
Help me understand Svn merge

I don't understand svn merge. Here's the scenario: We have a branch that contains the latest stable copy of our code. I will refer to this branch as 'the branch'. There's also a trunk branch which contains a few new additions, but we don't want to mess with that at this point. We have a vendor branch which contains an updated version o...

xml diff in ruby?

What is the best/fastest way to merge two xml documents with ruby? I have two xml files, one that's formatted so it is visually appealing, one that isn't (and it has comments and whitespaces stripped) that has a few changes to some of the nodes throughout, and it gets changed often. So I'm trying to figure out a simple and efficient so...

Reading GIT Merge Markers

Sorry, this is a very simple question. What does this merge marker mean in GIT >>>>>>> next-release:db/schema.rb when it's got no accompanying? ======= Also, is there some way to tell GIT to just choose one version over another? ...

Branching and Merging Strategies

I have been tasked with coming up with a strategy for branching, merging and releasing over the next 6 months. The complication comes from the fact the we will be running multiple projects all with different code changes and different release dates but approximately the same development start dates. At present we are using VSS for code...

SVN merge files

Hello, I'm using TortoiseSVN as my SVN client. How can I know if a file was merged in the past ? Thank you. ...

Why do I have duplicate rows for the same subscriber in my MSmerge_identity_range table?

Hello, I have a database with merge replication set up on a SQL 2005 server with 1 subscriber. I am having some identity range issues an I started to look at the MSmerge_identity_range table. I have one subscriber but 2 rows for each. For Example(I shortend the guids but for arguments sake they are the same for each row): subid ar...

Create PDF from Merge document via ASP C#

Okay, here is what i want to do.. A user will run a query and return 3 pieces of data (really more but for this example lets say 3.. such as name, city, state). The user will then be prompted with a list of 1 or more documents that are basically word merge documents. Does not have to be word but needs to be something standard. Once ...

How to merge Drupal database changes

We currently use an SVN repository to ensure everyone's local environments are kept up-to-date. However, Drupal website development is somewhat trickier in that any custom code you write (for instance, PHP code written for a node body) is stored in the DB and the changes aren't recognized by the SVN working copy. There are a couple of d...

Workflow for maintaining different versions of codebase for different versions of Python

I'm developing an open source application called GarlicSim. Up to now I've been developing it only for Python 2.6. It seems not to work on any other version. I decided it's important to produce versions of it that will support other versions of Python. I'm thinking I'll make a version for 2.5, 3.1 and maybe 2.4. So I have several ques...

How can 2 Python dictionaries become 1?

Possible Duplicate: Python extend for a dictionary I know that Python list can be appended or extended. Is there an easy way to combine two Python dictionaries with unique keys, for instance: basket_one = {'fruit': 'watermelon', 'veggie': 'pumpkin'} basket_two = {'dairy': 'cheese', 'meat': 'turkey'} I then want one big baske...

What can cause SVN Update to merge incorrectly?

I got an email a few days ago from someone who was having trouble building a Delphi project I have on Google Code. The project file and one of the DFM files were munged after he updated with some changes I had checked in. We talked back and forth a bit, and traced it down to what he said was SVN throwing in extra stuff. He deleted the...

How to ignore folder during subversion merge

Hi, I have a whole bunch of changes that I need to be merged in to my branch but I want to ignore a specific folder during the merge. Is it possible to do this using Subversion? If so then how can I do it? EDIT: The folder that I want to ignore is in the repository but I don't changes to be made to this folder during the merge ...

How do I "merge forward" in svn?

For instance, suppose I have a branch that I want to update with the new stuff in trunk. I've always just merged trunk into the new branch, but I came across a somewhat different process that Divmod uses. Does divmod have some kind of special requirement to do branching like this, or have I been doing it wrong all along? ...

Reparenting a branch in TFS2008

Say I have branch A in TFS from which I take branch B. Some changesets are made on B, then from B, branch C is taken, and more changes are made on branch C A ------------------------------ | B ----1--2------------------ | C ----3-----4--- Now suppose we want to merge from C into A, but bypassing...

Selective merging in subversion

Does anyone know how to avoid merging certain files in a branch merge? For eg., if i am merging stuff from say mybranch to trunk but if i DONT want to try merging certain files, is there a way to set something to ignore looking at these files? The files i need ignore may or may not share file extensions.This scenario is important in st...

How to merge two arrays in Javascript

I have two arrays in javascript like: var array1 = ["Vijendra","Singh"]; var array2 = ["Singh", "Shakya"]; I want the output to be: var array3= ["Vijendra","Singh","Shakya"]; (Removing repeated words while merging the arrays). ...

how to identify branches that need to get merged in git

I make a lot of bugfix and feature branches and in the end merge them all into a release candidate (rc). but when i test the rc I am not sure if i have merged in all the branches. How can I find out which branches are missing? I tried gitk, but it seems it shows only the branches that are already merged in the branch that I am on. But I...

Conflicts when merging into branch some changes in deleted code

We've recently created a branch with a version of code customized for a certain client. We're working on both branches at the same time, commiting 'common' changes into the trunk, then merging them to the branch. Recently, we've come to a troublesome situation. In trunk/bar.c we have (among others) a foo() function. Now, in branch/bar.c...

How do I Merge two Arrays in VBA?

Given Dim arr1 As Variant Dim arr2 As Variant Dim arr3 As Variant arr1 = Array("A", 1, "B", 2) arr2 = Array("C", 3, "D", 4) What kind of operations can I do on arr1 and arr2 and store result in arr3 such that: arr3 = ("A", "C", 1, 3, "B", "D", 2, 4) ...

Merge like dates in MS Access

I am a pilot who flies multiple legs in a day. The software I use to log flights spits out a csv file and lists every leg separately. I import the csv file into table 1 in ms access. I would like to merge all flights from the same day into one record on a new table. My problem is combining the route and adding the time. Table 1 ...