
Entity Framework Merge Nightmare

We've adopted the Entity Framework and we're finding that when multiple people make isolated changes in their individual source control branches, there are massive conflicts when they come together in a merge, resulting in broken model files. We're leaning in the direction of forcing exclusive check outs on the file, but I'd like to avo...

TFS baseless merge on specific changesets

As with most things in TFS you get more than you bargained for. In this case I am seeing more file changes during the merge than I was expecting. I have 2 child branches, lets be exciting and call them branch1 and branch2. Both have changes made to them since they were created. I need to take 12 specific changesets from branch2 and me...

Alpha channel in OpenCV

Hi, does OpenCV support alpha-channel? Or is there any way to work with transparent png? I need to merge two images, where the first one is background and the second one is image which was rotated by cvWarpAffine. I can do this by merging pixels one by one and omit pixels with some value, which I set in cvScalar in cvWarpAffine. However,...

C# : concatenate 2 MP3 files

I tried to concatenate 2 MP3 files using the code below. I got a new file which I can play the first half of (complete first file), but the second half is silent. The length of the new file was correct. What do I do wrong? List<Byte[]> files = new List<byte[]>(); var tempfile = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(path, "1.mp3")); files.Add(t...

Which SCM/VCS cope well with moving text between files?

We are having havoc with our project at work, because our VCS is doing some awful merging when we move information across files. The scenario is thus: You have lots of files that, say, contain information about terms from a dictionary, so you have a file for each letter of the alphabet. Users entering terms blindly follow the diction...

How exactly to do a Subversion pre-1.5 style merge?

I have to deal with Subversion 1.4 merges at the moment and have found this answer to a question, which exactly describes my problem. The actual question deals with git-style rebase and merge problems with SVN which produce tree conflicts. It includes the following recommendation: [...] instead of range-merging the branch to a workin...

Evil merges in git ?

"man gitglossary" contains this definition of an evil merge: An evil merge is a merge that introduces changes that do not appear in any parent. I am not sure I understand the point the authors are trying to get at. Why is it evil ? ...

Git merge squash repeatedly

I'm trying to have two branches with binary files in git - one "development" and one "stable". The development branch can have several changes of these files before I want to "release" them to the stable branch (and the stable branch has those files renamed, in case that's relevant). I could do a normal merge, this works fine, but prese...

How to merge remote master at two commits earlier than current local master

Steps Leading up to Question Here's what I did leading up to my question: Forked a project on Github and cloned it locally Made two commits to my local repo to fix a bug Pushed those two commits to my forked Github repo Sent a pull request via Github to the original repo owner Original owner made a different commit to resolve the bug ...

Copying the .svn directories from a checkout to a non-checkout to make it a checkout

I have a large application in a production environment that I'm trying to move under version control. So, I created a new repo and imported the app, minus various directories and files that shouldn't be under version control. Now, I need to make the installed copy a checkout (but still retain the extra files). At this point, in a recent ...

Tools for merging multiple xsd files

Hi, I've got a XML schema which is split to multiple XSD files. Now we need to merge them into one big XSD file. Anyone knows a good tools I can use to do it? Manually merging would be too cumbersome, and error-prone. Thanks very much. ...

SVN partial merge best practices

I am working on a feature branch and have some changes committed to my feature branch that will affect the other developers. I would like to commit those new changes to the trunk so that nobody is left scrambling to fix the break later; however, I do not want to commit the rest of the feature branch because it is not yet fully functiona...

Combining history of merged branches in GIT?

In my git repository, I have merged branch "B" into "master", getting the the following structure: --> A --> B --> C --> D (branch master) | | F --> G --> H (branch B) I now want to combine the branches to get the following history: --> A --> B --> F --> G --> H --> D How can I do this? Regards, Jochen ...

Merge results from uniq -c

I have many files with results of command: uniq -c some_file > some_file.out For example: 1.out: 1 a 2 b 4 c 2.out 2 b 8 c I would like to merge these results, so I get: 1 a 4 b 12 c I thought that sort or uniq could handle it but I don't see any option related to it. Writing some ruby/perl script is one of way to go...

Do I need to merge SVN Vendor Branches in sequence?

I have used to create vendor branches and I have the following versions in my vendor branch 1.3.0/ 1.3.1/ 1.3.2/ current/ If my working copy is at version 1.3.2, can I go from that version all the way to with one svn merge command? Or do I have to...

How to merge two git repositories containing Xcode projects

Picture the following scenario. I have an iPhone application contained in Xcode project A, and an iPhone application contained project B, each one of these Xcode projects is contained in a separate git repository. There are a bunch of things that I would like to do: Be able to create a library or Framework from parts of project B that...

Merging XMLTextReaders in C#

I have a website that needs to pull information from two diffferent XML data sources. Originally I only need to get the data from one source so I was building a URL in the backend that went and retrieved the data from the XML site and then parsed and rendered it in the front end of the website. Now I have to use a 2nd data source and me...

How to merge two branches without a common ancestor?

I have started using Git in the middle of my project, where the first two commits are just some initial settings (.gitignore and .gitattributes), and the third commit M2 adds the content of the SVN trunk: I1 -- I2 -- M2 -- N -- .. -- Z I have imported the SVN history in a branch named svn, where M1 is the SVN trunk (with the same cont...

Subversion marks unmodified files as modified

Here's an odd problem I encountered using Subversion: when merging from a development branch to trunk (or back, for that matter) Subversion would mark a lot of files as changed -- while they had no changes. Here's what happens: In my branch I commit 1 modified file In trunk I merge in that commit Lots of other files and directories ar...

XSLT: A simple way to merge xml files

I have two xml files. I need to merge them together where the element "myid" matches between the two. Please have a look at these example files... File1.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <catalog> <data> <title>Title1</title> <description>Description1</description> <myid>1</myid> </data> <data> <...