
How to check if a HMENU is visible

Hi, I'm developing a Windows program in C using MFC and need to find out if a given menu (identified by a HMENU as returned by the GetMenu() function) is visible. Does anybody know how to do this? One possibility might be to test whether there is a HWND for the HMENU (a window which displays the menu). Unfortunately I couldn't find a c...

How to make the HTML link activated by clicking on the <li>

I have the following markup, <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="#">Something1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Something2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Something3</a></li> <li><a href="#">Something4</a></li> </ul> The <li> is a bit big, with a small image on its left, I have to actually click on the <a> to activate the link....

How do I use an image in an Menu?

I'm using an Menu (asp:Menu - the built-in one) and I want to assign an image to each MenuItem at design time, but the menu never changes. How do I do that? ...

How do I grab all values from a JQuery menu

Hi all, I have a dropdown menu that is populated with key value pairs in php. Now I want to use JQuery to attach click handlers to each of those keys. How do I print out a list of the contents in a drop down menu in JQuery? (I know to get the current value of the menu as $(this).val() I was thinking - maybe iterate through ev...

Attempting to create a quick jQuery drop down menu..

Hi all, am not sure if I'm doing this right, but I'm trying to create a simple drop down menu in jQuery. I basically want a div (with links) to appear once the menu item is hovered over.. The Menu: <ul id="mainlevel"> <li><a href="#" class="mainlevel_home" ><span>Home</span></a></li> <li><a href="#" class="mainlevel_feature-writers...

Clicking on a side of the text on the asp menu item; menu disappears

If user clicks on a side of the text in the drop down menu, the menu disappears but system performs no action and user needs to click right on the text. Clicking on a side should not disappear the menu but should stay there so that user should know that he has not clicked on the right place. OR Clicking on a side of the text should p...

CSSFriendly Problem just after publish to web server

Hi every one! I created a website and used css frienfly adapters for Menu, TreeView and GridView, all was correct, but after publishing it to my great web server, the menus and treeviews didn't load and there is just some bullets! Please help me, what should I do? you can see my work: left side I have a menu which d...

How to add submenu to a CMenu in MFC?

I have an MFC app that uses CMenu for the main menu bar. I haven't been able to create submenus successfully. I can have the first level of File, Edit, View, etc and their sub menus, but I can't create a submenu off of one of those menus. For example, I would like to be able to go File->Recent Items->list of items in submenu I can do t...

Placing arbitrary controls in InputGestureText area (WPF Menus)

I'd like to put an image on the InputGestureArea of a WPF menu. Normally only string values can go there. I'm guessing the solution involves style tags, but I'm a complete noob to XAML/WPF, so any help is appreciated. ...

How to make sub menus in a dropdown menu?

I have a drop down menu made in css. When you hover over the text (ul) the menu appears (the li appears). I wanted to know, how to make a submenu, that when you hover over the li's another menu (submenu) would appear and would offer other options. Ex: -Tutorials (You hover over tutorials) (Then these options appear) ...

Hide New / Actions / Upload / Settings menus in SharePoint Lists / document libraries

How can I hide the New / Actions / Upload / Settings menus within a list or document library in SharePoint? Note that I need to be able to hide these menus for a particular list definition (template) and not just all lists or document libraries. One possible way that I know of is to register a , and set the ControlClass element to a con...

CSS: Cancelling properties at the start and end of a list

I have a menu list. I'm not using UL/LI, just nested DIV's. There are graphic separators between the menu items. The first item in the list needs to suppress the left padding; the last item needs to suppress the right padding and the graphic separator. Here's the CSS: .platformItem { float: left; padding: 0 12px; background: u...

Wxpython: Positioning a menu under a toolbar button

I have a CheckLabelTool in a wx.ToolBar and I want a menu to popup directly beneath it on mouse click. I'm trying to get the location of the tool so I can set the position of the menu, but everything I've tried (GetEventObject, GetPosition, etc) gives me the position of the toolbar, so consequently the menu pops under the toolbar, but v...

Wordpress Page order

Hey for some reason I can't get the page order to update in wordpress any ideas? that is the page but it should look like this ...

How might I create a menu with images like that used on photobucket?

Please take a moment to look at's navigation menu. Do you know how I can achieve this look with the images next to the dropdown items in the menu. Do you know of any tutorials for this? ...

CSS menu dropping over a siFR title breaks in IE

I've tried setting the z-indexes accordingly.. the sifR'd title is in wmode = transparent... I'm at a loss. Any ideas? It doesn't work in both IE 6 and 7. ...

WPF Menu --equivalent property

How to acheive Layoutsyle = VerticalStackWithOverflow Property in WPF for Menu control. Want File/edit on left corner along with OPEN,new in file to open on rightside of File . sample in ...

Drop Down menu properties

Does anyone know if, and how I am able to change the colour of the image strip on a simple drop down in visual studio 2008? Currently with a drop down menu i have my own collectn of items, and beside each on the drop down menu is an image strip, which is curently a grey colour with a light to dark gradient. I am eager to find out if this...

Vertical menu using :hover breaks in IE If you view the page in firefox, chrome, or ie 8 with compatibility mode off the vertical menu works fine. My tactic was to float the whole menu to the right and reverse the bullets (bullets on the right). If you view it in earlier versions of ie it breaks. I can't think of how to fix this, I tried ...

How can I toggle the main menu visibility using the Alt key in WPF?

I'd like the main menu in my WPF app to behave like the main menu in IE8: it's not visible when the app starts pressing and releasing Alt makes it visible pressing and releasing Alt again makes it invisible again repeat until bored How can I do this? Does it have to be code? Added in response to answers submitted, because I'm stil...