
Oracle merge statement not multithreaded

Just looking for some comfirmation here. We are attempting to use the merge statement for two tables called from C# thru stored procs. the calls are made from seperate threads and/or processes. We are getting unique key violations on the two columns that also make up the on statement. Our theory for this is that the statements are ha...

Why would svn merge of a branch with no changes causes untouched files to modify svn:mergeinfo property

I have created a branch called "feature3" from my trunk. I make zero modifications to files on the "feature3" branch. There are also no modifications to files on trunk. Using TortoiseCVS (TortoiseSVN 1.6.6, Build 17493 - 32 Bit) against a SVN (version 1.6.3 (r38063)) repo, I initiate a "Merge" with the "Reintegrate a branch" option se...

Problem keeping branch in sync

I have created a branch like this svn copy svn+ssh:// svn+ssh:// I then proceeded to checkout a working copy of my branch in another directory. Since this is a feature branch, I would like to keep it in sync with trunk. According to The SVN Book, this should be as sim...

lost with DataSets and merging in C#

NEWEST EDIT!!! PLEASE... I have been through many permutations of this code. I am attempting to take some certain related records from a database (SQL server) and export to XML (which seems to work!), and take them to a disconnected copy of that database, and import them to that database, merging them by primary key (updating if the k...

Enumerating Folders With MSBuild

Hello, I am coming up on the end stages of an Asp.Net MVC 1.0 project in VS2008 / Framework 3.5, and trying to do some performance optimizations. In my project, I have a few different "themes" that are used, depending on the role of the logged in user. My themes folder structure is like so... \Themes \Theme1 \Css ...

Does a SSIS Execute SQL Task handle a MERGE statement?

I'm trying to execute a MERGE statement via a Execute SQL Task, as outlined in this article: My MERGE statement is quite simple (see below). I can execute the MERGE statement with no trouble in SSMS, but when I put it into an Execute SQL Task, it fails with this error: "Incorrect...

How to merge large projects in Eclipse?

I've been working with branches for quite some time now, but I always used command-line tools to do the actual merging. However, now I need to do it from Eclipse only. Branching and merging being a widely used feature of SCM systems for many years now, I expected Eclipse to have good had support for it, but it just doesn't seem to be the...

Use WinMerge as TortoiseHG Merge tool

Hi, i am trying to set up WinMerge as the Merge tool into TortoiseHG; Here is my Mercurial.ini: ; User specific Mercurial config file. ; See the hgrc man page for details. [ui] username = Bargio <> merge = winmergeu [extdiff] cmd.winmerge = C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe opts.winmerge = /e /x /ub /wl [merge-tools] win...

GIT : marking files as 'resolved'

here is the situation. I have some local files, I pull from remote branch and there are conflicts. I know that I would like to keep my local files. Is there a command I can use to in effect say "mark all conflicts as resolved, use local" ...

EntityManager merge/persist problem

I'm having this strange problem where my merge() or my persist() functions are not being reflected in the database. My @Repository("productDao") public class JdbcProductDao implements ProductDao { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; public JdbcProductDao(){ } public Produc...

Java: How do I efficiently merge multiple xml files to create a new xml?

In Java: Suppose I have 3 xml files <student>lin</student> -- file1.xml <student>Eric</student> -- file2.xml <student>joe</student> -- file3.xml How can I merge these xml’s (considering that they don’t have the DTD or namespace declaration) to create <class><student>lin</student> <student>Eric</student> <student>joe</studen...

SVN: How can I move one branch over the top of the other?

Due to some mismanagement of our SVN repository, we ended up making a branch, named Stable, containing a stable build of our code (the branch actually got started from a tag of the last release, rather than the trunk). Basically trunk has been 'infected' by some changes made by our new programmer, who didn't really know what they were d...

Merging MySQL Structure and Data

I have a MySQL database running on a deployment machine which also contains data. Then I have another MySQL database which has evolved in terms of STRUCTURE + DATA for some time. I need a way to merge the changes (ONLY) for both structure and data to the DB in deployment machine without disturbing the existing data. Does anyone know of a...

Calculating total lines added/deleted after a merge?

I recently took a branch with a lot of commits and merged it back into my master branch. If I needed to go back and see how many lines were added or deleted because of that merge, how would I go about doing that? ...

SVN merge just a directory add from a checkin (without directory contents)

Hello, Am trying to merge (from a branch) a file in a directory that does not yet exist on trunk. Here is the example: Trunk (from which we branch) / /root1.txt /foo/foo1.txt Branch (after 2 checkins) / /root1.txt /foo/foo1.txt /bar/bar1.txt /bar/bar2.txt First checkin: A /bar A /bar/bar1.txt Second checkin: A /bar/bar2.t...

Merging existing git branch with formerly unknown SVN

My project I am working on is version controlled under SVN. I had to do a large number of refactorings. For this purpose I took my workspace and created a new git repository. Afterwards I made the refactorings and committed to my local git repository as often as possible, made branches etc.. Meanwhile someone made commits to the SVN. No...

MySQL - How to create a new table that is a join on primary key of two existing tables

Hi All, I have two existing tables, with different fields, except for Primary ID (a varchar, not an int). I want to create a third table which is essentially a merge of these two, such that for a given Primary Key I have all fields in one table. What's the bext way of doing this? Many thanks ...

How to conclude your merge of a file?

After I merged a file in Git I tried to pull the repository but error came up: You have not concluded your merge. (MERGE_HEAD exists) How does one conclude a merge? ...

PHP: Merge full array with empty array or check isset() first?

I have a few functions that should return an array, to have it merged with another array. However, sometimes there's nothing to return. What's the best scenario here? Return an empty array and merge that with the full one OR Return null, store the return in a variable, check that variable and THEN merge it if needed. I'm asking this...

PHP: Merge/Add multi-dimensional array?

Say I have a couple multi-demensional arrays with the same structure like so: $basketA['fruit']['apple'] = 1; $basketA['fruit']['orange'] = 2; $basketA['fruit']['banana'] = 3; $basketA['drink']['soda'] = 4; $basketA['drink']['milk'] = 5; $basketB['fruit']['apple'] = 2; $basketB['fruit']['orange'] = 2; $basketB['fruit']['banana'] = 2; $...