
MD5 implementation in PHP - where am I going wrong?

I know that this might be a long stretch, but could someone possibly tell me where my current implementation of the MD5 algorithm in PHP is going wrong? I just can't seem to work out what's wrong with it. It returns a 32 character hex string (25% of the time it produces a string less than 32 characters though), but it isn't producing th...

There any way to differentiate a md5 of a sha-1 ?

Hi, i want to know if exist a way to differentiate a md5 hashcode of a sha-1 hashcode? For example: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 How i could to know which are encrypted in md5 and wich not? Is it possible? ...

Is there a way to test if a string is an MD5 hash?

I am trying to input a text file that contains MD5 hashes and keywords (one per line) into a C# app. Is there a way to check if a string is an MD5 hash? I looked on MSDN and couldn't find anything in the MD5 class. ...

question on MD5 state variables.

Hi, I am studying MD5 algorithm. I found out that there are four state variables (I am not sure what that means). Those variables are 0x67452301 , 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, and 0x10325476. I converted variables to decimals and came up with 1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, and 271733878 resepectively. my question is, why those numbers?...

What is the probability that the first 4 bytes of MD5 hash computed from file contents will collide?

This is a combinatorics question with some theory in hashing algorithms required. Let's say the input can be any random sequence of bytes 30 kB to 5 MB of size (I guess that makes quite a few combinations of input values :)) What is the probability that the first 4 bytes (or first n bytes) of a MD5 hash computed from the byte sequence ...

Make md5 strong

Im making a website that will intergrate with game that only support md5 hashing metod (atm). Which ofc is not especially safe anymore. But how could i make it stronger? Should I just generate long strings of random letters and numbers and hash them? But then the users have to save the password on a paper/txt file in computer. What do y...

padding in md5 hashing algorithm

Hi all, i would like to know padding process in md5 algorithm detail. ...

Help with DOS script (grab specific data from a file)

Hey Guys, I need to grab just the md5 value from a file and make it a variable which I can use to compare to another md5 value. The problem is this file looks like this: a7393f772e34ca16a5854e80d9ec6704 md5 How do I open the file and only grab the actual number in DOS? (Not the "md5" And set it as a variable? Thanks! ...

What is hash exactly?

Hi, I am learning MD5. I found a term 'hash' in most description of MD5. I googled 'hash', but I could not find exact term of 'hash' in computer programming. Why are we using 'hash' in computer programming? What is origin of the word?? ...

How to detect whether two files are identical in Python

Is making system call to "md5sum file1" and "md5sum file2" and compare two return values enough in this case? ...

how to use md5() and crypt() together in php and msyql

Hello, I want to use md5() and crypt() together in php login authentication. I tried to use md5(crypt(string),salt); but i can't login in mysql. Does anyone know how to use them together? Thanks a lot. ...

Is there any point encrypting passwords with more than md5?

I am not a security expert... so I might be very wrong here. Am I right in that the only advantage to using a stronger algorithm is to slow down password cracking? In which case they must have the password hash and so will have already comprimised my database right? As I do not store any thing of real world value what is the point in ...

Can two different strings generate the same MD5 hash code?

For each of our binary assets we generate a MD5 hash. This is used to check whether a certain binary asset is already in our application. But is it possible that two different binary assets generate the same MD5 hast. So is it possible that two different strings generate the same MD5 hash? ...

How to use SHA1 or MD5 in C#?(which one is better in performance and security for authentication)

In C# how we can use SHA1 automatically?Is SHA1 better than MD5?(We use hashing for user name and password and need speed for authentication) ...

Check a field in MySql from a php md5 string

hello all! I'm trying to validate a pair of data columns on mysql from my php page across md5 function. I've encrypted the string "helloworld" with php md5 function and attempted to compare it with MYSQL MD5 function but it won't work. I do this because in the database there is a pair of strings "hello" and "world" needs to be compared w...

Convert 32-char md5 string to integer

What's the most efficient way to convert an md5 hash to a unique integer to perform a modulus operation? ...

why MD5 collision failed?

The two data blocks are from this site,but failed to produce the collision : var_dump(md5('d131dd02c5e6eec4693d9a0698aff95c2fcab58712467eab4004583eb8fb7f8955ad340609f4b30283e488832571415a085125e8f7cdc99fd91dbdf280373c5bd8823e3156348f5bae6dacd436c919c6dd53e2b487da03fd02396306d248cda0e99f33420f577ee8ce54b67080a80d1ec69821bcb6a8839396f9652...

md5 for emails too?

I'm creating a MySQL database with registered users, and I'm thinking to use md5 not only for passwords but for e-mails too. I think this choice can improve user security, but I'm not yet an expert with databases and I'm not sure if this is wise or not! I hope this isn't a stupid question! ...

MD5 Hash of ISO-8859-1 string in Java

I'm implementing an interface for digital payment service called Suomen Verkkomaksut. The information about the payment is sent to them via HTML form. To ensure that no one messes with the information during the transfer a MD5 hash is calculated at both ends with a special key that is not sent to them. My problem is that for some reason...

CommonCrypto is no longer part of the iPhone SDK - Where else can I easily get an MD5 function?

So as many of you may already know, CommonCrypto isn't included in the iPhone SDK anymore (as on 3.0). Where else can I easily get hold of an MD5 function? Am I going to have to compile OpenSSL into my project just to get MD5?? A few clarifications: This isn't for security This is going to be used with an API that requires an MD5 dig...