
How do you run the maven-gae-plugin "mvn gae:run" command from inside Eclipse?

From the command line, the maven-gae-plugin can be run by calling: mvn gae:run I am working in a Maven project with a POM file that declares the use of the maven-gae-plugin. I can run this maven command from the command-line in Windows. But, after setting up the source code as a project inside Eclipse, I don't know how to run this c...

maven SNAPSHOT workings

Currently maven Snapshots are created whenever a new build is ran. I was hoping if there is syntax that only stamps them when there is SCM change in that build or code in a particular jar has changed. Your ideas and thoughts would be appreciated. Please and thank you. ...

impossible to extend maven plugin configuration

I am trying to extend the maven plugin: hibernate3 (org.codehaus). All I want to do is extend their base plugin class and change some functionality. The plugin compiles and installs just fine (after using maven-inherit-plugin), however at runtime I end up with trouble. For some reason, maven expects there to be a class named Component...

Where is the documentation on all built-in Maven expressions?

When building a Maven plugin, where can I find documentation for the built-in expressions that can be used for @parameter expression="${...}" constructs? ...

Include file from another subversion repository in my maven assembly

I am using maven-assembly-plugin to construct an assembly. I want to include in the assembly a file from another Subversion repository. How? Is there another plugin that will do a subversion export? ...

Tomcat 7 - Maven Plugin?

Hi all, I just wanted to double-check, has anyone found or is working on a Tomcat 7 plugin? If not, is anyone interested in helping me get it up and running? I want another quick alternative to Glassfish, JBoss AS 6.0 is a bit heavy still for quick mockups. Walter ...

How to execute a Maven command and commit to Subversion as part of a release build?

I would like to generate and commit the Subversion changeLog every time I do a release through Maven. I've looked at "mvn changelog:changelog" but its output is in XML and I need it in a human readable format. I've found "mvn scm:changelog" to generate the output I need. What's a recommended way of doing this? I've briefly looked int...

Triggering SOAP requests in a Maven Mojo

I have a WSDL which I need to trigger some commands from. I need to do this as part of a Maven Plugin (Mojo) I'm a relative newbie to SOAP so what I want to know is this: 1) Is this possible? Can the SOAP calls be run from a Maven Plugin or does it require a container or something else? 2) If so, what tools should I use to do this? I...

Using <fileSets> with maven assemblies

I am trying to add specific directories from maven modules into my build. I believe that are the way to go back this. I would appreciate a clear and concise way of using to obtain necessary directories from maven modules that just simply contain a directory with some necessary resources. Please and thank you. GC ...

Determining Maven execution phase within a plugin

I have a plugin which transforms the compiled classes. This transformation needs to be done for both the module's classes and the module's test classes. Thus, I bind the plugin to both the process-classes and process-test-classes phases. The problem I have is that I need to determine which phase the plugin is currently executing in, a...

Run a single Maven plugin execution?

I thought I was an experienced Maven user, but I am having a mental block on how to do this! I've been able to use the Maven sql plugin to drop, create, and install a schema in a database via plugin executions I've defined and bound to the pre-integration-test phase. However, now I'd like to use that same sql plugin to insert some samp...

Maven goal raises "Required goal not found"

I am trying to generate a maven plugin as described in the maven documentation. So I created a new plugin project with Eclipse, using the mvn archetype: <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="

run task with maven after specific phace

how run a task post maven eclipse:eclipse phase ? <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>eclipse:eclipse</phase> <goals> <goal>java</goal> </goals> <configuration> <execu...

Maven finalName Property Missing Artifact Extension

I'm writing a Maven plugin that takes as a parameter the path to the .jar file built by the project. At the moment I'm using the following definition for my configuration variable within my Mojo class... /** * Location of the built artifact * @parameter expression="${} * @required */ private File path; The ...

how to add arbitrary information in manifest from maven assembly plugin

Hi, i use the assembly plugin to create a uber jar from several maven artifacts. Now I like to add some company specific entries into the Manifest of the created assembly jar. But how ? the archive element doesnt allow arbitrary elements (or is there a way to add foobar: tutu inside the archive tag ?) also in addition with maven-jar...

How to attach an artifact with assembly-plugin during custom lifecycle

Hello, i'm trying to create a plugin with a custom lifecycle : /** * @goal my-goal * @execute lifecycle="my-custom-lifecycle" phase="attach-foo" */ public class MyMojo extends AbstractMojo { ... with src/main/resources/META-INF/maven/lifecycle.xml file : <lifecycles> <lifecycle> <id>attach-foo</id> <phases> <phas...

Handling multiple artifacts from single maven project

Hi guys, I have a maven project that produces many artifacts. Of course it is kind of against maven best practice (one pom one artifact), but it is Adobe Flex project that produces many *swf modules and it is really makes no sence to create a separate project for each module. For me it would be very convinient to handle all swf modules...

How can I programmatically get SCM connection URL of a dependency?

I'm trying to write a custom Maven plugin that will parse the SCM changelog of the current Maven project, as well as any of its direct dependencies. I know that MavenProject.getScm().getConnection() returns the connection URL of the current project. However, I would also like to retrieve the connection URL of any direct dependencies. (T...

maven plugin to be used for building an osgi bundle containing camel-routes and some POJO's for deploying inside fuse-servicemix 4.3.0 ?

Which maven plugin is used for building an osgi bundle containing camel-routes and some POJO's for deploying inside fuse-servicemix 4.3.0 . i have used pax as well as maven-bundle plugin for deploying into fuse servicemix .i get a lotof error's using these .any other good maven-plugin ? ...

How to override/prevent Maven Install Plugin behavior

Hi all, this is an odd request but here is the scenario. I am writing custom maven plugins that basically manipulate build versions then will install or deploy the modified jar. The plugin is called both via command line and a build profile. The plugins all have similar behavior, so the solution will work for all. Currently I am manipu...