
tfs branch merged back to trunk. vbproj file name got changed

i merged a branch from an existing trunk and looks like all the new files in the branch came to this existing turnk as one project. Only problem is i said "copy from source" for the vbproj file and now it has the name of the file in branch. can i just rename this file and everythign will be back to normal or is ther esome more stuff invo...

how to merge stripped symbols with binary?

I compiled the Qt Framework with debugging enabled, but the script stripped the debugging symbols from the libraries and saved them as *.debug files -- just like here. Sadly I need these symbols inside the .so files, so I can continue working with them. There seems no way to teach my debugger to load external (non-PDB) symbols. So anothe...

How do I tell subversion to always select my local version for conflicted merges on a specific file?

I'm looking for a way to specify that a subset of files should not be changed when merging in modifications from a particular branch, using Subversion. I found someone asking the same question, but for git. What I have is Maven pom.xml files, which are set up when the branch is created and updated for each release from the branch. Whe...

PHP: Problem merging arrays

OK I have this function (I got as the answer to this question) that merges an array like so: Functions function readArray( $arr, $k, $default = 0 ) { return isset( $arr[$k] ) ? $arr[$k] : $default ; } function merge( $arr1, $arr2 ) { $result = array() ; foreach( $arr1 as $k => $v ) { if( is_numeric( $v ) ) { ...

Merge an independent project into a greater one without losing history

I have an independent project, the CPAN module ExtUtils::MakeMaker. It also lives inside Perl. Generally, a release of MakeMaker will be made and Perl will integrate that tarball into its repository. But sometimes Perl will change its copy of MakeMaker and that change will have to go into the CPAN repository. Also the history of Make...

How do you merge a feature branch in a Codeplex project?

I have a project on Codeplex and I use TortoiseSVN to access the source code. I've created a feature branch and now I need to merge changes from the trunk into the feature branch. I'll need to eventually merge the feature branch back into the trunk as well. But it seems that SvnBridge doesn't support merging! Does anyone have suggestio...

Merging Dictionary containing a List in C#

This is kind-of related to this question, on how to merge two dictionaries in C#. An elegant Linq solution is presented, which is cool. However, that question relates to Dictionary<Object1, Object2>, whereas I have a dictionary where the value is a List<Object2>. I am looking for a solution for merging a Dictionary<Object1, List<Object...

Can I do merges with the TFS offline?

We are having a problem with the TFS connection. Is there any way to do merges between branchs with the TFS down? ...

Merge multiple javascript functions into one

I have these two javascript functions and wish to "merge" them into one. I will be adding a few more of these converting functions later on and would like to keep it simple and cleaner than just duplicating the functions. <!--Convert kg in pnd--> <script type="text/javascript"> function init(){ document.getElementById('kg').onmouseup=fu...

Merging two figures in Matlab

I am currently running a Matlab script (below) which produces four seperate graphs. I want to combine two of these graphs so that the are displayed simultaneously. The graphs I wish to combine i referred to as FIGURE 2 and FIGURE 4 in the below script. The only input to the script is a txt file with 6 columns: x coordinates, y-coordinat...

Make a "Merged copy" of a CALayer composition.

I know it has answered here, but I cannot get it work. I have some puzzlePiece CALayer subclass instance, each with 4 additional sublayer. When user manupulates a piece, its sublayers get changed. But after manipulating finished, user can only move these pieces. I want to make somehow a "snapshot" of the sublayers after user finished m...

Using git subtree merging, while also merging in all branches of all merged subtrees

I'd like to use a popular, open source issue tracker (Redmine) that offers git integration. Unfortunately, each project in the tracker can only be associated with one git repo. Creating multiple projects in the tracker is not my ideal setup. With that in mind, I've attempted to use git subtree merging (explained here, and here). I've cr...

problem with different linux distribution with c++ executable

Hi. I have a c++ code that runs perfect on my linux machine (Ubuntu Karmic). When I try to run it on another version, I have all sort of shared libraries missing. Is there any way to merge all shared libraries into single executable? Edit: I think I've asked the wrong question. I should have ask for a way to static-link my executable w...

Merging 2 clearcase views on different Servers?

I'm in a bit of a pickle... I work on a project that is multi-site. Unfortunately, the VOB sync between the two sites is not working properly right now, and our Clearcase Admins are too busy doing other work to get it fixed. I need to take code from a Dynamic View on one server and merge it to a Dynamic View on another server. Usually...

SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server CE Merge Replication

Hi, In my organization, we have a SQL Server 2005 database server (DBServer). Users of an application will normally be connected to DBServer, but, occasionally, would like to disconnect and continue their work on a laptop using SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 (SQLCE). Due to this, we have been looking into using Merge Replication betwe...

Security question: how to secure Hibernate collections coming back from client to server ?

Hello, I've got a simple pojo named "Parent" which contains a collection of object "Child". In hibernate/jpa, it's simply a one-to-many association, children do not know their parent: these Child objects can have different type of Parent so it easier to not know the parent (think of Child which represents Tags and parents can be differ...

Should I create a new branch for every new bug that gets reported?

We use a JIRA as our ticket system. New bugs/tickets are submitted to that system. Once a bug is fixed, we create a new build and test it on our dev server. If everything is good we push it to the live server. Now I usually work on the trunk without any branching to fix the bugs. This is of course a problem. Because there can be many bug...

svn merge problems after cvs2svn migration

Our team had a cvs repository, which we converted to svn via cvs2svn. Our repository has a main branch (let's call in main), that effectively serves as trunk (even though it was technically branched off from trunk far in the past). After the cvs2svn conversion, I branched off main to branch. I made a small change in branch, and then a...

Git: how to maintain permanent parallel branches

We have project (PHP application), but instalation for each client vary, sometimes very little, sometimes more. Still, big part of source code is common. We manage specific installations as parallel branches to master branch and we need to transfer changes from master to other branches. Same situation was solved in Git: how maintain (mos...

Merging sql queries to get different results by date

I am trying to build a 'recent events' feed and can't seem to get either my query correct, or figure out how to possible merge the results from two queries to sort them by date. One table holds games/, and another table holds the actions of these games/. I am trying to get the recent events to show users 1) the actions taken on game...