
SVN how to resolve new tree conflicts when file is added on two branches

When merging a couple of branches (using SVN 1.6.1) where a file has been added on both branches (and then worked on in those separate branches) I'm getting one of the new tree conflicts: C foo.txt > local obstruction, incoming add upon merge I need the changes from both branches, but the tree conflict doesn't give me the us...

Bean merging in java

Hi, I have got a Jibx bean which is used as both input and output to a webservice. The bean is very large and complex with deep parent child relationship. The webservice does not return the request object but returns a new bean with some properties populated. I would like to merge my request and the response. I tried using Dozer (it just...

Merged ObservableCollection

Hello, I have two ObservableCollections and I need to show them in one ListView control together. For this purpose I created MergedCollection which presents these two collections as one ObservableCollection. This way I can set the ListView.ItemsSource to my merged collection and both collections are listed. Adding works fine but when I ...

TFS: Frequent merges into a development branch

I haven't found any good explanation of this problem, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light on it. My thought is that this is "just the way it is", but I would like to understand a little better anyways. Here is my situation: I have a main branch, and a development branch(dev). Most developers are working in Main, but for my speci...

php array_merge without erasing values?

Problem: by default, PHP array_merge works like this ... it will overwrite a non-blank value with a blank value. $foobar = Array('firstname'=>'peter','age'=>'32','nation'=>''); $feebar = Array('firstname' => '','lastname' => 'griffin', age =>'33','nation'=>'usa'); print_r(array_merge($foobar,$feebar)); /* Array ( [first...

"Merging" two tables in T-SQL - replacing or preserving duplicate IDs

I have a web application that uses a fairly large table (millions of rows, about 30 columns). Let's call that TableA. Among the 30 columns, this table has a primary key named "id", and another column named "campaignID". As part of the application, users are able to upload new sets of data pertaining to new "campaigns". These data sets...

JPA EntityManger preforming a database insert on merge?

I am using JPA with Hibernate underneath, and I am having trouble getting merge to work, but before I describe the problems I am encountering with JPA, let me lay out what I am trying to accomplish, just in case my problems stems from my approach. I have data from on system that I need to place into another system. To do this I am read...

How can I do a changeset based merge instead of file-by-file based merge with Mercurial?

When performing a merge with Mercurial, it wants to merge conflicting files one at a time which just isn't a productive workflow on large merge sets. Instead, what I would like to do is merge the entire changesets of both heads (like using kdiff3 to diff 2 heads). To me that sounds straightforward but I can't figure out how to achieve ...

In svn, can I revert a change and shelve it for later?

I have some changes commited a few commits back in my svn repository. Let's say HEAD is at r750 and I want to revert r745 without losing r746-r750. Is this possible? And, can I somehow save r745 and reapply it later (as a new revision)? ...

Is it possible to merge the difference images using < canvas >

Hi All, I am working on developing an AJAX based application similar to VNC .. I am able to reproduce keyboard and mouse interaction from the browser to the remote machine. But when it comes to display part .. I am relying on page refresh that rederes latest captured desktop image. I wanted to improve the display aspects by using AJAX...

How do I correct "Commit Failed. File xxx is out of date. xxx path not found."

I have recently run into a particularly sticky issue regarding committing the result of a merge in subversion. Our Subversion server is @ 1.5.0 and my TortoiseSVN client is now @ 1.6.1. I am trying to merge a feature branch back into my trunk. The merge appears to work okay; however, the commit fails with the following error message. ...

Reorganizing a subversion repository with branches

I am trying to reorganize a subversion 1.6 repository that has branches. It appears that if you move a file in the trunk and that file has changes in a branch, when those changes are merged into the branch, they are no longer there. I will try to illustrate below: 1. Repo before move trunk/a.txt trunk/b.txt branches/feature...

How can I compare 2 files and ignore any changes in comments ?

I'm using C# and VB.NET. I often (every days...) add comments to existing source files. When I check-in these files, I would like to have my merge tool to ignore any changes made to comments - I just want to be sure that I did not change the code. I use WinMerge and Team Foundation Control Server (yes, no chance : Subversion was not a...

Are merges in subversion more difficult than in Team Foundation System?

I'm used to using TFS, and my company is now switching to SVN for a new project (the main reason is to better incorporate our java & .Net codebase under the same source control). I am given to understand merges in subversion are hard (Jeff mentioned this in his latest podcast). What are the problems with subversion, when compared to ...

Unable to combine Version2 to Version1 in Git

I have two files which are called version1 version2 Version1 has my own changes, while version2 is based on version1 but it has other people's changes too. I run the following command at my Git folder where Version1 is git add version2 I now have two separate files in Git. I would like combine them now. Which command should I ru...

How can I merge two directories using opendiff?

This should be simple, right? I want to compare two directories, foo and bar. I want to cherrypick changes in foo and place them in bar. If I run opendiff foo bar -merge bar to specify bar as the merge directory, nothing happens when I "save merge" on my individual files. If I don't specify a merge and select bar as my merge director...

Lossless merging of PDFs (PHP)

Currently I am using ImageMagick to merge multiple PDFs into one in a PHP script on my Linux system. However, the resulting PDFs are of very low quality. I have stumbled across pdftk which seems to have a better quality after the merging, but I need to use ImageMagick if possible because I need to get the script to run on another server ...

merged cell's contents cut off beyond page break

I have a vb .net program that exports information to certain fields of an excel workbook using named ranges. One of the named ranges is a notes section that gets cut off (not visible nor gets printed) if it extends beyond a page break. I am looking for a way to dynamically create new named ranges to accommodate all of the notes' text. S...

Creating tables for copy from Word to Excel

So, I needed to take some data done in MS Word tables, and manipulate in excel. I decided to get it from word to excel via a VBA subroutine to "save time". My source word document contained like twentysomething tables. I took my source document's tables, extracted my data and made a new document, with a new table, only needing me to ...

Automating diff3 conflict resolution

I have three files with SQL INSERT statements, local base_ie_common_ancestor other. diff3 refuses to merge local base other without conflicts since local deletes last line while other appends more stuff after last line. Why is this a conflict? Delete the last line since base and other don't have it, append the rest from other since l...