
How to prevent Merging in TFS

I have a parent project that is branched to many dependent child projects. I do not want to allow changes in the child projects to be merged back into the parent. i.e. I only want to allow a 1 way merge (parent to child). How do I accomplish this? ...

Is it possible for git-merge to ignore line-ending differences?

Is it possible for git merge to ignore line-ending differences? Maybe I'm asking the wrong question ... but: I tried uisng config.crlf input but things got a bit messy and out of control, specially when I applied it after the fact. For one thing, applying this config after the fact doesn't seem to affect files that were committed to t...

p4merge error

I am trying to use p4merge with git but I am getting: Error starting p4merge: "path/myFile" is (or points to) an invalid file (this lists the BASE, LOCAL, REMOTE, and standard version of the file). Git tells me about the conflict then it asks if I wanna start the mergetool configured (p4merge) and then I get the error above. Addition...

Merge changes from remote github repository to your local repository

I have forked a repository on github some time ago, made a small change and pushed the change back to my github fork. The original repository has changed since. I would like to merge the changes from the original repository to my fork. I am new to both git and github, and I need specific commands how to do it. ...

Merging GUI changes

In the projects I work in, it seems the biggest problem with Merging changes is in the Windows Forms/GUI changes. We use Araxis Merge to compare the changes, but it can be hundreds of changes per file. And you have have to make notes and/or rename items to make sure you know what you are merging. A big problem is if developers allow n...

Is it safe to use a subversion feature branch after reintegrate-merged to trunk?

Must a feature branch be deleted after it's merged (reintegrated) back to trunk? I prefer to constantly merge changes back and forth from my feature branch - I believe this keeps the conflicts to a minimum. Yet I understand that once you use the reintegrate merge to trunk, a feature branch should be deleted. Is it so? Why? What can I d...

Why do I sometimes see an "Entry 'filename' not uptodate. Cannot merge." after a 'git reset --hard' and a 'git pull'?

Occasionally, when I do the following... git reset --hard HEAD is now at 0123abde comment is here git pull Updating 0123abde..456789fa I get the error... error: Entry 'filename' not uptodate. Cannot merge. The only workaround I have found is to 'git reset --hard', delete the offending file(s) then do 'git pull'. That doesn't seem ri...

How to merge a specific commit in git

I have forked a branch from a repository it github and commit something for my using. now I found the original repository has a good feature which is at head, I want to merge it only without previous commits . what I should do? I have known how to merge all commit: git branch -b a-good-feature git pull repository master git checkout mas...

Java appending XML docs to existing docs.

I have two XML docs that I've created and I want to combine these two inside of a new envelope. So I have <alert-set> <warning>National Weather Service...</warning> <start-date>5/19/2009</start-date> <end-date>5/19/2009</end-date> </alert-set> and <weather-set> <chance-of-rain type="percent">31</chance-of-rain> <conditi...

MERGE INTO insertion order

I have a statement that looks something like this: MERGE INTO someTable st USING ( SELECT id,field1,field2,etc FROM otherTable ) ot on st.field1=ot.field1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (field1,field2,etc) VALUES (ot.field1,ot.field2,ot.etc) where otherTable has an autoincrementing id field. I would like the insertion into ...

is svn-merge backwards?

I just did a merge and it seemed to work backwards to how I expected it to. I'm wondering if I did it wrong or if this a known 'issue'? I had 2 branches Experiment/Trunk I had done whatever I wanted to do on the experiment and merge it back to the trunk. Using Tortoise I right clicked Experiment->Merge. I chose Merge Two Different Tree...

Merging 8 sorted lists in c++, which algorithm should I use

I have 8 sorted lists that I need to merge into 1 sorted list. I don't know the best way to do this. I was thinking of the following: void merge_lists_inplace(list<int>& l1, const list<int>& l2) { list<int>::iterator end_it = l1.end(); --end_it; copy(l2.begin(), l2.end(), back_inserter(l1)); ++end_it; inplace_merge(l...

Compare and merge 2 MS Word documents with Java and OpenOffice API?

How do I compare and merge 2 MS Word documents with Java and the OpenOffice API? I just want to conform that is it possible to compare 2 MS Word documents with the OpenOffice API. ...

Merging cells in a JXTreeTable

Hi, I want to merge two cells in a JXTreeTable. Is this possible? I have read the solution for Merging cells in JTable, but this does not work for JXTreeTables. What I mean with merging cells: I want to create a structure like this: node 1    | title for 3 cells | title for 3 cells |   subnode |  c1  | c2  |  c3  |  c1  | c2 ...

Pushing updates to a pruned Mercurial branch

I have two related repositories, a master, which contains a number of sensitive files which must not be leaked, and a 'public' version, created with hg convert with --filemap to exclude the sensitive files and directories. I would like further updates to the master that don't affect the sensitive files to be pushable to the slave, and u...

How can I merge 2 javascript objects, populating the properties in one if they don't exist in the other?

If I have a javascript object/assoc. array defined like this: function somefunction(options) { var defaults = { prop1: 'foo', prop2: 'bar' }; //Do stuff here } and I want to use this as the default values for the function. So when the function gets called I want to populate the options variable with the...

Why doesn't git know I merged? Is there a way to tell it?

I'm using git-svn; I typically create a topic branch, make commits to it, then checkout master, git svn rebase, git merge --squash topic_branch, git commit -m "summary comment", then git svn dcommit. That works fine, but git doesn't seem to know I merged the branch changes into master. I tried this without svn involved: # Make a reposi...

Why 'git-merge-file current base other' make an empty 'current' file if current = base = other ?

Well, imagine current.txt file : asdf base.txt file : asdf other.txt file : asdf when I do a three-way merge with git merge-file current.txt base.txt other.txt current.txt file become empty, why ? In other case current.txt file become a merge of the 3 files ...

Custom git diff to ignore some conflicts

Hello, I'm starting tests to move from cvs to git, and I have a problem on all my tests. We maintain a custom copy of FreeBSD sources, so in cvs we do the following when a new FreeBSD version is released: Import new freebsd src as a vendor branch Merge changes on HEAD I tried to do the same with git, and it worked, but almost all F...

Simple tool to 'accept theirs' or 'accept mine' on a whole file using git.

I don't want a visual merge tool, and I also don't want to have to vi the conflicted file and manually choose the between HEAD (mine) and the imported change (theirs). Most of the time I either want all of their changes or all of mine. Commonly this is because my change made it upsteam and is coming back to me through a pull, but may b...