
JPA Merge Is Causing Duplicates

I have the entity classes below. When a user first signs up, only the username and password are supplied, so the list of accounts (think profiles) is empty. Later, when they add an account, the user object is updated in the client, passed to the server, and then entityManager.merge(user) is called. When the user is merged, the account...

SVN merges massively changed code

I have a question where we have a project who's source code was originally written in Spanish. As more developers join the project, the original developer decides to change all the Spanish syntax to English. The question is, we have divided the tasks to multiple developers and all of us will start implementing features based on the Spa...

Dictionary merging

I have a Dictionary of dictionaries : SortedDictionary<int,SortedDictionary<string,List<string>>> I would like to merge two dictionaries for example key = 2 and key = 3. Very important I could have duplicate keys in the respective dictionaries. example key = 2 has a dictionary Key,Value "1000",{a,b,c} and key = 3 has a dictionary ke...

Document-level forking and version controlled wikis (theoretical/design)

This is a problem I've come across for a couple different projects I'm working on. Since the projects are still under stealth development, and the problem itself is of potentially broader interest and agnostic to them, I'm going to anonymize it - but FWIW, I work primarily with Ruby/Rails and MySQL. Scenario I want to have a system f...

Git unmerged paths

Long story, made short: I have the following in my git status and need to get rid of the two plugins below: # Changed but not updated: # (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) # # unmerged: vendor/plugins/pluginA # unmerged: vendo...

Merging multiple javascript files

I've read that merging several multiple javascript files into a single file improves performance, is that true? If so, is there an easy and error-free way of merging them, or perhaps an online-tool that automatically does that? Many thanks. ...

Merge XML files with same structure and different data

Hi, I'm trying to merge two file that have the same structure, and some data in common. So if a node has the same name in both files, a new node should be created with the children of both original nodes. The original files are the following: file1.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <BROADRIDGE> <SECURITY CUSIP='CUSIP1' DES...

How to migrate Drupal nodes from one installation to another, preserving revision history?

Is there a good way to export a set of nodes from one Drupal installation, including node revision history, and then to merge these into another Drupal installation, including revision history? I'm familiar with modules such as Node Export and Backup and Migrate... But Node Export doesn't preserve revision history, and Backup and Migra...

vimdiff as a merge tool

vimdiff helps in showing the diff of two files graphically and allows us to pick the changes from left to right/right to left. The files I am dealing with are huge files and most of the differences vimdiff reports can be auto-merged except a few.As it takes lot of time to go diff by diff in vimdiff and take the action. I would like to k...

How do people manage changes to common library files stored across mutiple (Mercurial) repositories?

This is perhaps not a question unique to Mercurial, but that's the SCM that I've been using most lately. I work on multiple projects and tend to copy source code for libraries or utilities from a previous project to get a leg up on starting a new project. The problem comes in when I want to merge all the changes I made in my latest pro...

Merge 5 NSStrings in Objective-C

I have multiple NSStrings and i wish to merge them into one other, here is my code so far... NSString *newURL = [_parameters objectForKey:@"url"]; NSString *emailBody = @"Hey!<br>I just snipped my long url with <a href=\"\"&gt;Snippety Snip for iPhone</a> in just a few seconds, why not check it out?<p><...

How to cherry pick a range of commits and merge into another branch

Hi, I have the following repository layout: master branch (production) integration working What I want to achieve is to cherry pick a range of commits from the working branch and merge it into the integration branch. I pretty new to git and I can't figure out how to exactly do this (the cherry picking of commit ranges in one operati...

After making changes in one TFS branch, how do I update other branches?

i have a branch in TFS from my main team project. The changes that have been done on the branch, I want those files to be updated in my main Team project. How do i do that? ...

Git Merge Driver - File Attributes

When using a custom driver for merging in Git what is the full file path of the Git attributes /arguments you pass to the driver? Ex: driver = filfre %O %A %B What is the full file path of the three files, %O, %A, and %B? -Tanner ...

SourceSafe Merge at the project level

Hey all, I'm running SourceSafe and I have two branches of my code. I'm currently using the manual approach of running a report to show differences and then manually merging each file one by one. However I'm trying to find a streamlined way to do this on the project level. It's ok if the process shows me each file one at a time, I'm jus...

Merging Schemas (XmlSchemaProviderAttribute)

Hi, My XmlSchemaSet add method is being ignored. TargetNamespace probably already exists. In my loop (part of GetSchema) I am adding existing classes to the XmlSchemaSet public static System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType GetSchema(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet xs) { XsdDataContractExporter exporter = new XsdDataContractExporte...

TFS 2008 Merge: Merge bunch of change sets, resolve, check-in, repeat and see more changes?

We have a situation like this: Merge Branch Blah back to trunk. Resolve all the conflicts. Check everything in. Without an intervening Get, we try and merge again. Everything should be clean, but it's not. More conflicts are found. Why? Tree looks like this: A -> Branches -> X -> Blah A -> X ...

Python synchronised reading of sorted files

I have two groups of files that contain data in CSV format with a common key (Timestamp) - I need to walk through all the records chronologically. Group A: 'Environmental Data' Filenames are in format A_0001.csv, A_0002.csv, etc. Pre-sorted ascending Key is Timestamp, i.e.YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Contains environmental data in CSV/column...

PHP array_merge_recursive doesn't work as I wish

So basically I have these two arrays I want to merge... array(1) { ["first"]=> array(1) { ["second"]=> array(0) { } } } array(1) { ["second"]=> array(1) { ["third"]=> array(0) { } } } And this is the result I'd like to achieve... array(1) { ...

PHP array_merge_recursive with numeric keys

So I'm suppose to build a multidimensional array dynamically from a text file, and everything works perfectly except that the numeric keys are screwing me over... The text file looks something like this: a=1 b.c=2 b.d.0.e=3 b.d.0.f=4 b.d.1.e=5 b.d.1.f=6 As the array_merge_recursive doesn't work with numeric keys, the output is like...