
Why is Java reference is not working like expected in this Program

Hi, I was working in a problem and I found that Java references are not working as I expect it to. Ofcourse, I am the culprit :), can someone please me why the following happens. Let me first post the code here. package misc.matrix; public class ReferenceTester { public static void main(String args[]){ Boolean[][] input = ...

matrix multiplication in C++

hi, I have a number of 3x3 matricess that I want to multiply together For example: m1*m2*m3*m4*m5 Although MTL is a recommended way, I don't have this library and can't use it. Can someone please suggest a conventional way to multiply these 3x3 matrices (all matrices m1 to m5). Code snippet (for matrix multiplication and multiplyi...

Using Maxima's linsolve( ) -- problem passing arrays to linsolve( )

Hello, I'm trying to use linsolve( ) from within a subroutine in order to code up a solution algorithm that is independent of the dimension of the problem. The desire is to dynamically allocate the equation and variable arrays within the subroutine itself, pass these to linsolve( ) and hopefully get back the results. /* SUBROUTINE IDE...

Installing precompiled versions of LAPACK on Windows

I am trying to use the Armadillo matrix library to do matrix calcualtions and it needs BLAS and LAPACK. The Armadillo documentation recommended geting the precompiled versions from here: There are .lib and .dll files in there. The only problem is I don't know how to get Visual Studio (Express...

Return a float array in C++

Hi, I currently have a 4x4 matrix class in C++ and I store each value as a float: Matrix4d::Matrix4d(const float& m00, const float& m01, const float& m02, const float& m03, const float& m10, const float& m11, const float& m12, const float& m13, const float& m20, const float& m21, const float& m22, ...

.NET RDLC Report Matrices

I'm having a terrible time managing RDLC reports. I couldn't find any comprehensive tutorials in the internet and MSDN isn't as helpful as I wish it could have been either. Particularly, I've been having a problem trying to get a particular table/matrix to appear based on a client's requirement. It goes like this. In the DB I have two ...

SSRS Including empty cells when calculating avg.

Group, This is hard to explain, but I am building a matrix report in SSRS. My row includes a product code, my columns are months (previous 13) and my values are units sold for the corresponding product/month. I found some custome code that would let me change my subtotal to Avg However, for some products there might not be any units s...

Recommendation for C# Matrix Library

Hello, I need a C# library to deal with matrices. It should implement singular value decomposition, matrix inversion, etc I've used CSML before, but this does not implement some of the features i need. EDIT: Some of the features are: Singular value decomposition Matrix inversion Trace Determinants thanks in advance ...

Haskell linear algebra?

I am starting to test Haskell for linear algebra. Does anyone have any recommendations for the best package for this purpose? Any other good resources for doing basic matrix manipulation with Haskell? The haskell wiki lists several resources for this. My current focus in on hmatrix and bindings-gsl, both of which look promising. ...

numpy.matrix manipulations

Hi everyone, I have a question about numpy.matrix class. How can I perform such basic manipulations with matrices as adding, deleting and replacing rows and columns? p.s. I apologize for the lame question.. ...

Inserting and removing elements in a matrix

I have an assignment where I have questions that ask for the following implementations: insertAtRanks(Integer x, Integer y, Object o): insert a new element to be stored at position (x,y) and Object removeAtRanks(Integer x, Integer y): remove and return the element at position (x,y) It already asked for the implementation of repla...

help in displaying the sum of two matrixs (using linked lists)

hey there, Im having problems displaying my results in this program but the program compiles. Any idea as to what is going wrong?. The purpose of the program is to take two, 2 by 2 matrixes and add them to create the matrix called result. but when it comes to displaying the values in each matrix (A,B and result) it hangs. why does at the...

How can I remove a column from a sparse matrix efficiently?

The title pretty much says it all: If I am using the sparse.lil_matrix format, how can I remove a column from the matrix easily and efficiently? Thanks! ...

Matrix addition in Scheme

I am trying to add a matrix and it is not working... (define (matrix-matrix-add a b) (map (lambda (row) (row-matrix-add row b)) a)) (define (row-matrix-add row matrix) (if (null? (car matrix)) '() (cons (add-m row (map car matrix)) (row-matrix-add row (map cdr matrix))))) (define (add-m row col) (...

How could I add the values of a matrix int[,] diagonally from bottomleft, to topright?

I'm trying to help out a friend understand this but even I don't really get what they're doing here. Here's the method I'm trying to explain to him: public void AddDiagonal() { int Addition; for (int f = 0; f < filas; f++) { for (int c = 0; c < columnas; c++) ...

Chop out parts of a square matrix in Matlab

Is there an inbuilt function that removes the Kth row and column of a square matrix in Matlab? Hope it's clear from the diagram: ...

How to find transformation matrix aligning two lines?

Given two points in 3D space, A and B, I get a line segment LS. Given two new points A' and B' yielding the line segment LS', I need to find the transformation matrix that transforms LS into LS'. The length of the line segments is assumed to be equal. I have a theory on how to calculate the matrix, but I would really like some feedback ...

Direct3D - How do I calculate Roll from View Matrix?

Hey guys, this one's been eating up my entire night, and I'm finally throwing up my hands for some assistance. Basically, it's fairly straightforward to calculate the Pitch and Yaw from the View Matrix right after you do a camera update: D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&m_View, &sCam.pos, &vLookAt, &sCam.up); pDev->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &m_View);...

MATLAB matrix replacement assignment gives error

I tried to update some part of a matrix, I got the following error message: ??? Assignment has fewer non-singleton rhs dimensions than non-singleton subscripts My code tries to update some values of a matrix that represent a binary image. My code is as follows: outImage(3:5,2:4,1) = max(imBinary(3:5,2:4,1)); When I delete last parame...

Printing Jasper report data in matrix format

Hi, I have a situation where I need to print data in matrix format. I have main report and subreport. From the main report I am passing a list (objects) to the subreport. Inside the subreport I have to print object data in tabular/matrix format as below: | Name1 | Name2 | Name3 | | Address1 | Address2 | Address3 | | Phon...