
How do I merge two svn branches?

I have two svn branches checked out, "b1" and "b2". I would like to merge all of my commits from the "b1" branch onto the "b2" branch. I have tried something like svn merge -r HEAD:HEAD b1 b2 but it does nothing. I am sure I have this command wrong but I can't find good documentation on it. I would like to do this on the client side a...

SVN/Subclipse: Returning from a branch to the trunk

I have a branch which I created from the trunk some time ago. Since I created the branch, I didn't touch the trunk. Now, I want to return from the branch to the trunk. This is a very simple case, since there's not much merging to do. Nothing changed in the trunk. The branch can fully replace the trunk. As I see it, I have two options: ...

Merging 2 Xcode projects - two AppDelegates causing errors

I have two Xcode iPhone projects I want to merge. Both have viewcontrollers, xibs and appdelegates. I have merged them but have over a dozen fatal errors, largely about one of the appdelegates. I went into info.plist and changed the main nib from the first project to the second but am still getting the errors about the second projec...

Merging two tables with a common unique field in MySql

The problem if have is this. We have taken over a website which has an active member community. We've been given the application and database dump and have the site running on a new server successfully and the DNS has been switched. The problem is that the database has come out of sync in the time it took to get the files to us and t...

Tortoise SVN Merging - New Trunk to Branch

Let us say I have a trunk and I create a branch (branch A) of it on Sunday making Revision 10. On Monday I work on both branch A and the trunk (branch A is responsible for Revision 11,12,& 15 while trunk is responsible from 13, 14, & 16). Tuesday I created a new branch (branch B) from the trunk (Revision 17). Wednesday I work on both ...

Am I doing it wrong? Merging SVN changes from trunk into a git branch. Using merge --squash

We use branches to do our work and keep trunk pristine for the most part. Before merging my changes from my branch into trunk, I want to make sure that I've got the latest changes from svn/trunk into my local branch. It's taken me a bit to figure it out but here's the workflow I've come up with, and I'd like to know if there's a better w...

TFS: merging a branch back to a trunk folder that's since been renamed

I'm using TFS and trying to merge a branch back to the trunk from which it was made. Trouble is, the Source Control Merge Wizard has no entries in its Target Branch dropdown list. I suspect this is because the trunk was renamed after the branch was made. Is there a simple way that I can still perform the merge and have TFS recognise tha...

Merge tool for patching A diff B into C to create D?

I want to find a tool so that I can diff two files A and B, and apply those changes to a third file C, to create a fourth file D. kdiff3 is pretty close to what I want, but I've had some issues with its diff algorithm. DiffMerge is also pretty close, but seems to be more for situations where there is a reasonably recent common ancestor...

Merge two Audio files in android

Hi Everyone, I am developing an application in which i need to merge and split audio recording. Can anyone give me a hint how to get it done in android? Does it require any external jar? Please help ...

How to merge transparent PNG with image using PHP?

Hello, The situation is this: I have a small 50x50 pic. I also have a small 50x50 transparent picture which contains a frame for the 50x50 pic, so I basically want to put the transparent png on top of the image and merge those two which would lead to a done third picture that looks something like this:

Merging data between databases

Suppose I have two distinct databases with identical schemas but different data. I want to merge the data between the two databases by adding the data from one into the other. Foreign key relationships, etc. need to be maintained when the data is migrated. Are there any tools (or databases that have built-in tools) to make this job fair...

Using GIT, how can I selectively pull / merge changes from anothers 'fork'?

Take this scenario: I decide to 'fork' a codebase on, and start doing my routine: Edit - Commit - Push; aka hack hack hack. After I made some changes, I see some changes another person has made on the same project, and I like them! I decide I want to merge them into mine. Problem is, I only want a 'portion' of one particular...

git merge: Removing files I want to keep!

How can you merge two branches in git, retaining necessary files from a branch? When merging two branches, if a file was deleted in one branch and not in another, the file is ultimately deleted. For example: A file exists in master when you make a new branch you remove the file from master since we don't need it (yet) you make change...

Merging deletes in a Team Foundation Server baseless merge

I have two TFS branches that do not have a direct parent/child relationship in TFS. In a certain revision, 94 in my example, several items were deleted. I have been tasked with applying those deletes to the main branch. I'd like to do so through a baseless merge. I tried the following command to do so: tf merge /baseless /recursive /ver...

Consolidate an array in PHP?

I have an array that looks like the following: Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 10 [value] => 5 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 10 [value] => 1 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 11 [value] => 1 ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 11 [value] => 1 ) ) How ca...

Automate Photomerge in Photoshop for multiple panoramas unattended

I am creating panoramas using my DSLR camera and Photoshop to stitch them together. I am doing 360-degree cylindrical projections. Photoshop is brilliant at automaticaly stitching them together using PhotoMerge, but given that I have a large number of panoramas to create (hundreds) and one photo-session usually brings in about 30 of them...

CVS Merging Algorithm

What algorithm does CVS use when merging two branches (using the -j)? Is the CVS tag, branch, or date aware? Does it just do a plain text diff (for example, using the unix diff tool)? Does it use a 2 way or 3 way diff? If it uses a 3 way diff, what is the base version it uses? Thanks ...

TFS Branch Permissions

We have the following code structure: $ |-Core | |- Project1 | |-CoreFile.cs | |- Project2 | |- ... | |-NewProject |- Project1 | |-CoreFile.cs | |-NewFile.cs |- Project2 |- ... We have branched core into Project as a starting point and are adding files into NewProject solution's projects. What we...

Problem with SQL Merge Statement

Source Table Id, Name, Address 1 A #202 1 A #203 1 A #204 2 A #202 Target Table Id, Name, Address 1 A NULL After Merge Id, Name, Address 1 A #202 2 A #202 I am using this SQL create table #S (ID int, Name varchar(25) NULL, Address varchar(25) NULL) create table #T (ID int, Name varc...

Please settle a check out and lock vs update and merge version control debate.

I've used source controls for a few years (if you count the Source Safe years), but am by no means an expert. We currently are using an older version of Sourcegear Vault. Our team currently uses a check out and lock model. I would rather switch to a update and merge model, but need to convince the other developers. The reason the develo...