be ...

The caption with a "tricky" vertical spacing.

There is a picture: How to make this inscription so that: The lines were "separated" - that is between the lines was a gap. Text aligned left. The width of the photo is not fixed, it is floating. The length of the text also not fixed (signatures can be of different lengths). I need crossbrowser-compatible solution. I apologize ...

How can I refer to a binding converter in another namespace in Silverlight XAML?

Since you apparently can't create a Silverlight DataTemplate in C#, I'm trying to create one in XAML. I have a converter that I need to refer to, that I have defined in C# in another namespace. I've tried doing this: <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="PriceTemplate"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding Price, Convert...

copy an element as HTML to clipboard

I've managed to write some jQuery to find an element and copy it's html to the clipboard (ie only). The problem is that when I paste this into a rich text box area in sharepoint it pastes the HTML as text only. How do i replicate the user action of highlighting a link on a page and pressing copy. When I do this manually and then paste...

Generating clean markup with Literal and string.Format

In order to generate clean markup, I often resort to using code similar to this: <asp:Literal ID="ltItem" runat="server"> <li class="{0}"><a href="{1}">{2}</a></li></asp:Literal> And in the codebehind: ... lt.Text = string.Format(lt.Text, cssClass, item.Url, Server.HtmlEncode(item.Caption) ); Some of the advantages are:...

Asciidoc image inline macro vs. image block macro

I don't understand in which context an image block macro would be preferable to an image inline macro. I played around with a little test document and the only difference I could see is that I could "inline" (who would have guessed ;-)) the inline macro. So why not always use the inline version? ...

Inline Zend Navigation links in view content saved to db

I'm storing the page content in the database (both as markup and HTML code) and displaying this content in the view (let's say it's CMS or forum post). The this data have also some links to internal pages existing in sitemap (Zend_Navigation object). It's easy to insert the link in page body just by using <a> tag. But the contents of th...

mediawiki markup equivalent of WMD live-previewing editor? (not WYSIWYG)

Anyone have a recommendation for an editor like the WMD editor, but using MediaWiki markup instead of Markdown? Our site is already using MediaWiki markup but we want a slicker editor without changing markup completely. Requirements include: live preview of formatted text underneath the markup you're typing a toolbar for common forma...

not able to solve markup problem;charset=%28detect+automatically%29&amp;doctype=Inline&amp;ss=1&amp;outline=1&amp;group=1&amp;No200=1&amp;verbose=1&amp;st=1&amp...

Embedding a flash object old SWF markup? Will this work??

I am embedding a flash object into my site and when I do I get a message from dreamweaver saying "This page contains some swf objects that may not work correctly in the most recent versions of Internet Explorer. Dreamweaver cannot convert them to the new SWF markups please delete each of them and insert them again" I am not aware of a...

Groovy markupbuilder tags

Is there a way to modify the code from a previous answer import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder def writer = new StringWriter() def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer) def awaiting = ['one', 'two', 'three'] builder.html { ul { awaiting.each { li(it.toString()) } } } println writer.toString() so that i...

HTML text: do I need specific tags to use text?

What I want to do is <div>some text <span>different text</span> more text </div> I wasn't sure if I needed one of <a><p><h1> tags to use text or if I could simply just write it with just div. Does it affect proper markup or SEO? Also in cases where I am using the header tags <h1><h2>, etc. How many can I go up to? Such as <h7>+? And...

Ideal UI markup language

A friend of mine and I are looking to start a project looking into accessible user interface (for blind users) design. There are a number of projects making existing GUI's accessible by tagging them with audio information but we're looking to work from the ground up and actually take input from a ML and create an accessible application....

Use markup in files using django

I am currently working on a website using, django, my problem is that the site has to be ported from using php scripts to using django. Though the site content has been well maintained by the previous maintainer, I have to use markdown for files that already having a HUGE amount of content in them, like the main page is divided into thre...

Selecting a TD element from it's ID in jQuery

I have an array called currentTD that holds two integers, the first element in the array is an ID to a <TR> element, and the second element in the array is the ID of a <TD> element within that <TR>. I want to somehow select that <TD> and change its background colour. I'm just not sure how I can select that <TD> given the "co-ordinates" ...

Setting image dimensions in HTML

Is it good practice to set the dimensions of an image (in static content), even if I have cropped the image to the correct size and it's container has fixed dimensions and overflow:hidden ? <img src="" title ="" alt="" width="100" height="100"/> ...

Is there a document markup language that can "do it all"?

I work on a lot of language-based projects, and the larger ones require semi-formal specification documents. In the past, I've used or just plain HTML for these documents, and manually converted them to whatever other formats were needed. For my current project, however, I need to generate output in several formats (HTML, ...

XHTML - adding new elements

Hi! How can I add new tags to the xhtml document without making the markup 'invalid'? for eg: instead of <span class="time"> I'd like to use <time>. Is this possible? because I've seen a facebook app do something like this. ...