
How to Git merge a branch that only contains a subfolder of trunk?

I am currently working on a project using svn (server is version 1.4 which means no modern merge tools available). I want to merge a branch with quite a few weeks of work in it. The problem is that back when the branch was created, it was made as a copy only of a subfolder. Svn structure of project: /trunk/folder1 /file...

Development branch and trunk are inconsistent and I cannot get them in sync

I am somewhat lost in merges. I develop in a single branch and merge it into the trunk when a piece of code is done. Somehow, there are still differences between the trunk and branch, which means every time I switch from the branch to the trunk or the otherway around, several files are updated, added and deleted. As said, I am somewhat ...

Matlab Simulink version control with multiple developers

We're using Matlab Simulink for model development (and Real-Time Workshop autocoding) within a team of several developers. We currently use Visual Source Safe (yes, I know its terrible) for version control, using locks to prevent conflicting changes. We'd like to migrate our programme to a different version control system (svn, hg or g...

LINQ Merging results in rows

Hi. I have a LINQ query which returns a set of rows. The structure is: NAME, col1, col2, col3, col4 name1 1 null null null name1 null 1 null null name1 null null 1 1 As a result I want to have one row containing name1 1 1 1 1 So I want to group those results by name and merge (sum?) th...

tf14087 Cannot undelete [file] because not all of the deletion is being undeleted

We are getting this error when we try to merge from a development branch (Dev) back to its parent branch (Main). Main did have some changesets rolled back a few weeks ago which included the deletion of some folders which exist in Dev. We believe this is the source of the problem. What is the best way to resolve this. Main should pr...

How can I merge my files when the folder structure has changed

I want to perform a major codebase reorganization, but I'm unable to proceed unless I can provide a way for trunk fixes to be easily applied to branches that were taken before the reorganization. One approach I was considering was to apply the reorganization to to all of the support branches, but this is potentially destabilising. A pr...

MySQL merge tables with different structure

I have two databases with different structure. Table 1: ch_code ch_def ch_weight Table 2: address ch_code I need to merge this two tables, so the structure would look like: ch_code ch_def ch_weight address The number or rows in two tables are different (table 1 has more data). Should I use merge, union.. some...

Git merge recursive not doing what I want.

Is there a way to have Git force a manual resolution for a file when the file was edited in both branches? My problem is that I want some of the changes from one branch and some of the changes from the other. It turns out these changes don't always step on each other but the algorithm is not always picking the correct change. One thing...

Git: merging public and private branches while while keeping certain files intact in both branches

Hi, I've read a few git questions here, but could not find an answer to this one: I have a public and a private branches where I want to allow certain files to diverge. Those are configuration files with passwords and my local customizations. I do want to be able to merge the branches both ways: from private to public and back, but...

Git: how to reverse-merge a commit?

With SVN it is easy to reverse-merge a commit, but how to do that with Git? ...

Merging multiple git branches into master?

So I have 3 git branches: master refresh auth_upgrade I haven't really been using branches like I master is way out of date, refresh is somewhat out of date and auth_upgrade is actually the branch that is completely current. So...I ultimately want to make auth_upgrade the master branch and then git push it to my github r...

Which merge strategies does mercurial use?

I work in an environment with large scale multi-parallel branching. Looking at GIT I see it has several merge strategies: already up-to-date fast-forward octopus resolve recursive Does Mercurial have the equivalent of each of these? (ie is the implementation of Mercurial's merge algorithm as good as recursive? ...

Java aware merge command

Every time I see a conflict on something like imports or method signature changes (e.g. renames of variables) in my SCM I wonder if there is something like a language aware diff/merge method that can handle the more annoying small changes that can happen on a shared project. Is there anything out there that handles conflicts more smoothl...

ediff as mergetool

I would like to be able to use ediff with "git mergetool". I found some patches that alter the source code, which I don't want to do. Instead, I'd like to add ediff support with my .gitconfig. I know git has builtin support for emerge, but I prefer ediff. I attempted to add these lines to my .gitconfig: [mergetool "ediff"] cmd = ...

Problems with Mail Merge macro run from Excel

I have created a macro to automate a Word mail merge from excel. Below is my code. The macro is stopping at the highlighted section Sub RunMerge() Dim wd As Object Dim wdocSource As Object Dim strWorkbookName As String On Error Resume Next Set wd = GetObject(, "Word.Application") If wd Is Nothing Then Set wd = CreateObject("Word....

Preparing a database in access? need help!

I am working in a small law firm and my boss has asked me to put a database together to help with outgoing mail. There are 5 different tables that exist in Access. (Applicants, Attorneys, Lien Claimants, Employers and Workers Compensation Boards) All of the tables include addresses only. Each Applicant has an attorney, one or possibly...

heroku using git branch is confusing!

Ok, so I have a big github project that i'm not supposed to merge my little Stacia branch into. However, it seems like Heroku only takes pushing MASTER seriously. It looks like I pushed my branch, but for example if I only have my branch, it even acts like there's no code on the server. I can't even get my gems installed since the .gems ...

merge background audio file

I have 2 audio files for primary and background music that I want to merge (not concatenate). The final audio file should be as long as the primary file, and if the background music is shorter then it should repeat. If there a Linux command or a Python library that can be used to do this? Sox supports merging, but does not appear to all...

What is a trivial merge in git?

Sometimes when I do a pull instead of a rebase after a simple one file change commit I see the following in the master log: Trivial merge But there's no diff of what changed? What's the point of this log message? Did anything change I don't know of? It scares me. ...

Merge virtually two mysql tables

Hi ist there a way to merge two tables in MySQL virtually so I could query and insert data? (which is basicly splitted) exp. table id active foo table_meta table_id language text what I like to do is using something like this instead of sql-join INSERT INTO table_join SET active = 1, language = 'en'; regards jim ...