
C# equivalent to Java's DigestUtils.md5Hex(String)?

Is there a ready-made C# equivalent to Java's DigestUtils.md5Hex(String)? My Java is rusty, but I can say that DigestUtils is part of the Apache Commons Codec package, and the md5Hex(String) method essentially uses MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"). (One related tidbit, both the Java and C# code are using UTF8.) In the simplest of t...

How can I compare md5 checksums in Perl?

I'm trying to compare the checksum value of a file. One variable $a has the checksum (output of md5sum command, only the hexadecimal part) and the same value is in variable $b. If I do ($a == $b), I am getting an error, but if I do ($a eq $b) it gives not equal. Thanks for your answers, it worked in string comparison after trimming th...

MD5 hashing in Python

Is there any way to decrypt the encrypted MD5 string, given the key? ...

MD5 code kata and BDD

I was thinking to implement MD5 as a code kata and wanted to use BDD to drive the design (I am a BDD newb). However, the only test I can think of starting with is to pass in an empty string, and the simplest thing that will work is embedding the hash in my program and returning that. The logical extension of this is that I end up embed...

Calculate SHA1 or MD5 hash in iReport

How would one calculate an SHA1 or MD5 hash within iReport at report execution? I need to compare a pre-calculated hash against a database driven field (string). Using iReport 2.0.5 (Old) and Report Engine is embedded into a commercial application. ...

MD5 Hash Issue with Java.

A java implementation creates two different digest for a same input string, if i run as stand alone application or running inside a web application. The standalone application matches with oracle dbms The implementation is MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); if (md5 != null) { md5.reset(); ne...

How to calculate a hash for a string (url) in bash for wget caching

I'm building a little tool that will download files using wget, reading the urls from different files. The same url may be present in different files; the url may even be present in one file several times. It would be inefficient to download a page several times (every time its url found in the list(s)). Thus, the simple approach is to ...

Is the md5sum linux command working right?

According to Wikipedia, the md5 sum of an empty string is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e I confirmed this with my md5 library However, when I run echo "" | md5sum in my linux shell, I get 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 - In fact, none of my hashes match the output of the md5sum command. Any thoughts on this discrepancy? ...

How can I get an MD5 hash in ColdFusion?

I'm trying to get an MD5 hash of a value in ColdFusion. I tried this code using the Encrypt function1: <cfscript> val = 1117; md5 = Encrypt(val, 0, "MD5", "Hex"); </cfscript> But I get an error: The MD5 algorithm is not supported by the Security Provider you have chosen. How can I choose a different security provider? 1 Yes, ...

Managing a large collection of music.

I'd like to write my own music streaming web application for my personal use but I'm racking my brain on how to manage it. Existing music and their location's rarely change but are still capable of (fixing filename, ID3 tags, /The Chemical Brothers instead of /Chemical Brothers). How would the community manage all of these files? I ca...

How is input to the MySQL function md5 handled?

I'm having problems understanding how input to the md5 function in MySQL 4.1.22 is handled. Basically I'm not able to recreate the md5sum of a specific value combination for comparison. I guess it has something to do with the format of the input data. I have set up a table with two columns of type double(direction and elevation) + a thi...

Psexec not outputting to log file in VB script

Hi all, I have a VB script which needs to run psexec to launch an app called md5 on a remote server. Md5 generates a hash key of a file and takes one parameter - the file path\name. I need to retrieve the has key that is generated to store in a variable. Below is the code I am using: Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") strcomp...

Can I construct a BigInt with any byte array (Scala)?

I'm trying to represent the result of an MD5 hash in the shortest possible string. It seems a waste to just turn it into a hex string and let G through Z go to waste. One idea I have had is getting the MD5 hash of my input as an array of bytes and constructing a BigInt with it. I can then call toString(36), and get the number as a base-...

fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript

There are many MD5 JavaScript implementations out there. Does anybody know which one is the most advanced, most bugfixed and fastest? I need it for this tool: ...

Algorithm for generating huge wordlist

Alright, I know this is going to sound bad, like I'm going to use this for un-ethical things, but you have my word that I am not. I am writing a paper for my Computer and Information Security course and the topic I chose was hashing methods. One of the points that I go over in my paper is MD5 being only one-way and the only way to crack...

What is the best way to determine duplicate credit card numbers without storing them?

I run a website where we mark certain accounts as scammers, and "flag" their account and all credit cards used as being bad. We don't store actual credit card values, but are storing a checksum/MD5 algorithm of it instead. We are hitting collisions all the time now. What is the best way to store these values - non reversible, but ab...

IPSec is hard to figure out, wanna help?

Hi, i need to fully understand the IPSec Phase 1 negotiation. now, I break this to 3 steps: 1) Algorithm negotiations. 2) Key Exchange Data 3) Identification I'm using wireshark to invastigate the process and so far I fully understands the 1st part (Algorithm Negotiations). My current problem lies in the 2 nd part: Key Exchange Data. T...

XSLT: Obtaining or matching hashes for base64 encoded data

I need to find a way to find a way to find the hash for the base64 encoded data in the XML node //note/resource/data, or somehow otherwise match it to the hash value in the node //note/content/en-note//en-media@hash See below for the full XML file Please suggest a way to {obtain|match} using XSLT 4aaafc3e14314027bb1d89cf7d59a06c {f...

PHP MD5 implementation

I'm currently attempting to code one for part of a college project - binary/hex handling and cryptographic functions are well regarded in the mark scheme, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. However, the documentation availible on the algorithm itself is thorough but confusing. Is there a prexisting PHP libary/class that I c...

Using md5 on BeautifulSoup result

Im trying to use the md5 algorithm on web pages to avoid seeing duplicates. Is there an easy way to convert the result from beautifulsoup into a string which is digestible by md5? Many thanks ...