
How to programmatically call a Maven-task

I'm using Maven in the context of another build-tool (leiningen for Clojure, but this should not matter), and I would like to know how I would call a plugin like dependency:build-classpath programmatically (i.e. via the Maven-API, not via the mvn-command). ...

Generating sources by running a project's java class in Maven

I'm converting a largish Ant build to Maven. As part of the Ant build, we have several steps which created Java classes by invoking one of the project's classes, simplified as: javac java SomeGenerator generated # generate classes in generated/ javac generated/*.java I've split each generator in its own Maven modu...

Nexus: removing repository

Hi, I accidently removed a hosted snapshot repository from Nexus containing a few artifacts needed by other developers on my team. Fine, I'll be able to recreate it fairly easy, but when I tried to add the repository again with the same name as the one I removed, the "Upload Artifact" tab did not show. I tried to clean the cache and rein...

Problems with maven installation

Hi I'm trying to install MAVEN, to my computer using this tutorial, I've set my enviroment variable MAVEN_HOME to point to my maven directory, and I put value of path_to_maven/bin inside another enviroment variable named Path and I get this error message: C:\>mvn -version 'mvn' is not recognized as an in operable program or batch file. ...

maven snapshot updates

I have a maven project with a snapshot dependency. How does maven know if the snapshot needs to be updated? Does it always update? Is it time based? A checksum based update? I know I can force an update but otherwise, how does it check? thanks, Jeff ...

Apache camel without maven

I have a hard time finding documentation/tutorials or just getting a dependency overview without going into some spiralling maven-nightmare. I even have trouble getting the examples to work, as its an endless compile,run,search,repeat routine. Can anyone recommend some information resources for someone not succombing to the maven-press...

Integrating artifacts generated by an ant target into maven build

Hi everybody. I'm trying to build apache-solr webapp (not the whole project) using maven . Also want to reuse the build.xml ant file. The directory structure is: +build +client +contrib ..... +src +webapp/src --webapp code +dist --generated artifacts by the ant script --must be copied to the webapp WEB-INF/lib --some of th...

How can I include apache-cxf as a dependency in my Maven pom?

Apache CXF "syncs" their releases to the Maven central repository. When I look at the CXF entries, there are no jar files, just the pom. If I include the following section in my pom, the build fails because it can't download the cxf dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <artifactId>cxf</artifactId> <ve...

hibernate3 maven plugin:make hbm2java generate hibernate annotations instead of ejb3 annotations

Is there a way of forcing the hbm2java goal of hibernate3 maven plugin to generate java classes with hibernate annotations instead of ejb3 annotations? I really do not need ejb/jpa, and hibernate annotations would suit me better because of the better integration with grails. ...

Where can I find a single example expressed in Ivy, Maven, Gant, and Gradle?

I'd like to find a simple, non-trivial Java project that is expressed in terms of Ant + Ivy, Maven, Gant, and Gradle. I'm not interested in each tool's varied sample demos. Where can I find such an example, for reference? ...

How to handle multiple src files in dbunit-maven-plugin

dbunit-maven-plugin 1.0-SNAPSHOT release supported expressing multiple src files under sources tag, how do you do the same on 1.0-beta-3 version which supports only a single src tag <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>dbunit-maven-plugin</artifactId> <ver...

Accessing XMLBeans generated schemas.jar in Maven project

I have a schemas.jar supplied to me and am trying to access it from within a simple Maven project. I have put the schemas.jar file in my src/main/resources directory, which is in my classpath. When I am trying to access the created documents with something like: GetOrdersRequestDocument getOrdersRequestDocument = GetOrdersRequestDocum...

maven build error

hi, when building a maven project. i am getting the following error. [ERROR]Runtime Exception thrown during execution [ERROR]The scm url cannot be null. Please hint me on how to resolve it. Thanks ...

Using Grails 1.2.0 and Spock 0.4-SNAPSHOT - Compilation errors

Using Grails 1.2.0 and the latest Spock 0.4-SNAPSHOT (as of 01/28/2010 10:18 EST) I'm getting compilation errors that the Groovy compiler is unable to find: org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie and org.apache.commons.httpclient.NameValuePair No matter what I've tried (adding it as a dep in the plugin, adding it as a dep in the app) i...

Assigning one property to another in Maven

My Maven project has two properties which are used when filtering a persistence configuration file: <database-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost/${database-name}?autoReconnect=true&amp;amp;useUnicode=true&amp;amp;characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;amp;rewriteBatchedStatements=true&amp;amp;useServerPrepStmts=false&amp;amp;useCursorFetch=true</database-...

How do I halt Maven when JUnit Fails?

I am running Junit tests from Maven. The ant script has <junit failureproperty="failproperty" errorproperty="errorproperty"> <classpath refid="classpath" /> <test name="${unit-test-suite}" /> <formatter type="brief" usefile="false" /> </junit> <echo> --...

I can't find the maven plugin org.maven.ide.eclipse:lifecycle-mapping 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT

I have a maven pom file which depends on this plugin, but I can't find it anywhere online. Is this something which needs to be built from some other piece of code? ...

Use Maven to trigger a wsgen & wsimport in a row, using wsdlLocation

I have hard times using maven to generate my client. So Please refer to for the first part of my question. To keep it simple and short, I want to go from here (a file in src/main/java) : package com.example.maven.jaxws.helloservice; ...

how to exclude java sources from a third party jar ?

I have one jar dependency in my java project that contains sources as well and when I run mvn compile, these java sources appear as class files in my compiled maven output :(... How can I exclude these files.. (I only want my own compiled files in the compiled output) I tried something like: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins<...

Spring 3.0 - Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace []

Any ideas what could be the cause of this? Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [] org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext: Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingExc...