In my flash game I use sendAndLoad to send information about the game played back to my server for for a high scoreboard.
I have recently started using MochiAds meaning that it my swf is hosted on another domain to where the PHP script resides.
If I use version control with the automatic preloader the sendAndLoad function just never se...
I have a script to convert to base 62 (A-Za-z0-9) but how do I get a number out of MD5?
I have read in many places that because the number from an MD5 is bigger than php can handle as an integer it will be inaccurate... As I want a short URL anyway and was not planning on using the whole hash, maybe just 8 characters of it....
So my qu...
I have a problem with authorization when my login-conf is
<login-module code="" flag="optional">
<module-option name="dsJndiName">java:/myDS</module-option>
<module-option name="hashAlgorithm">MD5</module-option>
<module-option name="hashEncoding">hex</module-option>
Hi, I need to implement a method to find the MD5 hash of the bytes of the given String. It seems to me that this class is included in the package called com.starbase.util.MD5, but could not find where to download a jar file. Could someone point me to the right place?
I don't want to calculate a file's checksum, just to know if a given string is a valid checksum
I'd like to implement the CRC32 and MD5 algorithms on my own but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the different sources I've found on the subject. Could someone helpful point me to a ressource that explains the algorithms in a simple format or post a bullet list of the different steps so I can attempt to fill them in. TIA.
for security purpose I do some queries in this way:
SELECT avatar_data FROM users WHERE MD5(ID) ='md5value'
So, for example I have this entries:
ID | avatar_data
39 | some-data
I do this query:
SELECT avatar_data FROM users WHERE MD5(ID) ='d67d8ab4f4c10bf22aa353e27879133c'
'd67d8ab4f4c10bf22aa353e27879133c' is ...
I have a very large table in MySQL. I'm using a CHAR(32) field which contains an MD5 as a string of course. I'm running into an issue where I need to convert this to a decimal value using MySQL. A third party tool runs the query so writing code to do this isn't really an option.
MySQL does support storing hex values natively and convert...
A lot of people have recently started using SHA1 over MD5. I know that MD5 has it's security flaws but what other reasons is making SHA1 becoming more popular lately?
I thought they were there for security; to check that the file hasn't been tampered with. But surely if someone is capable of modifying the file then they are also capable of modifying the page with the hash!
What security does this actually offer?
We have a client who requires that all image files within SharePoint are stored in a manner that it can be shown they are a bit for bit copy of the originally uploaded file. Obviously, hashing the file would be able to show that when the file is retrieved.
What I haven't been able to find it any reference to someone implementing this f...
I'm currently using this code for md5 hashing in Delphi 7:
function MD5(const fileName : string) : string;
idmd5 : TIdHashMessageDigest5;
fs : TFileStream;
idmd5 := TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create;
fs := TFileStream.Create(fileName, fmOpenRead OR fmShareDenyWrite) ;
result := idmd5.AsHex(idmd5.HashValue(fs)) ;
I need the MD5 sums of 3 million strings or so in a bash script on ubuntu. 3 million strings -> 3 million MD5 hashes. The trivial implementation takes about 0.005sec per string. That's over 4 hours. What faster alternatives exist? Is there a way to pump groups of strings into md5sum?
#time md5sum running 100 times on short strings
I have a jquery dialog modal box pop up for logging into my website. When a user clicks login it does a post request to a login.php file as follows:
{ user: username, pass: password },
'json' );
How do I do an md5 on that password before putting it in the post req...
Is taking a MD5 sum still suitable for checking for file dupes? I know that it isn't secure, but does that really matter in the case of trying to find file dupes?
Should I be using something in the SHA family instead?
What is best practice in this use case?
Up to what string length is it possible to use MD5 as a hash without having to worry about the possibility of a collision?
This would presumably be calculated by generating an MD5 hash for every possible string in a particular character set, in increasing length, until a hash appears for a second time (a collision). The maximum possible...
For my iPhone application, Apple wants to know if my password encryption (md5) is greater then 64-bit symmetric or greater then 1024-bit symmetric. I have not been able to find it online, so I am wondering if anyone knows the answer. In addition, is this considered an appropriate encryption technology for passwords, or should I use som...
I know SHA-1 is preferred, but this project requires I use MD5.
#include <openssl/md5.h>
- (NSString*) MD5Hasher: (NSString*) query {
NSData* hashed = [query dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
unsigned char *digest = MD5([hashed bytes], [hashed length], NULL);
NSString *final = [NSString stringWithUTF8String: (char *)...
I have some code that downloads a plist from a web server and stores it in the documents directory of the phone. My concern is that if the file becomes corrupt then it will effect the stability and user experience of the app.
I am coding defensively in the data read parts of the app, but wondered what advice is out there for checking t...
I'm writing a program where I use MD5 to hash login details before I send them to a server, but there I have to compare it to a blowfish (jBCrypt) hashed password retrieved from a database.
jBCrypt uses:
if (BCrypt.checkpw("candidatePassword", hashedPwd)) {
// they are the same
The problem is that, I don't have a candidate ...