
Is there a tool to view merged revisions in Subversion?

Are there any tools out there, free or otherwise, that will show, in a graphical fashion, merges from one branch into another? What I have in mind would be similar to TortoiseSVN's revision graph, but with additional notation and lines to indicate merges from one line of development into another. If such tools exist, which do you prefe...

Git: Merge to master while automatically choosing to overwrite master files with branch

I am using Git to track my documentation latex source. I want to keep the master branch full of documents that are suitable for end user release, so when someone needs something, i can just switch to the master branch, compile and hand out the document. I make new branches when a manual needs a major update. But, when the manual is app...

Mixed Merge in R - Subscript solution?

Note: I changed the example from when I first posted. My first example was too simplified to capture the real problem. I have two data frames which are sorted differently in one column. I want to match one column and then merge in the value from the second column. The second column needs to stay in the same order. So I have this: st...

How can I use SVN to merge changes from a repo folder to itself?

I have done a lot of development on a branch in my subversion repository. Throughout this I've merged in the trunk changes by manually tracking which ones I put in. I accidentally read an SVN 1.0 book which explicitly told me that SVN doesn't track which changes have been merged, so I tried to specify which ones to merge into my branch t...

Git confused when merging an update into my subtree

We previously used many submodules in our main repositories, but to increase the maintainability of our projects we started an experimental branch where we replaced them all with subtrees. This worked good - but now when I'm trying to update one of the subtrees it erroneously merges the update into a completely wrong directory that isn'...

How do I configure TFS to work with various merge tools

Originally the question was "How do I configure WinMerge as the compare and merge tool for TFS". However, I am changing it because TehOne answered this more general form of the question. I would have though this would have been asked already on Stackoverflow. I found the answer elsewhere, but I am asking/answering here. It's now a commu...

ncover merge reports

we are using NCover from For our application we have 6 different solution and we create report for each solution. In NCover explore there is MergeData option which I can use to merge all Coverage.xml. But I want some functionality from command line which I can use in NANT script, has anybody got any idea how to do...

SVN out of date error

Hi, I had a problem in one of my projects, I decided to checkout an older revision and do a few modifications to it. I am now trying to commit this older modified revision and any contained changes to HEAD. When I do the svn ci -m "reverting with some changes" it gives me: svn: File '/trunk/main.c' is out of date I tried doing an up...

TFS merge change set to main branch

If a file has been changed by 10 different changesets, with different users for various changesets. Then the user that checked in changeset 5, decides to merge his changes. What will then happen to the changes in changeset 1 to 4? Will they automatically be merged? ...

Visual Studio, svn and merging .csproj and .sln files

Anyone had any success getting SVN to merge Visual Studio project (.csproj) or solution (.sln) files that have been edited by two users? Example User A checks out project User B checks out same project User A adds a file User A commits changes User B adds a file User B commits changes Seems to me that at step (6), svn, Tortoise, Ankh...

Mercurial from Subversion: moves, renames and tags

I have a subversion repo with the following layout: svnrepo/projectA/trunk svnrepo/projectA/tags svnrepo/projectA/branches svnrepo/projectB/trunk svnrepo/projectB/tags svnrepo/projectB/branches which I would like to move to a mercurial repo with a revised layout: hgrepo/projectA hgrepo/projectB What is the best way of doing this? S...

Merge sort comparison count

I have an assignment where I must output the number of comparisons that are made with the Merge sort algorithm, against an int list[1000] filled with random values (no duplicates). My main question is, have I placed my comparisons++ count incrementer in the correct place. Here is the code I am using int Sort::MergeSort(int* list, int ...

fpdf Tables: Cell Splitting/Merging

I am trying to generate a pdf which contains a table with split/merged cells looking like so: Cell | Cell       | Cell Cell | C1 | C2 | Cell        | C1 | C2 | Cell I am using fpdf and was referred to the multicell table script, which I have used previously in similar pdfs. I looked at the code and can't think of a way to make the cell...

PHP Merge 2 mysql Results

Hi there I execute 2 query's on 2 diffrend servers with the same table structure. How can I merge the 2 Arrays in PHP? Thanks ...

How to get modified file from base file and diff file ?

Consider the following example : $ls base.txt base-modified.txt $diff base.txt base-modified.txt > diff.txt $rm base-modified.txt $ I want the base-modified.txt from base.txt and diff.txt... Can anyone suggest a way ? ...

Unexpected subversion conflict behavior (Conflict with no conflicts)

I've been getting frustrated with some subversion conflicts i've been getting for a long time now. I'm talking about when I do an update on a file and it says there are conflicts, so I open the file and there's no <<<< >>>> stuff in there. In tortoisesvn or visualsvn I go "Edit Conflicts" and there are no red conflict zones. On the fi...

Merging two SQL SELECT statements

I need to merge two SELECT statements. There are two tables in my database, where table A consists of two fields; Type and Counter. Table B consists of two fields; Source and destination. Table A has three items; { 1, 5000 }, { 2, 10000 } and { 3, 15000 }. ({Type, Counter}) Table B has two items; ...

Is merging a merge back a problem in subversion?

Here's the situation: On a particular branch, some changes have been merged in from the trunk, and also changes to the branch have been merged back into the trunk. The question I have is this: What, if anything, does the merge management in Subversion do if I try to merge back into the trunk from the branch a revision that was in itself...

Databinding, dataset with datarelations, and refreshing single DataTable from DB

In a nutshell: I have a DataSet with multiple DataTables inside, which are connected via multiple DataRelations. I've created a form using databinding on this DataSet, and you could say it is pretty complex. The scenarios is next: the main purpose of the form is the insertion of a new record. For it to be inserted, various parent-child ...

Merge tip from an unrelated repository with Mercurial

I have two unrelated repositories 'public' and 'develop': prj/ public/ develop/ 'develop' has lots of commits, 'cause here is where I work. Maybe even multiple heads From time to time I want publish a snapshot of the development repository. From the public folder I could do this: >hg pull -f ../develop >hg merge >hg commit -m "a...