
MD5 file hash for the same unchanged file is different each time C#

Good evening all, I've been working on an MD5 tool in C# that takes a file, goes through my Hasher class and pops the result in a database, along with the filename and directory. The issue I'm having is that each time I run the test, the MD5 result for the same identical file i.e. unchanged in any way is completely different. Below is...

How to create MD5 hash with HMAC module in Ruby?

Hi all, Using Google + Bing didn't yield an answer to what should be a simple question: How are you supposed to use the HMAC module in Ruby to create a HMAC with MD5 (that uses a secret)? The HMAC docs seem awfully thin. Thanks! ...

How do I convert password hashing from MD5 to SHA?

I've got an old application that has user passwords stored in the database with an MD5 hash. I'd like to replace this with something in the SHA-2 family. I've thought of two possible ways to accomplish this, but both seem rather clunky. 1) Add a boolean "flag" field. The first time the user authenticates after this, replace the MD5 pas...

C# MD5 calculation issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.0. I want to find the most efficient way to calculate the MD5 result for the whole content of a txt file. What is the most efficient solution? thanks in advance, George ...

Why have #md5=... in the URL anchor?

Some download links contain a md5 value in the URL anchor, for instance: What is the intent behind this convention? Are there download tools or HTTP clients that make use of this encoded md5 value? wget or curl does not se...

Cannot build "cyrus-sasl-2.1.23" on SUSE Linux 10.0

I downloaded the source code from "". Configure went well but when i build I end up with following errors: digestmd5.c:852: error: 'des_context_t' has no member named 'keysched' digestmd5.c:853: error: 'des_context_t' has no member named 'keysched2' digestmd5.c:854: error: 'des_context_t' has n...

MD5 and sequential number

I have some sequential id which can be easily guessed. If some want to see data related to this id he has to prove his access by token I gave him before. token = md5(secret_key + md5(id)) Is MD5 good enough for this job? ...

Should 2 executables compiled from the same source at different times have the same MD5SUM?

Should 2 executables compiled from the same source at different times have the same MD5SUM? I have been evaluating Automated Code Formatting using Artistic Style. One test I did was: Do a Clean Compile MD5SUM the executables Clean the build directory out. Run Astyle formatter on the code Recompile the code. MD5Sum the executable...

MD5 ByteArray Different between AS3 and Java

I'm trying to port a library from Java into AS3, and I'm down to the MD5 function. I'm using the MD5 library found as part of the project here: I'm getting the length correct, and about half of the values are correct. The ironic thing is the correct values are in the correct spot as well. Only the ne...

Represent MD5 hash as an integer

Hello! In my user database table, I take the MD5 hash of the email address of a user as the id. Example: email([email protected]) = id(d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) Unfortunately, I have to represent the ids as integer values now - in order to be able to use an API where the id can only be an integer. Now I'm looking for a way ...

hashlib / md5. Compatibility with python 2.4

Hi all. python 2.6 reports that the md5 module is obsolete and hashlib should be used. If I change import md5 to import hashlib I will solve for python 2.5 and python 2.6, but not for python 2.4, which has no hashlib module (leading to a ImportError, which I can catch). Now, to fix it, I could do a try/catch, and define a getMd5() func...

Reproducable MD5/SHA1 on a rebuild of C# .exe

Hi, I'll give you a little bit of background first as to why I'm asking this question: I am currently working in a stricly-regulated industry and as such our code is quite carefully looked-over by official test houses. These test houses expect to be able to build the code and generate an .exe or .dll which is EXACTLY the same each and e...

Going from unsalted to salted MD5 passwords

I have a LAMP (PHP) website which is becoming popular. I played it safe by storing the user passwords as md5 hashes. But I now see that's not secure; I should have salted the md5 hash - because it's currently possible to decode unsalted md5 hashes using rainbow tables. What can I do? I don't want to make everyone type a new password....

Reversing an MD5 Hash

I have passwords stored in a database using md5, and was wondering if there was a way to reverse the hash to email the user's password to him in case they forget it. If that's not the most appropriate method, what is the appropriate method for dealing with a lost password? ...

Acegi password encryption

Hi! I am using the acegi groovy plugin for user registration and authentication. The User domain class which comes with the plug-in has the following definition (and comments). class User { static transients = ['pass'] static hasMany = [authorities: Role] static belongsTo = Role /** Username */ String username /** User Real Name*/ Stri...

php security: Using MD5, SHA1, Salting

Currently Many of my passwords are stored with a mixture of md5's and sha1's however I've just been introduced to salting, and wanted to know the breakdown of what might be the most secure. I'm certin that a simple md5() can easily be revoked, however what about md5(sha1(md5($var))); Does this combo provide more difficulty, or is more n...

Using MD5 to generate an encryption key from password?

I'm writing a simple program for file encryption. Mostly as an academic exercise but possibly for future serious use. All of the heavy lifting is done with third-party libraries, but putting the pieces together in a secure manner is still quite a challenge for the non-cryptographer. Basically, I've got just about everything working the w...

Efficient ways of telling whether or not a string/file has changed - crc32? md5? something else?

I'm looking for an efficient way to tell whether or not a string (or a file) has changed since the last time we looked at it. So, we run this function against 1,000,000 files/strings (each file/string is less than 1000 bytes), and store the output for each file/string. I'll then wait a few days and run this again. I need to find out ...

MD5 algorithm in Objective C

How to calculate the MD5 in objective C ? ...

the fastest way to create checksum for large files in python

hi, i need to transfer large files across network and need to create checksum for them on hourly basis. so the speed for generating checksum is critical for me. somehow i can't make zlib.crc32 and zlib.adler32 working with files larger than 4GB on Windows XP Pro 64bit machine. i suspect i've hit the 32bit limitation here? using hashlib...