
How to merge source code from Vault to TFS 2008

I am looking into merging our source control provider and bug tracking software to Team Foundation Server 2008. We currently have SourceGear Vault as our source control provider and OnTime for our bug tracking software. Both currently meet our needs however as we are growing it seems that TFS is a more likely candidate for our company....

Unable to diff files in two separate branches in Git

I have FileA in branchA and FileB in branchB. The problem is that I can access only one file at time. I would like to be able to compare the files by FileMerge or meld, since they are the only diffTools whichI have found for Mac. How can you diff by meld/FileMerge the two files? [Solved]: 1st developed Problem: FileMerge does not al...

TortoiseSVN Revision Graph: Merge -> line connected back to trunk?

Does TortoiseSVN Revision Graph draw a line from Branch back to the Trunk when I finish a "Merge"? ...

Merging the JW Player 4.4 with another swf

Hey guys, I'm in sort of a dilemma here. I love the way the JW works and looks and I'd like to include it in my newest project I'm working on. I've read through the two threads on this topic already, but nothing seems too conclusive for AS3.0 and JW 4.4 when it comes to using the player in another .swf. I'd li...

How to back up private branches in git

Hi all, I have a local branch for day-to-day dev work in git. My workflow is: Do stuff on local_branch, commit Fetch origin/master Rebase local_branch to catch up with new stuff from origin/master It all works fine, however most of the recommendations I encountered say that one should not "push" private branches, on which rebase is...

Can someone explain the perforce integration options?

Specifically: Why do I need to explicitly enable "Enable baseless merges" all the time? I am integrating from my branch to the trunk. What does "Enable integrate over deleted targets" mean? Shouldn't it do this by default? If the file doesn't exist, and you integrate to that branch with the file, it should create the file, right?? Wha...

How to fool git-svn to recognize merges made with svn?

We have an SVN setup with stable trunk and unstable development branch. Dev work is (mostly) done on the branch and then merged to trunk before deployment. I use git-svn as my SVN client. My merge process from unstable to trunk is as follows: git svn fetch git co -b trunk svn/trunk git merge --no-ff svn/unstable git svn dcommit svn...

Use 'pull' or 'merge' to merge local branches?

I have seen two different ways of merging local branches. git checkout master git merge new_feature git checkout master git pull . new_feature What is the difference, pros/cons? ...

How to efficiently rebase and push a local git branch?

Hi, we're using a central git repository which I've cloned and I'm working on a local branch. When I want to make my changes available in the central repository, I have to issue the following commands (starting on mybranch): #Stash local changes not yet ready for checkin git stash #Make sure we have all changes from the central reposit...

Is there any map data structure that allows fast merging?

Are there any map data structures that have at least O(log n) insertion, deletion, access, and merging? Most self-balancing binary trees such as AVL trees and red-black trees have most of these properties, but I believe they have O(n log n) merging. Are there any data structures that have faster merging? Edit: I have looked around, and...

Does TFS lose its link when you move a branch?

My co-worker is trying to merge his development branch back into the baseline. Even though he only modified a couple files, all files in the baseline are being checked out for merging. As if it's a baseless merge. What gives? I don't experience this and the only difference I can see is that I branched directly from the baseline and he m...

Is there a built in method to merge the properties of two objects into a single object?

I'm looking for a built-in method that combines two associative arrays or objects into one. Using webkit in Adobe Air if that makes a difference. But basically I have two objects or associative arrays if you will: var obj1 = { prop1: "something", prop2 "anotherthing" }; var obj2 = { prop3: "somethingelse" }; and I want to do merge the...

C# Linq: Can you merge DataContexts?

Say I have one database, and this database has a set of tables that are general to all Clients and some tables that are specific to certain clients. Now what I have in mind is creating a primary DataContext that includes only the tables that are general to all the clients, and then create separate DataContexts that contain only the tabl...

Preserving history when merging Subversion branches

Is there any way to perform a merge with subversion 1.6 which would preserve the branch's history? trunk: r1 --> r2 --------------> r5 branch: \--> r3 --> r4 / such as that when I merge at r4 the history will contain r3 and r4? At the moment subversion will record one merge commit with the diff between r4 and r2. ...

Is there a TFS policy to allow only merges and not edits?

We have a baseline folder and development branches in TFS. We'd like to add a policy where changes can only be merged into the baseline from a development branch and not edited directly unless you override the policy. How can we do this? ...

Idiomatic Ruby: data structure transformation

What's the "Rubyist" way to do the following data structure transformation: I have incoming = [ {:date => 20090501, :width => 2}, {:date => 20090501, :height => 7}, {:date => 20090501, :depth => 3}, {:date => 20090502, :width => 4}, {:date => 20090502, :heigh...

Merging from branch to trunk with 'Merge range of revisions'

I have merged in Subversion/TortoiseSVN like this a few times: Method A: 1) I change the trunk and commit. 2) I make other changes in a branch and commit. 3) In a working copy from trunk: I merge from the branch using TortoiseSVN's 'Merge a range of revisions'. 4) Then I commit the trunk and delete the branch. However, the Tortoi...

PHP - merging arrays

Hi, I have two arrays... $arr1 = array( 'name', 'date' => array('default' => '2009-06-13', 'format' => 'short'), 'address', 'zipcode' => array('default' => 12345, 'hidden' => true) ); $arr2 = array( 'name', 'language', 'date' => array('format' => 'long', 'hidden' => true), 'zipcode' => array('hidden' => ...

Mercurial internal:merge and binary file conflicts

Folks, I'm using i**nternal:merge** tool since I'm not a big fan of GUI diff tools. I really like it and the only thing I find a bit confusing and not quite convenient is its behavior for binary file conflicts. It can't merge binary files and exits which is absolutely correct. However in the directory with the conflicting file "foo" it...

Merges on IntelliJ IDEA .IPR and .IWS files

We keep our IntelliJ .IPR and .IWS files in our source control, but they keep getting modified by IntelliJ just by opening them, even without any work being done on the project. What are we doing wrong? ...