
Memory leak identified for NSURLConnection

Hi, When i run the instrument i got memory link in below line NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:theRequest returningResponse:&urlResponse error:&error]; Can some one explain me how to fix this issue, Thanks Sam. - (NSString *)sendHttpsReq:(NSString *) urlString { // create the request NSString *...

iPhone Sdk: [MobileOfferViewController _shouldUseKeyWindowStack]

Hi, I have a memory leak, so i tried to debug with nszombie.... And NSZombie printed this: -[MobileOfferViewController _shouldUseKeyWindowStack]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x6307580 So my question: what is the method: shouldUseKeyWindowStack?? Found nothing on Google.... Thanks, Martin ...

what could be reason for virtual bytes to grow 2x private bytes?

An application's virtual bytes grow 2-times the private bytes. does this indicate memory leak? bad application design? OS is 32Bit any thoughts are welcome. application is stream database. ...

Memory Leak with FileMonitorTarget / CacheDependency+DepFileInfo in ASP.NET

In our ASP.NET web app we're experiencing a quite extensive memory leak which I am investigating right now. Using WinDbg I got down to the largest memory eaters in our app which are (ran !dumpheap -stat in the WinDbg console to get these): MethodTable Addr Count Overall size Type ... 000007fee8306e10 212928 25551360 System.Web....

Need help with Database Access in Android

I'm using an sqlite database in my app. I have this dbhelper class in a services class like so. public class MushroomService { private int downloadprogress; private int databasesize; private DataBaseHelper myDbHelper; } public MushroomService(Context context) { myDbHelper = new DataBas...

Tools/Techniques for Debugging Memory Leaks/Usage Bugs in PHP

I've got a command line script that is running an array() of files through a loop, and using the file name as an argument to call a method on a helper object. Each run through the script, PHP's memory_get_usage reports a larger and larger number 53294264 57019624 61374624 65699176 70230600 75157152 79900392 84630472 89359264 94300016 1...

Objective c memory leak.

Here are two methods that return a dictionary of my custom four-propery objects. They make arrays of strings, floats and BOOLs to put in the Chemical objects, then build a dictionary from the arrays. I'm new enough to the whole memory management game that I'm not always sure when I own something and when to release it. I'm making all ...

JDBC communication link failure after some time

Hi, I am using JDBC with proxool connection pool to connect to mysql DB. I am selecting large number of rows from multiple threads and after some time i get an error saying communication link failure, Last packet sent to the server was ...ago. I am closing connection,statement,resultSet in every thread. The fetching time increases grad...

WCF Service VS IIS 7.0 VS IIS7.5

Hi, I got WCF Service with Fluient Nhibernate. When i hosted in my IIS7.5 dev machine(WIN7) it works fine. Worker process shows the clear garbage collection indication of my app pool. But when i moved to production which is win server2008 with IIS7 Garbage collection is not working and the virtual bytes in worker process keeps on incre...

.NET Memory Leak

Hi, After running our stress testing on our ASP.NET application access to internal web services, our mid-tier server (where we host ASMX .NET 3.5 web services) showed close to 1GB of memory consumption. Upon the review of memory dump from mid-tier server, I have found over 1000 objects of Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.A...

CGDataProvider doesn't free up data on callback

Hi, I am creating a very big buffer (called buffer2 in the code) using CGDataProviderRef with the following code: -(UIImage *) glToUIImage { NSInteger myDataLength = 768 * 1024 * 4; // allocate array and read pixels into it. GLubyte *buffer = (GLubyte *) malloc(myDataLength); glReadPixels(0, 0, 768, 1024, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf...

Perl map/grep memory leak

I have been working on a perl project at work, and came across a strange memory leak. I have boiled down the source of my problem into a contrived example: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # takes: an array reference # returns: 1 sub g { my ($a) = @_; return 1; } # takes: nothing # returns: the result of applying g ...

Cannot find the source of a memory leaks

Hello, I'm writing an application (basically its yet another iBooks clone) which consumes a lot of memory. Depending on the input data, it's memory footprint can go up to 70-80 MB (as MemoryMonitor states) or even more. It works fine for quite some time, but it tends to increase its memory footprint over time. So lets say you open a boo...

memory release with alloc

NSDateComponents *components = [cal components:( NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit | NSSecondCalendarUnit ) fromDate:[[NSDate alloc] init]]; when i use [components release]; it crashes my application, how do i release components when i run with leak instrument - my application crashes when it reaches usage of overall alloc 2...

Memory Leak with NSMutableDictionary

Confused to why this line of code is causing a memory leak: NSPropertyListFormat format; NSMutableDictionary *d = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:rawCourseArray options:NSPropertyListMutableContainers format:&format error:NULL]; Any suggestions on a fix is much appreciated! Regards, B ...

Why doesn't Instruments "Leak" template catch my memory leak on my iOS app?

Hello. I'm diving into iOS development and am getting familiar with the tools. At the end of every day, I perform a "Run with instruments tool -> Leaks" on my app to check for any memory leaks I may have implemented that day. It rarely seems to detect any leaks and, while I'd like to think I'm just a natural iOS programmer, I refuse t...

Why python list slice assignment eats memory?

Hi all! I'm fighting a memory leak in a Python project and spent much time on it already. I have deduced the problem to a small example. Now seems like I know the solution, but I can't understand why. import random def main(): d = {} used_keys = [] n = 0 while True: # choose a key unique enough among used previ...

Is there memory leak in javascript of firefox/webkit? (except IE)

I'm new to HTML5 application. And I'm making in-house software. This means I can force users to use only most recent version of firefox/webkit. I saw many documents concerning about JS memory leaks in these point: Circular references. Event handlers. Closures. As I think, it's just a problem of only (old version of) IE. But I cannot...

NSMutableArray - removeallobjects produces a leak

Hi Forum I have a mutableArray that I fill up with objects. When I try to refill the array, I first use removeAllObjects - which produces a memory leak... The properties of the object are synthesized, retained and released on dealloc. The Array is initialized on viewDidLoad like this: theArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapaci...

Is Clang Static Analyzer enough?

Hi guys, I'm new to iphone and objective-c development and want to ask if Clang Static Analyzer is enough for getting rid of memory leaks? I personally found the xcode "Leaks" tool rather difficult to use, besides I've seen some articles, where it reads that it will always show memory leaks, even if there are no any real leaks. If I don...