
Is it better to use a separate commit message for a git merge?

I come from an SVN background so I'm not sure what the typical git workflow looks like. When you merge in SVN, you provide a commit message describing the merge. This is necessary because SVN's merge-tracking has historically been poor. I noticed that git's default behavior is to automatically commit the results of the merge if it is su...

Pushing to remote repository after merge "creates new remote heads" - is that bad?

I initialized a Mercurial project on Machine A, committed my changes and uploaded them to a remote repository. Then I cloned that repository on Machine B, committed some additional changes and uploaded them to the same remote repository. In both cases, I uploaded the changes with the same command: hg push https://username:password@do...

What is the preferred merge method for SQL Server 2005?

I have mainly been using the Exists Method for merging a row into a table but I am considering switching to the Row Count Method. Is there any reason not to? Exists Method If Exists(Select * From Table Where ID = @ID) Begin Update Table Set Value = @Value Where ID = @ID End Else Begin Insert Into Table (Value) Values (@Va...

git merge: keep one side for some files, manual merge the rest

In a merge with conflicts, is there a way to tell git to keep one version for a set of files? $ git checkout some_branch $ git merge origin/master $ ? ...

git & Cygwin - trailing whitespace causes "not uptodate"

Git on Windows w/ Cygwin is fraught with dangers. However there's one that's really starting to bug me. It's related to the core.autocrlf=true behaviour. After spending a week trawling the 'net it became clear that the problems you'll encounter are less bad with this set. However, if a file has a line with trailing whitespace on the end...

How to use beyond compare as a external svn diff tool

I want to configure it so that svn diff filename shows the diff in beyond compare. I am on ubuntu. On a related note what is everyone using to diff and merge. BC is awesome on windows, but very ugly looking on Linux, imo. ...

subversion merge - "has different repository root than"

I'm working on a relatively new project using Subversion. I've already branched off a couple of times and merged that branch back to trunk with no problems. However, my latest merge is failing - and it seems to be tied into the fact that I added a new file to the branch that does not yet exist on the trunk (in this case, GradientView.h)....

Java recursion and Merge Sort

Hi y'all, I'm trying to write a simple merge sort program in Java, I'm seeing a lot of red in Eclipse. I'm still a beginner, and don't quite see whats wrong. thanks. -Kyle public class merge{ public static int[] mergeSub(int[] array, int left, int right){ if(left<right) { int mid = (left+right)/2; int[] a = ...

How does Mercurial handle splitted files?

How does mercurial handle splitted files? What will happen if I create a branch and split a file. Can I easily pull changes from another branch which modifies the original, unsplitted file? ...

Merging users' history in SVN

Is there any way to merge two users' history into one user in SVN? ...

Merge tool capable of merging conflicting changes

I'm currently using TortoiseSVN to do a merge of two branches and I've found that its not smart enough to handle a specific merging senario. In one branch I have a method as follows: MyMethod(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3) In the other branch I have the same method as follows: MyMethod(parameter1, parameter2, parameter4) Tort...

What is the correct way to handle repeated merges of an SVN branch?

Here we have have an SVN repository with a trunk and a branch for development on a new release. The branch is nearing ready for release now so I decided to reintegrate the branch back down to the trunk. Obviously there were some conflicts. Including quite a lot of tree conflicts from files that had been deleted in the trunk. I resolved...

Programmatically Diff/Merge Xml Documents

First, let me begin by telling you the details on the problem I'm trying to solve. We have a third party application that uses Xml Documents to store all of it's business logic and look up tables and such. The application has a base set of Xml Files, and uses a kind of inheritance model to expose inherited Xml files that we're to edit t...

git-p4 and pulling from other repos

I have a laptop and a desktop, for which I'm trying to learn to use git to manage my work against a perforce repository. I'm using git-p4 successfully on the desktop, and can use it successfully on the laptop as well, in isolation. However, one of the things I'd like to be able to do is to "pull" or "push" changes from the laptop to de...

Quality of TFS 2008 merged code

Does the quality of code merged by TFS 2008 depend on the used programming language? I know merging in Java / Subversion, and merging a branch to its trunk usually does not create much conflicts. Now in my company, we use VB.NET. When I merge two files TFS does not always get code blocks right, e.g. does not find the right If..then / end...

Can Mercurial merge a named-branch that isn't a head?

Basically, I have dev branch, and what I like to do is to create a feature branch while I implement something, and then merge it back. So situations like the following occurs a b c d - dev / e f - feature Since dev isn't a head, is it still possible to bring dev up to feature such that both dev and feature are pointing to f? I'm...

Creating a new Pdf by Merging Pdf documents using TCPDF [php]

How can I create a new document using other pdfs that I'm generating? I have methods to create some documents, and I want to merge them all in a big pdf, how can I do that with TCPDF? I do not want to use other libs. ...

Reconciling a new BindingList into a master BindingList using LINQ

I have a seemingly simple problem whereby I wish to reconcile two lists so that an 'old' master list is updated by a 'new' list containing updated elements. Elements are denoted by a key property. These are my requirements: All elements in either list that have the same key results in an assignment of that element from the 'new' list...

What's the difference between git reset --hard and git reset --merge

In my experiments I haven't been able to find any functional difference between git reset --hard and git reset --merge The usage instructions don't give any hint either --hard reset HEAD, index and working tree --merge reset HEAD, index and working tree I regularly use the --hard option so understa...

Create a new branch with correct parent /child relationships in TFS

On our TFS server we have a branch structure like this 9 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0 Where each branch is a child of the branch above it, so that it's easy for developers to merge changes they make to all subsequent versions (e.g. changes in 8.2 up to 8.3 and 9). I now need to add a branch for 8.4 and here is where my problem is occurring. I can...