
Why Lucene merge indexes ?

I want to know why Lucene merge indexes ? It's better to say , why does not Lucene merge all indexes to one index ? What is the advantage of this merging method ? ...

Is it possible to take 2 sounds and save them as one?

Hi, Is it possible to take 2 sounds and save them as one sound file? Thanks. ...

Three-way-merge - different philosophies?

I've been a user of UltraCompare Pro since it first came out, and I think it's a very full-featured compare and merge tool. However, since I have been looking more closely into DVCS, I found that it handles three-way merges differently than (most?) other tools out there. So I wonder why that is, and whether I'm missing something because ...

What git branching models actually work - the final question

In our company we have successfully deployed git and we are currently using a simple trunk/release/hotfixes branching model. However, this has it's problems, I have some key issues of confusion in the community which would be awesome to have answered here. Maybe my hopes for an Alexander stroke are too great, quite possibly I'll decompos...

Subversion - Do I need to reintegrate if I don't merge from trunk

Hi, I have read quite a bit about the need to re-integrate when you merge from a branch back to the trunk in SVN (This article was really helpful The problem seems to come from the fact that people are regularly updating the branch from the trunk which means that the final...

Git cherry pick and datamodel integrity

Given that two branches have diverged and a specific commit from one branch (and not everything) needs to be introduced to the other, git cherry pick achieves exactly that. After some time there is the need to completely merge the two branches. How will git know that it has already the commit that was cherry picked in the past so that ...

What do the different columns (of letters) mean for the svn merge output?

The output of SVN merge has 4 columns of letters listed before the file name. I understand the meaning of the letters (mostly) but I can't find any information on the meanings of the columns and so only have a vague understanding based on context. Can anyone point me to the documentation on this? Based on context I've been able to infer...

Merge XML files with configurable rules (context: Maven POMs, Java)

Hi, I'm currently writing some kind of a Maven POM preprocessor that assembles a POM for a project from multiple input files (basically a template and a module specific file). The files are hierarchically ordered (template = most general, module specific = least general). The problem is now to merge these files into a single POM file. ...

Tracking SVN changes through multiple merges

At work we use a branching strategy where all changes start off in a development branch, then subsequently make their way through one or more integration branches, and finally end up in a release branch. Occasionally (more often than I'd like) I find myself needing to figure out where a particular change originated (which development br...

SCD2 + Merge Statement + SQL Server

I am trying work out with MERGE statment to Insert / Update Dimension Table of Type SCD2 My source is a Table var to Merge with Dimension table. My MERGE statement is throwing an error as: The target table 'DM.DATA_ERROR.ERROR_DIMENSION' of the INSERT statement cannot be on either side of a (primary key, foreign key) relati...

DeltaXML Diff like library for .Net?

We are currently using DeltaXML in our .Net application to analyse two versions of .xml files regarding their differences, but since DeltaXML is a java application/library, we're looking for a more homogeneous way to accomplish that task. Does anyone know a .Net diff library similiar to DeltaXML? ...

How would I merged nested dictionaries in a list in python?

for example if i had the result [{'Germany': {"Luge - Men's Singles": 'Gold'}}, {'Germany': {"Luge - Men's Singles": 'Silver'}}, {'Italy': {"Luge - Men's Singles": 'Bronze'}}] [{'Germany': {"Luge - Women's Singles": 'Gold'}}, {'Austria': {"Luge - Women's Singles": 'Silver'}}, {'Germany': {"Luge - Women's Singles": 'Bronze'}}] [{'Austr...

TortoiseSVN lists files as modified, but they are identical

I am merging a hot fix from our QA branch back into our Dev branch. Five files have changed. I do a fresh checkout of the Dev branch. I then do a merge (range of revisions) from QA into the Dev working copy. It brings in five files and there is a conflict on an external and ignore property -- which I resolve by "using local" (dev). ...

batch file to merge .js files from subfolders into one combined file

I'm struggling to get this to work. Plenty of examples on the web, but they all do something just slightly different to what I'm aiming to do, and every time I think I can solve it, I get hit by an error that means nothing to me. After giving up on the JSLint.VS plugin, I'm attempting to create a batch file that I can call from a Visua...

Does docx merging in TortoiseSVN work?

I'm trying to use some scripts that came from TortoiseSVN to do some docx merges, but the script doesn't seem to be working right. Has anybody used this feature in TortoiseSVN? How does it normally work? ...

Svn: revert file content changes without reverting any related mergeinfo?

If you've done a merge you may find, before committing the changes, that actually you don't want to accept any of the changes merged into one of the affected files. So you do e.g.: $ svn revert foo.c However this also seems to revert the mergeinfo related to this file. So when you do a subsequent merge it will merge in exactly the same...

Core Data Errors vs Exceptions Part 3

My question is similar to this one. Background I'm creating a large number of objects in a core data store using NSOperations to speed things up. I've followed all the Core Data multithreading rules - I've got a single persistent store coordinator and a managed object context per thread that on save is merging back to the main managed...

Merging updated code from parallel Subversion repository

I was wondering what steps people generally take when it comes to merging a live (continually updated) SVN respository with an offline one (updated less often), as an example, take my scenario: A while ago I downloaded the BugTracker.NET system when it was at version 3.2.3. I've subsequently make some enhancements to the code for our bu...

Select statement that combines similar rows with certain ids?

hi I have a warehouse_products table which defines how many products in the warehouses so lets say I have 20 records/rows in the table, some rows may contain the same product id but in a different warehouse I need to create select statement that give every product one row, and in this row I must have the quantity in warehouse A and wa...

How to merge if/else statements in JS?

Hello! I'm wondering how to merge these JS if/else statements correctly? if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('dosomething', foo, false); } else { document.addEventListener('dosomething', foo, false); } if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('dosomething', foo); } else { document.attachEvent('dosomething', foo);...