
Clearcase UCM - Cross delivering vs. delivering upwards?

We have two Clearcase UCM streams in a hierarchy at the same level (i.e. same parent stream). If the two child streams are both rebased to the same parent baseline, does that mean that Delivering the activities of both streams up to the parent (one, then the other) Would be equivalent to: Delivering the activities of one child str...

Merge replication and Transactions

I've read somewhere that using merge replication there is no transaction. Is there a way to use merge replication + transaction? ...

Copy Table and Merge field

Could you please help me with present SQL? I am copy 1 table to another table and the same time merge the fields. I get an error on the + INSERT INTO [dSCHEMA].[TABLE_COPY_TO] ( [FIELD_A], [FIELD_B], [FIELD_A] + '-' + [FIELD_B] ) SELECT [FIELD_A] ,[FIELD_B] FROM [dSCHEMA].[TABLE_COPY_FROM] ...

appending to hash while looping

I will make this quick. I'm using Ruby/LDAP to search using my base_dn criteria. I get a result back (of type Entry). I can convert object of type Entry to Hash with to_hash method. The problem is when the result is returned it is multiple objects of type Entry. I want to convert them to hash append them while looping. Look at this: co...

TFPT unshelve & Migrate: What is the Base version for merging?

I am trying to use tfpt unshelve /migrate to unshelve my shelveset on to a different branch. When it does the unshelve, it also attempts to merge the file with the file in the target branch. I do not understand where its getting the base version of this file. Can anyone tell me what version is base? ...

svnmerge vs svn merge

What is the difference between 'svnmerge' (alias, the python script that comes with svn) and 'svn merge' (Subversion 1.5's native merge-tracking)? Which one do you recommend? ...

How do I merge a single commit?

Sometimes I'm working with several branches at once. Say I have branches called master, release-1.1, and experimental. I create a new file or make a change in experimental and I want that one single change to apply to the other branches. Can I do this in git? If I simply merge the commit into another branch, git automatically "fast-f...

Git merge from a specific folder only.

OK, here's my problem, let me try to make it all make sense... I've created a rails website for client X. I now have a client, Y, who wants a website that does the exact same thing as client X, but with a different skin. Rails was perfect for this since all the skinning was in it's own folder and set apart from all the business logic. ...

How do I get my git merge conflicts back after merging incorrectly?

I'm trying to merge 2 branches that have a lot of changes in them, several with merge conflicts. I merged the files using git mergetool, but I've subsequently realized that I merged a couple of them incorrectly. I basically want to go back to the conflicted state for those couple files, so I can re-run the mergetool and correct my erro...

When is the reintegrate option really necessary?

If you always sync a feature branch before you merge it back, why do you really have to use the --reintegrate option? The Subversion book says: When merging your branch back to the trunk, however, the underlying mathematics is quite different. Your feature branch is now a mishmosh of both duplicated trunk changes and private branch ...

How to handle xml/html in git feature branch workflow ?

Our project is working within fairly close quarters code-wise (a lot of changes happening in parallel in a fairly small geographical area of the code), and our feature branch based git workflow works out really nice for our java code. But the xml/html stuff is not working really well. Simple unrelated changes (a designer adding a surro...

Git merge and resolve any conflicts to current branch.

So I have my master branch, along with branch 'bob'. I've made many changes in both and now I want merge master into bob to keep him updated. The only thing is, if there is a conflict I want it to automatically resolve to bob. I've been recommended the following: git checkout bob git merge master -s ours This does not work because I...

Deleting from dict if found in new list in Python

Say I have a dictionary with whatever number of values. And then I create a list. If any of the values of the list are found in the dictionary, regardless of whether or not it is a key or an index how do I delete the full value? E.g: dictionary = {1:3,4:5} list = [1] ... dictionary = {4:5} How do I do this without creating a new ...

Tool like 2to3, except for merges

I maintain a fork of my project for Python 3.1. When I initially made the port from 2.6, I used 2to3, but now I constantly have to merge new code from the 2.6 fork into the 3.1 fork. How can I perform the 2to3 operation on these merges automatically? (I use git, if it matters.) ...

Tools that automate merging of text files?

I have trouble where, for some reason, SVN would only merge the newly generated template code to implemented code (thus overwriting whatever I had done), but not the other way around. For example, 1) I generate a file called I commit this to trunk. I also branch this to feat1/ 2) I work off of the feat1/Som...

How do I merge two arrays having different values into one array?

Suppose you have one array a[]=1,2,4,6 and a second array b[]=3,5,7. The merged result should have all the values, i.e. c[]=1,2,3,4,5,6,7. The merge should be done without using functions from <string.h>. ...

Merging an XML file with a list of changes

I have two XML files that are generated by another application I have no control over. The first is a settings file, and the second is a list of changes that should be applied to the first. Main settings file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <preset> <var id="9" opt="0" val="6666666"/> <var id="9" opt="1" val="10000000"/> <var id="9" opt="...

TFS: Select two files to merge

In TFS, I normally right-click a file and select Merge to merge it. What if I have two files I want to select to include in a single merge? How do I do that? ...

Git pull certain branch from github.

I have a project with multiple branches. I've been pushing them to github, and now that someone else is working on them i need to do a pull from github. It works fine in master. But say I have branch xyz. How can I pull branch xyz from github and merge it into branch xyz on my localhost? I actually have my answer here: http://stackoverf...

Xml comparison and merge tool

I need a tool for comparing and merging two xml-files. Requirements Handle large Files (> 50mb) Collapse XmlNodes in UI Support validation of files merge files in both directions edit files in ui Any suggestions? ...