
iPhone - Merge keys in a NSArray (Objective-C)

Hi everyone, I'm having troubles with arrays and keys... I have an array from my database: NSArray *elementArray = [[[menuArray valueForKey:@"meals"] valueForKey:@"recipe"] valueForKey:@"elements"] The problem here is that I would like all my elements of all my meals of all my menus in an array such that: [elementArray objectAtIndex:0...

Loading Temp Table in SSIS from source on differenct Server

How can i Load Temptable on Server B by reading data from Server A in Dataflow task. ...

How can I synchronise two datatables and update the target in the database?

I am trying to synchronise two tables between two databases. I thought that the best way to do this would be to use the DataTable.Merge method. This seems to pick up the changes, but nothing ever gets committed to the database. So far I have: string tableName = "[Table_1]"; string sql = "select * from " + tableName; ...

SVN merge from project root is missing some files?

My current working copy is /opt/project, this is the up to date copy of the branch from To pull changes that are committed to trunk back into my working copy, I have been running this command: svn merge ^/trunk This seemed to work in that it would update various files when commits happene...

Problem with Mergesort in C++

vector<int>& mergesort(vector<int> &a) { if (a.size() == 1) return a; int middle = a.size() / 2; vector<int>::const_iterator first = a.begin(); vector<int>::const_iterator mid = a.begin() + (middle - 1); vector<int>::const_iterator last = a.end(); vector<int> ll(first, mid); vector<int> rr(mid, last); vec...

How to merge two didctionaries in C# with duplicates

Hi, Is there a way in C# to merge two dictionaries? I have two dictionaries that may has the same keys, but I am looking for a way to merge them so, in the end there is a dictionary with one key and the values from both the dictionaries merged. I found the following code but it does not handle duplicates. Dictionary Mydictionary<string...

Excel Merge() vs MergeCells

Hi, I'm using VSTO, C#, and Excel but VBA probably applies here as well. What's the difference between calling the Merge(missing) method on a range and setting the MergeCells property to true? Does Merge() fail more often? Thanks! ...

How do I git reset --hard HEAD on Mercurial?

I'm a Git user trying to use Mercurial. Here's what happened: I did a hg backout on a changeset I wanted to revert. That created a new head, so hg instructed me to merge (back to "default", I assume). After the merge, it told me I still had to commit. Then I noticed something I did wrong when resolving a conflict in the merge, and decid...

How to configure Mercurial to use Kompare when merging?

I've tried adding merge=kompare to my ~/.hgrc, but when I run hg merge, it runs kompare, but there's no UI to be seen. Hg says merging path/to/first-file and stays there, actionless. ...

Handle Union of List in C# with duplicates

Hi, I am trying to understand how to handle union or merge of two lists that can have duplicates. For example, List1 has { A, B, C} and List2 has { B, C, D }. I tried to use the Union operation and got a new list with values (A, B, C, D}. However, I need the B & C values from the second list, not first one. Is there a way to specify the ...

SVN merge adding parameters. WTF? Or how to do big merges?

I am doing an SVN merge for a branch, and in one of the files I see this: GetQueryReferenceData(int sessionId, Int32 sessionId) Which means that the merge tool just added another parameter without asking any questions. Imagine if it was a call to Substring(0) and in another branch it would be Substring(0,2). That is completely differe...

How to force rebase when same changes applied to both branches manually?

My repository looks like: X - Y- A - B - C - D - E branch:master \ \ \ \ merge master -> release \ \ M --- BCDE --- N branch:release Here "M - BCDE - N" are manually (unfortunately!) applied changes approximately same as separate comm...

How can I force a subscriber to be synchronized from a local snapshot?

Hello, I have a SQL 2005 server replicating(merge\push) to SQL 2005 and SQL 2000 servers. I have multiple subscribers spread througout the United states. I have set , @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N'false', @alt_snapshot_folder = N'c:\snapshots\Merge\' (sample location). I take the snapshot from the publisher that is in the same locat...

Is there any way to svn diff or svn merge across multiple non-sequential revisions at once?

So in SVN you can do things like: svn merge -r555:558 svn diff -c551 but (as far as I know) there is no way to do: svn merge -r555:558, 592:594 svn diff -c551, 557, 563 For merges you can always just do several commands in sequence: svn merge -r555:558 svn merge -r592:594 but for diffs doing that will just result in multiple dif...

git-svn merge 2 svn branches

I'm using svn. I have two branches and on both of them were performed a lot of changes. In addition of one of the branches a lot of files were renamed, so now svn can not help me merge changes in those files (well know svn limitation). Is it possible using git-svn to perform the merge of the branches? Will git-svn handle renamed files ...

How do I "merge" two separate git repositories of the same website without losing commit data?

I have two separate git repositories for the same version of a single website. Version 2.0 was completely redone from the ground up. There is no bridge between the two repositories. I would now like to merge the two into a single repository, but maintain the separation. I have already tagged

Git: Make one branch exactly like another

I am relatively new to Git, and I'm still not very comfortable with it. Right now, I'm looking for the command/options/magic that can make the current branch look like another branch; that is, to merge them, but when a conflict arises, to always choose the difference in the branch that is being merged into the current one. My situatio...

using or in mysql and merging columns

I can select using or with the sql statement select f.userid, f.friend_userid from friends f where userid = 1 or friend_userid = 1; now either userid or friend_userid is returning 1. i want the two columns i.e userid and friend_userid to get merged into a single column without 1 such that only one row is displayed... the output i ...

Is there a way to link the unversioned directory created by svn export to its branch in SVN?

I have a copy of the contents of an svn branch locally without any .svn folders. The equivalent of the output of an svn export of that branch. I'd like to link up this directory to its corresponding branch in version control, without having to do an svn checkout followed by manually merging my changes in. Is there some way to do this ea...

Is this a bad version of the Merge Sort algorithm?

merge1(int low, int high, int S[], U[]) { int k = (high - low + 1)/2 for q (from low to high) U[q] = S[q] int j = low int p = low int i = low + k while (j <= low + k - 1) and (i <= high) do { if ( U[j] <= U[i] ) { S[p] := U[j] j := j+1 } else ...